Okla. Admin. Code § 35:17-3-11

Current through Vol. 42, No. 8, January 2, 2025
Section 35:17-3-11 - Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP)
(a) Prior to the submission of a CAFO license application or modification, each facility shall develop or update a Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) according to the Oklahoma Swine Feeding Operations Act and rules promulgated pursuant to the Act.
(b) The PPP shall include provisions for documentation of structural controls, documentation of operating Best Management Practices (BMPs), a Swine Waste Management Plan, a carcass disposal plan for normal and emergency disposal of carcasses, and record keeping provisions.
(c) The following forms and records shall be maintained by the CAFO for each PPP:
(1) wastewater measurements;
(2) precipitation measurements;
(3) spill reporting forms;
(4) discharge reporting forms;
(5) inspection and maintenance records;
(6) annual inspection records;
(7) preventive maintenance records;
(8) employee annual education records (for LMFO's);
(9) records of manure or wastewater sold or transferred (if applicable);
(10) records of land application of solid manure (if applicable);
(11) records of land application of liquid manure (if applicable);
(12) records of land application of compost from mortalities (if applicable)
(13) mortality management records; and
(14) other site specific information requested by the Department.
(d) The Plan shall identify an individual who is responsible for implementing, maintaining, and revising the PPP.
(e) The PPP for an LMFO shall also include an Odor Abatement Plan (OAP) and a Pest Management Plan (PMP).
(f) Equivalent measures contained in a site specific swine waste management plan prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) may be substituted for the appropriate PPP requirements. An AWMP developed by USDA NRCS can be substituted for the documentation of land application rate calculations.
(g) With Department approval, the owner shall amend the PPP prior to any change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance, which has significant effect on the potential for the discharge of pollutants to the surface or groundwaters of the State.
(h) The owner shall implement appropriate changes to the Plan within ninety (90) calendar days of notification that the plan does not meet one or more specified minimum requirements unless otherwise provided by the Department. If notice of changes is not received by the Department within the prescribed ninety (90) calendar days, the application shall be denied.
(i) In addition to the requirements of the Act, the PPP shall include:
(1) A list of materials that are used, stored, or disposed of at the facility which may cause pollution. A contingency plan for releases of potential pollutants shall also be included. The PPP shall contain a log of any pollutant releases and clean up of those materials. Documentation of releases shall include any corrective action taken to prevent recurrence.
(2) Testing of groundwater, Nitrogen as Nitrate, total Phosphorous, and fecal coliform bacteria levels shall be performed by an Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality certified independent testing laboratory at least annually. All testing shall establish a management record, with all costs paid by the owner. Owners of LMFOs shall sample groundwater annually for electrical conductivity, pH, ammonium-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, total phosphorus, and fecal coliform bacteria.
(3) Soil tests from land application sites shall be performed by an Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality certified testing laboratory or State operated laboratory at least annually. All testing shall establish a management record, with all costs paid by the owner. Owners of LMFOs shall perform soil tests for electrical conductivity, pH, nitrate-nitrogen, ammonium-nitrogen, organic matter, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, available phosphorus, and total nitrogen. Soil test results shall be maintained at the site for as long as the facility is in operation.
(4) Sufficient testing of wastewater in waste storage facilities shall be required at least every three (3) years and performed by a qualified independent testing laboratory. Testing may be required more frequently at an individual facility at the Department's request. All owners of LMFOs shall sample waste retention structure contents annually prior to the first land application of the calendar year. Owners of LMFOs shall sample waste retention structure contents for ammonium-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, total phosphorus, electrical conductivity, pH, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, total nitrogen, and total solids. Additional parameters may be required upon request of the Department.
(5) A description of management controls appropriate for the facility. The owner initiates these controls. The appropriateness and priorities of any controls shall reflect the identified sources of pollutants at the facility and conform to criteria established by the Act and the Department.
(A) The location and a description of existing surface water controls. Structural controls shall be inspected at least quarterly each year for structural integrity and maintenance.
(B) Documentation of new or rebuilt retention structure capacity shall be submitted to the Department and shall be based upon input parameters, the assumptions and actual calculations, showing volumes for all intermediate steps, used in determining the appropriate volume capacity. All waste retention structures for LMFOs shall be designed for the maximum number of swine that are or will be licensed at the facility. Retention structure capacity shall be based upon the following, at a minimum:
(i) The runoff volume from open lot surfaces.
(ii) The runoff volume from areas between open lot surfaces and the retention structure.
(iii) The rainfall multiplied by the area of the retention structure.
(iv) The volume of rainfall from any roofed area that is directed into the retention structure.
