Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 330-110-0005 - Purpose, Statutory Authorization, Policy(1) The purpose of these rules is to provide procedures for the Small Scale Local Energy Loan Program and standards and criteria for projects to be met by applicants. These rules are authorized by ORS 469.040, 470.080 and 470.140.(2) It is the goal and policy of the Oregon Department of Energy and the Small Scale Local Energy Project Advisory Committee that these rules and the loan program: (a) Encourage diversity in projects;(b) Develop and maintain a loan portfolio that is reasonably balanced across market sectors and project and borrower types; and(c) Fund energy projects that support the Department's goal for energy efficiency, generation and security without regard to energy source.Or. Admin. Code § 330-110-0005
DOE 12-1980, f. & ef. 12-16-80; DOE 4-1984, f. & ef. 3-6-84; DOE 2-1986, f. & ef. 3-4-86; DOE 2-1998, f. & cert. ef. 9-30-98; DOE 7-2004, f. & cert. ef. 12-20-04; DOE 13-2012, f. & cert. ef. 12-20-12Stat. Auth.: ORS 469 & 470.140
Stats. Implemented: ORS 470.050 - 470.310