Or. Admin. R. 340-214-0220

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 6, June 1, 2024
Section 340-214-0220 - Submission of Emission Statement

The owner or operator of any facility meeting the applicability requirements stated in OAR 340-214-0200 must submit annual Emission Statements to DEQ. The Emission Statement for the preceding calendar year is due to DEQ no later than the due date for the annual permit report specified in the source's ACDP or Oregon Title V Operating Permit.

NOTE: This rule is included in the State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan that EQC adopted under OAR 340-200-0040.

Or. Admin. R. 340-214-0220

DEQ 27-1992, f. & cert. ef. 11-12-92; DEQ 12-1993, f. & cert. ef. 9-24-93, Renumbered from 340-020-0480; DEQ 22-1995, f. & cert. ef. 10-6-95; DEQ 14-1999, f. & cert. ef. 10-14-99, Renumbered from 340-028-1520; DEQ 6-2001, f. 6-18-01, cert. ef. 7-1-01; DEQ 7-2015, f. & cert. ef. 4/16/2015

Stat. Auth.: ORS 468.020 & 468A.050, 468A.070 & 468A.310

Stats. Implemented: ORS 468A.050, 468A.070 & 468A.310