(v) All waste and process generated wastewater produced during a period of time not less than one-hundred-eighty (180) calendar days, including: volume of wet manure that enters a pond; plus volume of water used for manure or waste removal; plus volume of wash or cleanup water; plus other water, including drinking water that enters the retention structure.
(vi) Volume of a 25-year, 24-hour rainfall event.
(vii) One (1) foot of freeboard below spillway or outlet.
(viii) A water budget analysis shall be performed on all liquid waste retention structures based on the average monthly precipitation taken from a National Weather Service current publication of the previous fifteen (15) years of data, at a minimum.
(C) A description of the design standards for the retention facility embankments. The following minimum design standards are required for construction or modification of a retention structure embankment:
(i) Soils used in the embankment shall be free of foreign material, including trash, brush, and fallen trees.
(ii) The embankment shall be constructed in lifts no more than six (6) inches thick after compaction and compacted to a minimum of 95% of the maximum dry density and 2% of optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D 698 standard proctor test.
(iii) Each lift of the embankment of the retention structures shall be checked to ensure proper compaction and moisture content; all readings shall be recorded and properly documented with minimum information required for documentation to include:
(I) project name,
(II) date,
(III) test method used,
(IV) site name,
(V) technician name,
(VI) location of reading, including sketch, if necessary,
(VII) percent compaction,
(VIII) wet density, pcf,
(IX) dry density, pcf,
(X) moisture content,
(XI) lift number, and
(XII) soils lab name, report number and proctor test results used to obtain field measurements.
(iv) If retention structures are constructed with an emergency spillway, a minimum of one (1) foot of freeboard shall be maintained between the top of the 25-year, 24-hour storm volume and the bottom of the emergency spillway.
(v) An erosion control plan shall be developed and approved by the Department detailing how the owner immediately stabilizes the embankment walls to prevent erosion and deterioration. The plan shall include a preventive maintenance section. Each plan shall be approved on a case by case basis and may include the use of vegetative cover, geomembrane liners, sod, or other Department approved methods for controlling erosion.
(vi) A permanent measuring device shall be maintained in the wastewater retention structure to show the volume required to contain a 25-year, 24-hour rainfall event. The device shall be visible from the top of the levee and a separate mark shall be placed on the measuring device clearly identifying the 25-year, 24-hour rainfall event. Installation of the measuring device shall be performed in a manner to protect the integrity of liner at all times.
(vii) A rain gauge shall be kept on site and properly maintained. A log of all measurable precipitation events shall be kept with the PPP.
(viii) Documentation of method used to ensure liner of the waste retention structure is protected at or below the inlet.
(6) All owners of LMFOs shall install a leak detection system or monitoring wells in accordance with criteria approved by the Department.
(A) Samples of groundwater shall be collected by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry at least annually. The analysis of the water samples shall be performed by a qualified environmental laboratory approved by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality or the relevant certification agency for the state in which the laboratory is located and approved by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry. All costs of analysis shall be the responsibility of the owner of the LMFO.
(i) The frequency of sampling may be reduced to once every three (3) years for those monitoring wells which have been sampled for at least three (3) consecutive years and have always been found to be dry.
(ii) If any subsequent sampling event indicates the monitoring well is no longer dry, that monitoring well shall be sampled pursuant to this subsection.
(B) All waste retention structures shall have sufficient numbers of groundwater monitoring wells upgradient and downgradient in the direction of groundwater flow. All monitoring well locations shall be approved by the Department on a case by case basis.
(C) No monitoring well shall be installed more than one hundred and fifty (150) feet from the crown of the outer berm.
(D) All new monitoring wells shall be drilled through the first aquifer encountered, but need not extend more than fifty (50) feet below the bottom of the waste retention structure. One downgradient monitoring well shall be drilled to the first aquifer encountered or the first impermeable layer, but need not extend more than one hundred (100) feet below the bottom of the waste retention structure.
(E) All monitoring wells shall be drilled and completed by an Oklahoma Water Resources Board licensed monitoring well driller.
(F) If no groundwater is encountered during the drilling operation, the bore hole shall be left open for at least forty eight (48) hours but not over thirty (30) days for the aquifer to recharge the bore hole. Thereafter, the bore hole shall be either developed into a monitoring well or plugged according to Oklahoma Water Resources Board requirements.
(G) All new monitoring wells shall meet the following minimum requirements:
(i) A minimum of two (2) inch diameter PVC casing shall be used with a sealing cap on the bottom.
(ii) The casing shall consist of minimum SDR-21 rated casing with a minimum SDR-21 rated factory screen in the saturated zone, or the bottom ten (10) feet if no groundwater is encountered.
