Or. Admin. Code § 333-008-1710
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 333-008-1710 - Medical Marijuana Processors: PRP Criteria and Responsibilities(1) A PRP must: (a) Be 21 years or age or older;(b) Have legal authority to act on behalf of the registered processing site; and(c) Be responsible for ensuring the registered processing site complies with applicable laws.(2) A PRP may not: (a) Have been convicted in any state for the manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in Schedule I or Schedule II within two years from the date of application; or(b) Have been convicted more than once in any state for the manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in Schedule I or Schedule II.(3) At least one PRP must be on site at a processing site during Authority inspections or investigations at the time of the inspection or investigation or within one hour of being notified that an inspection or investigation is taking place.(4) A PRP is accountable for any intentional or unintentional action of a processing site representative, with or without the knowledge of the PRP, who violates ORS 475C.815 to 475C.824 or these rules, and is responsible for any unlawful conduct that occurs on the premises of the processing site or any property outside the registered processing site that is owned by or under the control of the processing site registrant.Or. Admin. Code § 333-008-1710
PH 9-2016, f. 2-26-16, cert. ef. 3/1/2016; PH 21-2016, f. 6-24-16, cert. ef. 6/28/2016; PH 171-2018, minor correction filed 04/30/2018, effective 4/30/2018; PH 220-2018, minor correction filed 05/17/2018, effective 5/17/2018; PH 124-2022, minor correction filed 06/09/2022, effective 6/9/2022Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 475C.815
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 475C.815