The following words and terms when used in this subchapter shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"ADL" means the activities of daily living. Activities of daily living are activities that reflect the member's ability to perform self-care tasks essential for sustaining health and safety such as:
(A) bathing,
(B) eating,
(C) dressing,
(D) grooming,
(E) transferring (includes getting in and out of a tub, bed to chair, etc.),
(F) mobility,
(G) toileting, and
(H) bowel/bladder control.
"Cognitive Impairment" means that the person, as determined by the clinical judgment of the Long Term Care Nurse or the information obtained in the Uniform Comprehensive Assessment Test Tool (UCAT) assessment does not have the capability to think, reason, remember or learn required task for self-care, communicating needs, directing care givers and/or using appropriate judgment for maintenance of their own health or safety. The clinical judgment of cognitive impairment is based on mental status questionnaire performance in combination with a more general evaluation of cognitive function from interaction with the person during the UCAT assessment.
"Developmental Disability" means a severe, chronic disability of an individual that:
(A) is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments;
(B) is manifested before the individual attains age 22;
(C) is likely to continue indefinitely;
(D) results in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity:
(i) self-care;
(ii) receptive and expressive language;
(iii) learning;
(iv) mobility;
(v) self-direction;
(vi) capacity for independent living; and
(vii) economic self-sufficiency; and
(E) reflects the individual's need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic services, supports, or other assistance that is of lifelong or extended duration and is individually planned and coordinated.
"IADL" means the instrumental activities of daily living.
"Instrumental activities of daily living" means those activities that reflect the member's ability to perform household chores and tasks within the community essential for sustaining health and safety such as:
(A) shopping,
(B) cooking,
(C) cleaning,
(D) managing money,
(E) using a telephone,
(F) doing laundry,
(G) taking medication, and
(H) accessing transportation.
"Intellectual Disability" means that the person has, as determined by a Preadmission Screening Resident Review level II evaluation, substantial limitations in functional ability due to significantly sub-average intellectual functioning related to an event occurring before the age of eighteen (18).
"Level of Care Services" To be eligible for level of care services, meeting the minimum Uniform Comprehensive Assessment Test criteria established for skilled nursing facility or hospital level of care demonstrates the individual must:
(A) require a treatment plan involving the planning and administration of services that require the skills of licensed or otherwise certified technical or professional personnel, and are provided directly or under the supervision of such personnel;
(B) have a physical impairment or combination of physical, mental and/or functional impairments;
(C) require professional nursing supervision (medication, hygiene and/or dietary assistance);
(D) lack the ability to adequately and appropriately care for self or communicate needs to others;
(E) require medical care and treatment in order to minimize physical health regression or deterioration;
(F) require care that is not available through family and friends, Medicare, Veterans Administration, or other federal entitlement program with the exception of Indian Health Services; and
(G) require care that cannot be met through Medic-aid state plan Services, including Personal Care, if financially eligible.
"MSQ" means the mental status questionnaire.
"Progressive degenerative disease process that responds to treatment" means a process such as, but not limited to, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's Disease, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), that, untreated, systematically impairs normal body function which leads to acute illness and/or disability but that reacts positively to a medically prescribed treatment intervention (usually medication) which arrests or significantly delays the destructive action of the process.
Okla. Admin. Code § 317:50-1-2