Current through Vol. 42, No. 8, January 2, 2025
Section 317:35-6-64.1 - Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA)(a)Conditions for TMA.(1)Transitional Medical Assistance. Health benefits are continued when the benefit group loses eligibility due to new or increased earnings of the parent(s)/caretaker relative or the receipt of spousal support. The health benefit coverage is of the same amount, duration, and scope as if the benefit group continued receiving SoonerCare. Eligibility for TMA begins with the effective date of case closure or the effective date of closure had the income been reported timely. An individual is included for TMA only if that individual was eligible for SoonerCare and included in the benefit group at the time of the closure. To be eligible for TMA the benefit group must meet all of the requirements listed in (A) - (C) of this paragraph.(A) At least one member of the benefit group was included in at least three of the six months immediately preceding the month of ineligibility. (B) The health benefit cannot have been received fraudulently in any of the six months immediately preceding the month of ineligibility. (C) The benefit group must have included a dependent child who met the age and relationship requirements for SoonerCare and whose needs were included in the benefit group at the time of closure, unless the only eligible child is a Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipient. (2)Closure due to spousal support. Health benefits are continued if the case closure is due to the receipt of new or increased payments for spousal support in the form of alimony. The needs of the parent(s)or caretaker relative must be included in the benefit group at the time of closure. The health benefits are continued for four months.(3)Closure due to new or increased earnings of parent(s) or caretaker relative. Health benefits are continued if the closure is due to the new or increased earnings of the parent(s) or caretaker relative. The needs of the parent(s)or caretaker relative must be included in the benefit group at the time of closure. The parent(s) or caretaker relative is required to cooperate with OKDHS Oklahoma Child Support Services during the period of time the family is receiving TMA.(4)Eligibility period. Health benefits may be continued for a period up to 12 months if the reason for closure is new or increased earnings of the parent(s) or caretaker relative. This period is divided into two six-month periods with eligibility requirements and procedures for each period. (A)Initial six-month period.(i) The benefit group is eligible for an initial six-month period of TMA without regard to income or resources if: (I) an eligible child remains in the home; (II) the parent(s) or caretaker relative remains the same; and (III) the benefit group remains in the state. (ii) An individual benefit group family member remains eligible for the initial six-month period of TMA unless the individual: (I) moves out of the state, (III) becomes an inmate of a public institution, (IV) leaves the household, (V) does not cooperate, without good cause, with the OKDHS Oklahoma Child Support Services or third party liability requirements. (B)Additional Six-month period.(i) Health benefits are continued for the additional six-month period if: (I) an eligible child remains in the home; (II) the parent(s) or caretaker relative remains the same; (III) the benefit group remains in the state; (IV) the benefit group was eligible for and received TMA for each month of the initial six-month period; (V) the benefit group has complied with reporting requirements in subsection (g) of this Section; (VI) the benefit group has average monthly earned income (less child care costs that are necessary for the employment of the parent or caretaker relative) that does not exceed the 185% of the Federal Poverty Level (see SoonerCare Income Guidelines); and (VII) the parent(s) or caretaker relative had earnings in each month of the required three-month reporting period described in (g)(2) of this Section, unless the lack of earnings was due to an involuntary loss of employment, illness, or other good cause. (ii) An individual benefit group family member remains eligible for the additional six-month period unless the individual meets any of the items listed in (4)(A)(ii) of this paragraph. (b)Income and resource eligibility.(1) The unearned income and resources of the benefit group are disregarded in determining eligibility for TMA. There is no earned income test for the initial six-month period. (2) Health benefits are continued for the additional six-month period if the benefit group's countable earnings less child care costs that are necessary for the employment of the parent(s) or caretaker relative are below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level (see the standards on the OHCA website or the OKDHS Form 08AX001E, Schedule I.A) and the benefit group meets the requirements listed in (a)(4)(B). (A) The earnings of all benefit group members are used in determining the earned income test. The only exception is that earnings of full time students included in the benefit group are disregarded. (B) Income is determined by averaging the