The following words or terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Abuse" means the causing or permitting of harm or threatened harm to the health, safety, or welfare of a resident by a caretaker responsible for the resident's health, safety, or welfare, including but not limited to: non-accidental physical injury or mental anguish; sexual abuse; sexual exploitation; use of mechanical restraints without proper authority; the intentional use of excessive or unauthorized force aimed at hurting or injuring the resident; or deprivation of food, clothing, shelter, or healthcare by a caretaker responsible for providing these services to a resident.
"ADL" means activities of daily living.
"Administrator" means the person who is in charge of a community residential mental health facility and who devotes at least one-third (1/3) of his or her full working time to on-the-job supervision of the community residential mental health facility.
"Adults who have a serious mental illness" means persons eighteen (18) years of age or older who show evidence of points of (A), (B) and (C) below:
(A) The disability must have persisted for six months and be expected to persist for a year or longer.
(B) A condition or serious mental illness as defined by the most recently published version of the DSM or the International Classification of Disease (ICD) equivalent with the exception of DSM "V" codes, substance abuse, and developmental disorders which are excluded, unless they co-occur with another diagnosable serious mental illness.
(C) The adult must exhibit either (i) or (ii) below:
(i) Psychotic symptoms of a serious mental illness (e.g. Schizophrenia characterized by defective or lost contact with reality, often hallucinations or delusions); or
(ii) Experience difficulties that substantially interfere with or limit an adult from achieving or maintaining one or more developmentally appropriate social, behavioral, cognitive, communicative, or adaptive skills. There is functional impairment in at least two of the following capacities (compared with expected developmental level):
(I) Impairment in self-care manifested by a person's consistent inability to take care of personal grooming, hygiene, clothes and meeting of nutritional needs.
(II) Impairment in community function manifested by a consistent lack of appropriate behavioral controls, decision-making, judgment and value systems which result in potential involvement or involvement with the criminal justice system.
(III) Impairment of social relationships manifested by the consistent inability to develop and maintain satisfactory relationships with peers.
(IV) Impairment in family function manifested by a pattern of disruptive behavior exemplified by repeated and/or unprovoked violence, disregard for safety and welfare of self or others (e.g., fire setting, serious and chronic destructiveness, inability to conform to reasonable limitations and expectations.
(V) Impairment in functioning at school or work manifested by the inability to pursue educational or career goals.
"Clubhouse" means a psychiatric rehabilitation program currently certified as a Clubhouse through the International Center for Clubhouse Development (ICCD).
"CMHC" means community mental health center.
"Continuity of care agreements" means an agreement between the community residential mental health facility and providers of critical and comprehensive community based behavioral health services, including but not limited to a provider of inpatient behavioral health care and a local provider of community-based behavioral health services. Continuity of care agreements shall specify the responsibility of each entity related to assuring continuous and coordinated care on behalf the residents.
"Co-occurring disorder" means any combination of mental health and substance abuse symptoms or diagnosis in a resident.
"Corporal punishment" means any physical punishment including, but not limited to punching, slapping, kicking, spanking, or whipping.
"Crisis stabilization" means emergency, psychiatric, and substance abuse services for the resolution of crisis situations and may include placement of an individual in a protective environment, basic supportive care, and medical assessment, and, if needed, referral to an ODMHSAS certified facility having nursing and medical support available.
"Direct care staff" means any staff member who, in the performance of his or her routine duties has contact with residents and is required to meet the training requirements for community residential mental health staff as listed in the "Standards and Criteria for Community Mental Health Residential Facilities".
"Enhanced residential care facility" means a community residential mental health facility meeting all statutory and regulatory requirements of the ODMHSAS and OSDH and which specifically serves only "Adults who have a serious mental illness" who cannot be accommodated in a non-enhanced community residential mental health facility.
"General psychiatric rehabilitation program" or "PSR" means a type of psychiatric rehabilitation program which focuses on long term recovery and maximization of self-sufficiency, role function and independence. General psychiatric rehabilitation programs may be organized within a variety of structures which seek to optimize the participants' potential for occupational achievement, goal setting, skill development and increased quality of life.
