In order to maximize federal financial aid, assistance, participation, financing and/or funding in any public project(s) and/or federal financial aid, participation, funding for and participation in any federal program(s) by the State of Oklahoma, its agencies, public trusts and instrumentalities, or by any Oklahoma municipalities and other political subdivisions, that receive financial aid, assistance, participation, financing and/or funding for and participate in any federal program(s), the State of Oklahoma, its agencies and instrumentalities, and any Oklahoma municipalities and other political subdivisions, may cooperate with the United States Government and any agency or instrumentality thereof, in the manner authorized and provided by federal law and regulation and in doing so may perform all necessary functions and take all necessary actions for accomplishing such federal purposes and programs, including but not limited to, following and/or complying with federal laws, regulations and/or requirements arising from or related to federal financial aid, assistance, participation, financing and/or funding, in the construction, alteration, movement, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, improvement, expansion, operation, maintenance, removal, and demolition of buildings and structures or any appurtenances attached to such buildings or structures, notwithstanding any provisions of any and all uniform building codes and standards adopted by the OUBCC to the contrary.
Okla. Admin. Code § 748:20-4-5