(3) ELIGIBLE COSTS. The costs of goods, materials, services including planning and engineering services, construction, permits and fees, and use rights for all following activities necessary and reasonably related to preparing a RSIS are eligible costs: Assembly and consolidation of parcels comprising the RSIS, including real property activities such as surveying, real estate, legal, title, insurance, lot adjustment acquisition or sale of parcels, easements, or rights of way.
(b) Making the ground suitable for new construction or reconstruction including but not limited to the demolition and removal of existing buildings and structures, clearing brush, disposal of materials, geotechnical testing, pilings, drainage, drilling, blasting, fill, or grading.(c) Electricity, natural gas or telecommunications services that are located on or near and directly serve the RSIS and are necessary and reasonable for operations on the site, and to the extent they can be allocated to the site.(d) Water, sanitary sewer or storm sewer services that directly serve the RSIS.(e) Transportation improvements of all kinds that directly serve the RSIS.(f) Development fees imposed by another government, such as systems development charges.(g) Environmental activities to remediate, remove, protect, preserve or mitigate: natural resources, archaeological and cultural resources, or environmental concerns or hazards; including purchase of off-site wetland mitigation credits.(h) Financing costs, including interest, fees and associated expenses.(i) Other activities and costs determined by the Department to be necessary and reasonably related to preparing a RSIS, and to the extent they can be allocated to the site.