Chapter 30 - Taking and Use of Groundwater
- Subchapter 1 - General Provisions (§§ 785:30-1-1 — 785:30-1-6)
- Subchapter 3 - Permit Application Requirements and Processing (§§ 785:30-3-1 — 785:30-3-6)
- Subchapter 5 - Groundwater Permits (§§ 785:30-5-1 — 785:30-5-10)
- Subchapter 7 - Amendments to Groundwater Rights (§§ 785:30-7-1 — 785:30-7-9)
- Subchapter 9 - Maximum Annual Yield Determinations (§§ 785:30-9-1 — 785:30-9-6)
- Subchapter 11 - Administrative Determination of Prior Rights to Groundwater (§§ 785:30-11-1 — 785:30-11-3)
- Subchapter 13 - Miscellaneous Provisions (§§ 785:30-13-1 — 785:30-13-9)
- Subchapter 15 - Water Trapped in Producing Mines (§§ 785:30-15-1 — 785:30-15-6)
- Appendix A - Application for a Permit to Use Groundwater
- Appendix B - Water Protection Plan for Submittal with Applications for a Permit to Use Groundwater [Revoked]
- Appendix D - Identified Springs that Emanate from a Sensitive Sole Source Groundwater Basin