An excess Lender's Credit may be carried forward for up to 15 years. Carryovers from tax years beginning in 1977 may not be claimed on the taxpayer's 1985 or 1986 corporation excise tax returns. Carryovers from tax years beginning in 1978 may not be claimed on the taxpayer's 1986 corporation excise tax return. For purposes of computing the remaining carryover from tax years beginning in 1977 and 1978, the years in which the credit carryover was not allowed reduces the number of carryover years remaining. Credit carryovers from tax years beginning in 1979 and later may be claimed in tax years beginning in 1985 and 1986. In addition to the Lender's Credit Form (150-102-125) a separate schedule showing how the amount of unused credit carryover is computed shall be attached to the return for tax years that the unused credit carryover is being claimed.
Or. Admin. Code § 150-317-0210
Forms referenced are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 305.100
Stats. Implemented: ORS 317.111