- Section 340:100-5-15 - Developmental Disabilities Services Division case manager activities
- Section 340:100-5-16 - Individual Habilitation Plan [REVOKED]
- Section 340:100-5-17 - Habilitation services - professional and paraprofessional [REVOKED]
- Section 340:100-5-18 - Employment services [REVOKED]
- Section 340:100-5-19 - Support services [REVOKED]
- Section 340:100-5-20 - Respite Voucher Program
- Section 340:100-5-21 - Family training and counseling [REVOKED]
- Section 340:100-5-22 - Residential services
- Section 340:100-5-22.1 - [Effective until 9/14/2025] Community residential supports
- Section 340:100-5-22.1 - [Effective 9/14/2025] Community residential supports
- Section 340:100-5-22.2 - Assisted Living without Waiver supports
- Section 340:100-5-22.3 - Authorization for community residential supports [REVOKED]
- Section 340:100-5-22.4 - Residential options for Homeward Bound class members
- Section 340:100-5-22.5 - Supported living services
- Section 340:100-5-22.6 - Alternative group home
- Section 340:100-5-22.7 - Supplemental room and board funding for persons receiving Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers
- Section 340:100-5-23 - Specialized foster care contracted by individuals [REVOKED]
- Section 340:100-5-24 - Adult Companion Services contracted by individuals [REVOKED]
- Section 340:100-5-24.1 - Companion Services/Adult Foster Care contracted by agency [REVOKED]
- Section 340:100-5-24.2 - Guidelines for Department staff for Agency Companion/Adult Foster Care programs [REVOKED]
- Section 340:100-5-25 - Service authorization/client services/service provisions/residential services [REVOKED]
- Section 340:100-5-26 - Health and wellness
- Section 340:100-5-26.1 - Psychotropic medication
- Section 340:100-5-26.2 - End-of-life issues
- Section 340:100-5-26.3 - Health-related services
- Section 340:100-5-27 - Skilled nursing services
- Section 340:100-5-28 - Community health services [REVOKED]
- Section 340:100-5-29 - Monitoring for tardive dyskinesia
- Section 340:100-5-30 - Adult day care
- Section 340:100-5-31 - RESERVED
- Section 340:100-5-32 - Medication administration
- Section 340:100-5-33 - Medication events
- Section 340:100-5-34 - Services for persons with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS)
- Section 340:100-5-35 - [Effective until 9/14/2025] Non-Residential Habilitation Training Specialist (HTS) services
- Section 340:100-5-35 - [Effective 9/14/2025] Non-Residential Habilitation Training Specialist (HTS) services
- Section 340:100-5-35.1 - Habilitation training specialist (HTS) services in acute care hospitals
- Section 340:100-5-36 - Community maintenance services