(iii) Perforated zone shall be gravel or sand packed originating at the bottom of the screen and extending to two (2) feet above the top of the screen, and otherwise as appropriate for the installation.
(iv) Bentonite shall be placed in the annular space of the well above the gravel or sand pack for an interval of at least two (2) feet to form an impermeable seal.
(v) A cement grout or a mixture of bentonite and cement shall be placed above the bentonite seal to prevent seepage from entering behind the pipe and causing hydrologic connection.
(vi) At least the top ten (10) feet of the annular space shall be filled with type A cement.
(vii) A concrete apron, minimum of four (4) inch thickness and two (2) feet from the casing shall be installed at the surface to prevent seepage of rain water into the bore hole. The apron shall be sloping away from the casing to avoid percolation of rain water.
(viii) A lockable protective cap shall be placed on top of the casing, which shall be a metal protective casing extending two (2) feet above the concrete apron and one (1) foot into the apron. The well shall remain securely capped and locked at all times, except during sampling events.
(ix) Within thirty (30) days of installation, a copy of the Oklahoma Water Resources Board approved Multi-Purpose Completion Form shall be submitted to the Department.
(x) Existing monitoring wells shall be evaluated on a case by case basis by the Department to determine equivalency. Monitoring wells previously required and approved by the Department shall be considered equivalent.
(H) Groundwater monitoring wells shall be sampled at least annually for electrical conductivity, pH, ammonium-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, total phosphorus, and fecal coliform bacteria.
(I) Owners of LMFOs may install a leak detection system instead of monitoring wells. The system shall be approved by the Department on a case by case basis.
(7) The following records, in addition to those required by the Act, shall be maintained at the site for a minimum of three (3) years:
(A) Weekly measure of water level in the retention facility;
(B) Quarterly inspection and maintenance reports;
(C) Copies of waste retention structure liner specifications and design plans and any other information required by the Department directly related to the construction, installation, or future modification or operation of the swine feeding operation;
(D) Copies of groundwater sample laboratory analyses;
(E) Waste retention structure(s) contents sample laboratory analyses;
(F) Dates of inspections of the retention structure and a log of the findings of the inspections;
(G) A rain gauge shall be kept on site and properly maintained. A log of all measurable precipitation events shall be kept with the PPP;
(H) If swine wastes are sold or given to other persons for disposal, the owner of the LMFO shall maintain a log of the following:
(i) Date of removal from the swine feeding operation,
(ii) Name of hauler, and
(iii) Amount in wet tons, dry tons, gallons, or cubic yards of waste removed from the swine feeding operation;
(I) A log of employee training and education shall be maintained at the site;
(J) A complete inspection of the site shall be performed at least annually by the owner. A report documenting the findings of the inspection shall be prepared and retained which includes the operative status of the check valves system on applicable wells;
(K) Records of incidents including spills, discharges, and other information describing the pollution potential and quantity of the discharge shall be included in the records. Inspections and maintenance activities shall be documented and recorded; and
(L) Records documenting significant observation made during the site inspection shall be retained as part of the PPP.
(8) The following records, in addition to those required by the Act, shall be maintained at the site as long as the facility is in operation:
(A) Documentation of no significant impact, if applicable,
(B) Copy of Notice of Intent (NOI) or Notice of Termination (NOT), if applicable,
(C) Copy of AgPDES General Permit, if applicable,
(D) Copies of soil samples/test/laboratory results from land application fields, and
(E) A notarized sworn statement signed by the owner accepting full responsibility for properly closing all waste retention structures upon termination of the swine feeding operation.
(9) Within twenty-four (24) hours of identifying a discharge, a licensee shall be required to report the discharge to the Department. The licensee shall be required to submit an additional, final report to the Department upon clean-up and receipt of discharge analysis.

Okla. Admin. Code § 35:17-3-11

Added at 15 Ok Reg 102, eff 10-13-97 (emergency); Added at 15 Ok Reg 2508, eff 6-25-98 ; Amended at 15 Ok Reg 4247, eff 9-2-98 (emergency); Amended at 16 Ok Reg 1717, eff 6-11-99 ; Amended at 24 Ok Reg 1763, eff 6-25-07 ; Amended at 25 Ok Reg 1795, eff 7-1-08 ; Amended at 29 Ok Reg 903, eff 7-1-12 ; Amended at 30 Ok Reg 813, eff 7-1-13

Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 35, Issue 24, September 4, 2018, eff. 9/14/2018
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 37, Issue 24, September 1, 2020, eff. 9/14/2020