Monies received by the Commission in repayment of scholarships granted from appropriated funds shall be deposited with the State Treasurer who shall place the same to the credit of the Commission in a depository fund. All monies so collected and deposited in the State Treasury as aforesaid shall constitute a continuing fund, shall not be subject to fiscal limitations, and the unexpended balance shall at all times be available for expenditures for the purpose and in the manner and form provided by this act. All funds and property, and income therefrom, received by the Commission through the acceptance of gifts, grants, bequests or devise shall be held by the Commission in trust, and may be sold, transferred, invested and reinvested by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of the Oklahoma Trust Act, and all such funds and property, and income therefrom, shall be used by the Commission in fulfilling and accomplishing the conditions and purposes of the Health Care Workforce Training Commission. [70:625.4]
Okla. Admin. Code § 540:10-1-6