The director may certify five or more employers as a self-insured employer group if the employers, as a group, meet all the requirements of this rule.
(11)Financial strength analysis. The financial reports submitted by the self-insured employer group under OAR 436-050-0175(1) must contain information sufficient to calculate the financial ratios described in this section. The points awarded for each ratio will be used to determine the self-insured employer group's financial strength under section (12) of this rule. (a) For the purposes of calculating the financial ratios under this section: (A) The face value of a self-insured employer's irrevocable standby letter of credit (ISLOC) used to satisfy the director's requirement for a security deposit, may not be included in the self-insured employer group's reported assets;(B)Current assets include all assets that may be reasonably expected to be converted into cash, or could become the equivalent of cash, within one year in the normal course of business;(i)Cash must include all readily available and unrestricted funds such as bills, coin, or checking account balances. Cash does not include funds held in special deposit or escrow accounts where some degree of legal constraint against their use exists;(ii) Current assets include, but are not limited to, cash, accounts receivable, inventory, prepaid expenses, and investments, marketable securities and bonds that mature within one year or may be converted to cash without penalties or fees; and(iii) Current assets must not include fixed assets, accumulated depreciation, intangible assets, or investments, marketable securities, or bonds with maturity dates of one year or longer;(C)Current liabilities are debts and obligations expected to be due within the next year; (i) Examples of such liabilities include accounts payable, notes payable, accrued taxes, and wages and salaries owed to workers; and(ii) Current liabilities do not include debts or claims on assets that will be due a year or more in the future or long-term liabilities intended to provide more permanent funds for the business, including bank loans and long-term bonds;(D)Earned contributions are the net revenues from group members' contributions; (i) Financial statements and reports may otherwise refer to this component as net premium, member contributions, or operating revenue; and(ii) At the director's discretion, excess insurance premiums may be deducted from earned contributions when there is a reasonable likelihood of performance by the excess insurance carrier; and(E)Adjusted net worth is the net worth reported in the financial statement of the self-insured employer group less disallowed assets; (i) Disallowed assets are prepaid expenses, inventory, and accounts receivable over 90 days old; and(ii) Financial statements and reports may otherwise refer to adjusted net worth as net position, net assets, surplus, owner's equity, or shareholders' equity. The adjusted net worth is the total assets minus the sum of the total liabilities and the disallowed assets.(b) The current ratio is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities. A maximum of six points are possible for the current ratio, to be awarded as follows: Ratio ------------------- Points
At least 2 ------------ = 6 points
At least 1.75 --------- = 5 points
At least 1.6 ----------- = 4 points
At least 1.4 ----------- = 3 points
At least 1.25 ---------- = 2 points
At least 1 -------------- = 1 point
Less than 1 ------------ = 0 points
(c) The cash ratio is calculated by dividing cash by current liabilities. A maximum of six points are possible for the cash ratio, to be awarded as follows: Ratio ---------------------- Points
At least 50% ----------- = 6 points
At least 40% ----------- = 5 points
At least 30% ----------- = 4 points
At least 25% ----------- = 3 points
At least 20% ----------- = 2 points
At least 10% ----------- = 1 point
At least 5% ------------ = 0 points
(d) The premium-to-surplus ratio is calculated by dividing earned contributions by the group's adjusted net worth. A maximum of six points are possible for the premium-to-surplus ratio, to be awarded as follows: Ratio ---------------------- Points
Less than 1 ------------- = 6 points
Less than 1.5 ----------- = 5 points
Less than 2 ------------- = 4 points
Less than 2.25 --------- = 3 points
Less than2.5 ----------- = 2 points
Less than 2.75 --------- = 1 point
2.75 or more ----------- = 0 points