Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
- Section 380:30-1-1 - Purpose
- Section 380:30-1-2 - Definitions
- Section 380:30-1-3 - Wage and hour claims - generally [REVOKED]
- Section 380:30-1-4 - Wage and hour hearings-generally
- Section 380:30-1-5 - Payment of accrued leave
- Section 380:30-1-6 - Bonuses
- Section 380:30-1-7 - Work without pay and deductions
- Section 380:30-1-8 - Regular wages, overtime and benefits
- Section 380:30-1-9 - Stock options and ownership interest as wages
- Section 380:30-1-10 - Mileage reimbursement and expenses
- Section 380:30-1-11 - Overpayment of wages
- Section 380:30-1-12 - Payment for training required by employer
- Section 380:30-1-13 - Written notice
- Section 380:30-1-14 - Attorneys fees and costs