A commercial pet breeder license is not transferable from one person to another, or from one location to another. In case of the sale, lease, or relocation to a new facility of the commercial pet breeder, the commercial pet breeder's license will be immediately revoked on the effective date of the lease, sale, or relocation. The person that will operate the commercial pet breeder facility after the sale, lease, or relocation shall file an initial application and pay the inspection fee 45 days before the effective date of the lease, sale, or relocation; otherwise the person must cease operations and remove all pets before the effective date of the lease or sale. A licensed pet breeder who sells or leases his or her operation shall notify the Board of the sale or lease in writing no later than 10 calendar days after the effective date. In the case of a change of location, the Board shall not issue a license until the new location has been inspected and determined by the Board to be in compliance with the Act and these Rules. The Board may issue to the new owner or lessee, if it so deems appropriate upon an initial review of the application, a temporary license.
Okla. Admin. Code § 532:10-3-9