Or. Admin. R. 340-226-0130

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 6, June 1, 2024
Section 340-226-0130 - Highest and Best Practicable Treatment and Control: Typically Achievable Control Technology (TACT)

For existing sources, the emission limit established will be typical of the emission level achieved by emissions units similar in type and size. For new and modified sources, the emission limit established will be typical of the emission level achieved by well controlled new or modified emissions units similar in type and size that were recently installed. TACT determinations will be based on information known to DEQ while considering pollution prevention, impacts on other environmental media, energy impacts, capital and operating costs, cost effectiveness, and the age and remaining economic life of existing emission control devices. DEQ may consider emission control technologies typically applied to other types of emissions units where such technologies could be readily applied to the emissions unit. If an emission limitation is not feasible, a design, equipment, work practice, operational standard, or combination thereof, may be required.

(1) Existing Sources. An existing emissions unit must meet TACT for existing sources if:
(a) The emissions unit is not already subject to emission standards for the regulated pollutant under OAR 340 divisions 224, 230, 340-232-0010 through 340-232-0240, OAR 340 divisions 234, 236, or 238, 340-240-0110 through 340-240-0180, 340-240-0310(1), 340-240-0320 through 340-240-0430;
(b) The source is required to have a permit;
(c) The emissions unit has emissions of criteria pollutants equal to or greater than 5 tons per year of particulate or 10 tons per year of any gaseous pollutant; and
(d) DEQ determines that air pollution control devices and emission reduction processes in use for the emissions unit do not represent TACT, and that further emission control is necessary to address documented nuisance conditions, address an increase in emissions, ensure that the source is in compliance with other applicable requirements, or protect public health or welfare or the environment.
(2) New and Modified Sources. A new or modified emissions unit must meet TACT for new or modified sources if:
(a) The new or modified emissions unit is not subject to Major NSR in OAR 340 division 224, a Type A State NSR action under OAR 340 division 224, an applicable Standard of Performance for New Stationary Sources in OAR 340 division 238, 340-240-0110 through 340-240-0180, 340-240-0310(1), 340-240-320 through 340-240-0430, or any other standard applicable only to new or modified sources in OAR 340 divisions 230, 234, 236, or 238 for the regulated pollutant emitted;
(b) The source is required to have a permit;
(c) The emissions unit:
(A) If new, would have emissions of any criteria pollutant equal to or greater than 1 ton per year in any area, or of PM10 equal to or greater than 500 pounds per year in a PM10 nonattainment area; or
(B) If modified, would have an increase in emissions from the permitted level for the emissions unit of any criteria pollutant equal to or greater than 1 ton per year in any area, or of PM10 equal to or greater than 500 pounds per year in a PM10 nonattainment area; and
(d) DEQ determines that the proposed air pollution control devices and emission reduction processes do not represent TACT.
(3) Before making a TACT determination, DEQ will notify the owner or operator of a source that it intends to make such a determination using information known to DEQ. The owner or operator of the source may supply DEQ with additional information by a reasonable date set by DEQ.
(4) The owner or operator of a source subject to TACT must submit, by a reasonable date established by DEQ, compliance plans and specifications for DEQ's approval. The owner or operator of the source must demonstrate compliance in accordance with a method and compliance schedule approved by DEQ.

NOTE: This rule is included in the State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan that EQC adopted under OAR 340-200-0040

Or. Admin. R. 340-226-0130

DEQ 19-1993, f. 11-4-93 & cert. ef. 1-1-94; DEQ 22-1996, f. & cert. ef. 10-22-96; DEQ 14-1999, f. & cert. ef. 10-14-99, Renumbered from 340-028-0630; DEQ 6-2001, f. 6-18-01, cert. ef. 7-1-01; DEQ 7-2015, f. & cert. ef. 4/16/2015; DEQ 19-2022, amend filed 11/18/2022, effective 3/1/2023

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 468 & 468A

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 468.020 & 468A.025