Or. Admin. R. 437-004-0790

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 6, June 1, 2024
Section 437-004-0790 - Use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas or Natural Gas in Fields and Orchards
(1) Scope. This applies to the storage and use of liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas, in fields and orchards, to fuel or power stationary orchard heaters, fans, and other such fixed equipment. It does not cover portable orchard and field equipment. OAR 437-004-0780 covers all other uses of these gases.
(2) Definitions.
(a) Approved -- See universal definition in 4/B.
(b) Competent person -- See universal definition in 4/B.
(c) Labeled -- See universal definition in 4/B.
(d) Liquefied petroleum gases -- "LPG" and "LP-Gas" -- Any material made mostly of any of the following hydrocarbons, or mixtures of them; propane, propylene, butane (normal butane or iso-butane), and butylenes.
(e) Listed -- See universal definition in 4/B.
(a) Components. The tank regulator and all components in between must be labeled, listed or approved.
(b) All piping and end use components, like fans and heaters, must be on the low pressure side of approved regulators.
(4) Installation. Installation of systems and equipment that use liquefied petroleum gas must only be by persons licensed according to ORS 480.410 through .460 and must conform to OAR 837, division 30. (Contact the Office of State Fire Marshal for more information on these requirements.)
(5) Welding. Do not weld on parts of the system subject to pressure.

Or. Admin. R. 437-004-0790

OSHA 4-1998, f. 8-28-98, cert. ef. 10-1-98; OSHA 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 5-15-01

Stat. Auth.: ORS 654.025(2) & ORS 656.726(4)

Stats. Implemented: ORS 654.001 - ORS 654.295