Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 340-163-0050 - Service Provider Insurance Requirements(1) Any firm applying for a service provider license to perform heating oil tank services must first obtain insurance coverage for errors-and-omissions or professional liability that will be used to pay for any additional corrective action necessary as a result of improper or inadequate site assessment, decommissioning or cleanup work. General liability insurance or pollution liability insurance are not acceptable substitutes for the insurance requirements.(2) Insurance must be obtained in the amount of $500,000 per claim or per occurrence, with a total aggregate of $1,000,000, from an insurance company authorized to do business in Oregon. Coverage must remain continuous during the license period and until one (1) year after a firm has ceased to perform heating oil tank services in Oregon.(3) Proof of insurance in the form of a standard insurance policy certificate must be provided to the Department at time of license application and renewal. The certificate of insurance must include the following: (a) The name of the insurance company, policy number, effective dates of coverage, coverage amounts, deductible amount, name of all insured entities, agent's name, address and telephone number; and(b) A 30-day cancellation clause that provides notice to the Department if the insurance is cancelled. Notices must be sent to: Department of Environmental Quality, Underground Storage Tank Program, 811 S.W. Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97204.Or. Admin. Code § 340-163-0050
DEQ 3-2000, f. & cert. ef. 2-17-00Stat. Auth.: ORS 466.706 - ORS 466.895 & ORS 466.995
Stats. Implemented: ORS 466.706