Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 410-125-0000 - Determining When the Patient Has Medical Assistance
- Section 410-125-0020 - Retroactive Eligibility
- Section 410-125-0030 - Hospital Hold
- Section 410-125-0040 - Title XIX/Title XXI Clients
- Section 410-125-0041 - Non-Title XIX/XXI Clients
- Section 410-125-0045 - Coverage and Limitations
- Section 410-125-0047 - Repealed
- Section 410-125-0050 - Client Copayments
- Section 410-125-0080 - Inpatient Services
- Section 410-125-0085 - Outpatient Services
- Section 410-125-0086 - Prior Authorization for FCHP/MHO Clients
- Section 410-125-0090 - Inpatient Rate Calculations - Type A, Type B, and Critical Access Oregon Hospitals
- Section 410-125-0095 - Hospitals Providing Specialized Inpatient Services
- Section 410-125-0101 - Hospital-Based Nursing Facilities and Medicaid Swing Beds
- Section 410-125-0102 - Medically Needy Clients
- Section 410-125-0103 - Medicare Clients
- Section 410-125-0115 - Non-Contiguous Area Out-of-State Hospitals - Effective for services rendered on or after October 1, 2003
- Section 410-125-0120 - Transportation To and From Medical Services
- Section 410-125-0121 - [Effective until 6/29/2025] Contiguous Area Out-of-State Hospitals - Effective for services rendered on or after October 1, 2003
- Section 410-125-0121 - [Effective 6/29/2025] Contiguous Area Out-of-State Hospitals - Effective for services rendered on or after October 1, 2003
- Section 410-125-0124 - Retroactive Authorization
- Section 410-125-0125 - Free-Standing Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities
- Section 410-125-0140 - Prior Authorization Does Not Guarantee Payment
- Section 410-125-0141 - [Effective until 6/29/2025] DRG Rate Methodology
- Section 410-125-0141 - [Effective 6/29/2025] DRG Rate Methodology
- Section 410-125-0142 - Graduate Medical Education Reimbursement for Public Teaching Hospitals
- Section 410-125-0146 - Supplemental Reimbursement for Public Academic Teaching University Medical Practitioners
- Section 410-125-0150 - Disproportionate Share
- Section 410-125-0155 - Upper Limits on Payment of Hospital Claims
- Section 410-125-0162 - Hospital Transformation Performance Program
- Section 410-125-0165 - Transfers and Reimbursement
- Section 410-125-0170 - Death Occurring on Day of Admission
- Section 410-125-0175 - Hospitals Providing Specialized Outpatient Services
- Section 410-125-0180 - Public Rates
- Section 410-125-0181 - [Effective until 6/29/2025] Non-Contiguous and Contiguous Area Out-of-State Hospitals - Outpatient Services
- Section 410-125-0181 - [Effective 6/29/2025] Non-Contiguous and Contiguous Area Out-of-State Hospitals - Outpatient Services
- Section 410-125-0190 - Outpatient Rate Calculations - Type A, Type B, and Critical Access Oregon Hospitals
- Section 410-125-0195 - Outpatient Services In-State DRG Hospitals
- Section 410-125-0200 - Time Limitation for Submission of Claims
- Section 410-125-0201 - Independent ESRD Facilities
- Section 410-125-0210 - Third Party Resources and Reimbursement
- Section 410-125-0220 - Services Billed on the Electronic 837I or on the Paper UB-04 and Other Claim Forms
- Section 410-125-0221 - Payment in Full
- Section 410-125-0230 - Qualified Directed Payments
- Section 410-125-0360 - Definitions and Billing Requirements
- Section 410-125-0400 - Discharge
- Section 410-125-0401 - Definitions: Emergent, Urgent, and Elective Admissions
- Section 410-125-0410 - Readmission
- Section 410-125-0450 - Provider Preventable Conditions
- Section 410-125-0550 - X-Ray or EKG Procedures Furnished in Emergency Room
- Section 410-125-0600 - Non-Contiguous Out-of-State Hospital Services
- Section 410-125-0620 - Special Reports and Exams and Medical Records
- Section 410-125-0640 - Third Party Payers - Other Resources, Client Responsibility and Liability
- Section 410-125-0641 - Medicare
- Section 410-125-0720 - Adjustment Requests
- Section 410-125-1020 - Filing of Cost Statement
- Section 410-125-1040 - Accounting and Record Keeping
- Section 410-125-1060 - Fiscal Audits
- Section 410-125-1070 - Type A and Type B Hospitals
- Section 410-125-1080 - Documentation
- Section 410-125-2000 - Access to Records
- Section 410-125-2020 - Post Payment Review
- Section 410-125-2030 - Recovery of Payments
- Section 410-125-2040 - Provider Appeals - Administrative Review
- Section 410-125-2060 - Provider Appeals - Hearing Request
- Section 410-125-2080 - Administrative Errors