"Health care services" means services provided by health care professionals and includes, but is not limited to dentists, optometrists, and podiatrists.
"Independent living skills, assistance in development of" means all activities directed at assisting individuals in the development of skills necessary to live and function within the community.
"ODMHSAS" means the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
"Oklahoma Administrative Code" or "OAC" means the publication authorized by 75 O.S. § 256 known as The Oklahoma Administrative Code, or, prior to its publication, the compilation of codified rules authorized by 75 O.S. § 256(A) (1) (a) and maintained in the Office of Administrative Rules.
"OSDH" means Oklahoma State Department of Health.
"Personal care" means assistance with meals, dressing, movement, bathing, or other personal needs, or general supervision of the physical and mental well-being of a person who is currently unable to maintain a private, independent residence, or who has limited abilities in the managing of his or her person, whether or not a guardian has been appointed for such person.
"Recovery" means a journey of healing and transformation enabling a person with a mental health and/or substance abuse diagnosis to live a meaningful life in the community of his or her choice while striving to achieve his or her full potential. The process of recovery leads individuals toward the highest level of autonomy of which they are capable. Key characteristics of recovery include:
(A) Recovery is self directed, personal and individualized (not defined by treatment providers or agencies);
(B) Recovery is holistic. Recovery is a process through which one gradually achieves greater balance of mind, body and spirit in relation to other aspects of one's life that can include family, work and community;
(C) Recovery moves beyond symptom reduction and relief (i.e. meaningful connections in the community, overcoming specific skill deficits, establishing a sense of quality and well-being);
(D) Recovery is both a process of healing (regaining) and a process of discovery (moving beyond);
(E) Recovery encompasses the possibility for individuals to test, make mistakes and try again; and
(F) Recovery can occur within or outside the context of professionally directed treatment.
"Registered/licensed dietitian" means a person who is registered as a dietitian by the American Dietetic Association and licensed by the Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision.
"Resident" means a person residing in a residential care facility certified by ODMHSAS.
"Residential care facility" or "RCF" means any house, home, establishment or institution licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Residential Care Home Act 63 O.S., §§ 1-819 through 1-840, other than a hotel, fraternity or sorority house, or college or university dormitory, is certified pursuant to 43 O.S. § 3-315 as a Community Residential Mental Health Facility and offers or provides residential accommodations, food service and supportive assistance to its residents or houses any resident requiring supportive assistance that are ambulatory, essentially capable of managing their own affairs and not routinely requiring nursing care or intermediate care.
"Restraint" refers to manual, mechanical, and chemical methods that are intended to restrict the movement or normal functioning of a portion of the individual's body.
"Seclusion" means the placement of an individual or individuals alone in a room or other area from which egress is prevented by a physical barrier.
"Socialization activities" means all activities which encourage interaction and the development of communication, interpersonal, social and recreational skills, and can include client education.
"Special need (persons with)" means any persons with a condition which is considered a disability or impairment under the "American with Disabilities Act of 1990" including, but not limited to the deaf or hard of hearing, visually impaired, physically disabled, developmentally disabled, persons with disabling illness, persons with mental illness. See "Americans with Disabilities Handbook," published by U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and U.S. Department of Justice.
"Supportive assistance" means the service rendered to any person which is sufficient to enable the person to meet an adequate level of daily living. Supportive assistance includes but is not limited to housekeeping, assistance in the preparation of meals, assistance in the safe storage, distribution and administration of medications, and assistance in personal care as is necessary for the health and comfort of such person. The term "supportive assistance" shall not be interpreted or applied so as to prohibit the participation of residents in housekeeping or meal preparation tasks as a part of the written treatment plan for the training, habilitation or rehabilitation of the resident prepared with the participation of the resident, the mental health or drug or alcohol services case manager assigned to the resident and the administrator of facility, or his or her designee. Supportive assistance shall not include medical service.
Okla. Admin. Code § 450:16-1-2