NOTE: The term "combustible liquid" is still used by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) system of classification and by the Oregon State Fire Marshal to classify liquids that will burn but do not ignite as easily as flammable liquids. The NFPA system defines some chemicals as "combustible liquids" that would be included as a category of "flammable liquid" in the OSHA/GHS classification system. (See Appendix A to Subdivision 4/H, 437-004-0720 Flammable Liquids, for a comparison of the GHS and NFPA systems of classification of flammable/combustible liquids.)
NOTE: Throughout this division, the term "farming," "agriculture," "production agriculture," and "agricultural operations" are synonymous.
NOTE: Examples of some common flammable liquids are:
Category 1: Diethyl ether (solvent sometimes used in starting fluid).
Category 2: Gasoline (Benzene, Ethanol).
Category 3: Kerosene, Stoddard Solvent.
Category 4: Diesel fuel, Naphthalene.
NOTE: See Division 2/Z, 1910.1200 Hazard Communication Standard, for more information.
NOTE: "Place of employment" does not include a place where the only employment involves nonsubject workers employed in or about a private home; or a farm where only the farm's family members are employed.
Or. Admin. Code § 437-004-0100
Stat. Auth.: ORS 654.025(2) & 656.726(3)
Stats. Implemented: ORS 654.001 - 654.295