Or. Admin. Code § 141-088-0060

Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 141-088-0060 - Restrictions for the State-Owned Banks of the Willamette River in the Vicinity of Wheatland Bar Island and Willamette Mission State Park and Adjacent Upland

All state-owned land that is under the jurisdiction of the Department that is between the line of ordinary high water and the line of ordinary low water on the Willamette River, and all state-owned upland that is managed by the Department that is also in the vicinity of, or that comprises Wheatland Island or Willamette Mission State Park is closed to:

(1) All uses between 10 PM and 5 AM throughout the year,
(2) Open fires at any time beginning May 1 and ending November 1 of every year, and
(3) All-terrain vehicles or other motorized vehicle uses except for those involved in the loading or unloading of recreational watercraft and parking during allowable use periods (i.e, 5 A.M to 10 P.M.).

Or. Admin. Code § 141-088-0060

DSL 2-2004, f. & cert. ef. 6-11-04

Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, 273 & 274

Stats. Implemented: ORS 273& 274