The Commission shall adopt a work plan for each application to revise an urban area boundary. The work plan should contain an estimate of the time and steps needed to review the application, which may vary among applications depending on Commission staffing, budget and resources, and other agency work. At a minimum, the work plan shall include the steps and time periods in sections 060 through 090 in this division. The start date, steps, and time periods shall be set considering commission staffing level, budget and resources, other agency work, and adequate time for public review. The work plan is only an estimate; the Executive Director may require information or procedure not listed in the work plan; skip procedures and information requirements listed in the workplan; or lengthen or shorten time to complete steps in the workplan without permission from the Commission.
Or. Admin. Code § 350-040-0055
Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.150 & RCW 43.97.015
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.150, RCW 43.97.015 & 16 U.S.C. § 544 et seq.