Or. Admin. R. 250-015-0008

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
Section 250-015-0008 - License Transfer, Cancellation or Suspension
(1) When a licensed charter boat is sold or otherwise transferred to new ownership the former owner(s) must notify the Board within 15 days of such ownership change by completing the license transfer portion of the charter boat license and submitting it to the Board with the application.
(2) The license transfer portion shall contain such information as is needed to determine whether the valid charter boat license:
(a) Is transferred to the new owner upon sale or transfer of the boat;
(b) Remained with the former owner and will be assigned to a replacement boat; and
(c) The identifying number of such replacement boat.
(3) It shall be the responsibility of the former owner to remove or have removed the assigned charter boat license decals and validation stickers when the license is not transferred with the boat.
(4) Upon determination of the license disposition a new or replacement license will be issued to the appropriate licensee.
(5) A charter boat license may be suspended when a licensee fails to maintain, in full force and effect, the required liability insurance.

Or. Admin. R. 250-015-0008

MB 6-1989, f. 12-20-89, cert. ef. 1-1-90; OSMB 5-2014, f. & cert. ef. 1-15-14

Stat. Auth.: ORS 830.110

Stats. Implemented: ORS 830.430 - 830.460