Or. Admin. R. 137-076-0043

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
Section 137-076-0043 - Submission of Bills
(1) Requests for payment of crime related expenses shall be submitted in the form of an itemized billing statement detailing the services provided, the provider's name, the date of service and, if necessary, any additional documentation the Department requests.
(2) All bills submitted to the Department for payment consideration must be submitted within 60 days of claim expiration. Failure to submit bills to the Department within this time frame may result in denial of payment.
(3) No payment shall be authorized for services provided after the date of claim expiration as described in ORS 147.035(8) and (9), except:
(a) If a specific medical or dental procedure was commenced by the provider or approved by the Department prior to the date of claim expiration, but completion of the procedure will extend beyond claim expiration. The cost of the procedure and the duration of the treatment must be submitted to and approved by the Department prior to the date of claim expiration. No payment will be authorized for additional expense beyond the approved amount unless such additional expenses occur prior to the date of claim expiration and are approved by the Department. Payment will not be made to a medical or dental provider until services are rendered;
(b) It is a catastrophic claim pursuant to ORS 147.035(10)(a) and OAR 137-076-0037.

Or. Admin. R. 137-076-0043

JD 2-1997, f. & cert. ef. 7-9-97; DOJ 4-2001, f. & cert. ef. 6-1-01; DOJ 3-2017, f. 4-25-17, cert. ef. 4/27/2017; DOJ 7-2024, amend filed 04/29/2024, effective 4/29/2024

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 147.205(1)

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 147.035