benefit group's gross monthly earnings (except full time student earnings) for the required three-month reporting period. (C) A deduction from the benefit group's earned income is allowed for the cost of approved child care necessary for the employment of the parent(S) or caretaker relative. The child care deduction is averaged for the same three-month reporting period. There is no maximum amount for this deduction. (D) All individuals whose earnings are considered are included in the benefit group. The family size remains the same during both reporting periods. (c)Eligible child. When the SoonerCare benefit is closed and TMA begins, the benefit group must include an eligible child whose needs were included in the SoonerCare benefit at the time of closure, unless the only eligible child is a SSI recipient. After the TMA begins, the benefit group must continue to include an eligible child. Age is the only requirement an eligible child must meet.(d)Additional members. After the TMA begins, family members who move into the home cannot be added to the TMA coverage. This includes siblings and a natural or adoptive parent(s) or caretaker relative. If the additional member is in need of health benefits, an application for services under the SoonerCare program is completed. If a benefit group member included in TMA leaves the home and then returns, that member may be added back to TMA coverage if all conditions of eligibility are met.(e)Third party liability. The benefit group's eligibility for TMA is not affected by a third party liability. However, the benefit group is responsible for reporting all insurance coverage and any changes in the coverage. The worker must explain the necessity for applying benefits from private insurance to the cost of medical care.(f)Notification.(1)Notices. Notices are sent to the benefit group, both at the onset of and throughout the TMA period. These notices, which are sent at specific times, inform the benefit group of its rights and responsibilities. When SoonerCare is closed and the benefit group is eligible for TMA, the computer generated closure notice includes notification of the continuation of health benefits. Another computer generated notice is sent at the same time to advise the benefit group of the reporting requirements and under what circumstances the health benefits may be discontinued. Each notice listed in (A)-(C) of this paragraph includes specific information about what the benefit group must report. The notices serve as the required advance notification in the event benefits are discontinued as a result of the information furnished in response to these notices. (A)Notice #1. Notice #1 is issued in the third month of the initial TMA period. This notice advises the benefit group of the additional six-month period of TMA, the eligibility conditions, reporting requirements, and appeal rights.(B)Notice #2. Notice #2 is issued in the sixth month of the TMA period, but only if the benefit group is eligible for the additional six-month period. This notice advises the benefit group of the eligibility conditions, reporting requirements, and appeal rights.(C)Notice #3. Notice #3 is issued in the ninth month of the TMA period, or the third month of the additional six-month period. This notice advises the benefit group of the eligibility conditions, the reporting requirements, appeal rights, and the expiration of TMA coverage.(2)Notices not received. In some instances the benefit group does not receive all of the notices listed in (1) of this subsection. The notices and report forms are not issued retroactively.(g)Reporting. The benefit group is required to periodically report specific information. The information may be reported by telephone or by letter.(1) The benefit group must report: (A) gross earned income of the entire benefit group for the appropriate three-month period; (B) child care expenses, for the appropriate three-month period, necessary for the continued employment of the parent(s) or caretaker relative; (C) changes in members of the benefit group; (E) third party liability. (2) The reporting requirement time frames are explained in this subparagraph. (A) The information requested in the third month must be received by the 21st day of the fourth month and is used to determine the benefit group's eligibility for the additional six-month period. While this report is due in the fourth month, negative action cannot be taken during the initial period for failure to report. If the benefit group fails to submit the requested information, benefits are automatically suspended effective the seventh month. If action to reinstate is not taken by deadline of the suspension month, the computer automatically closes the case effective the next month. (B) The information requested in the sixth month must be furnished by the 21st day of the seventh month. The decision to continue benefits into the eighth month is determined by the information reported. (C) The information requested in the ninth month must be furnished by the 21st day of the tenth month. The decision to continue health benefits into the 11th month is determined by the information reported. When the information is not reported timely, the TMA is automatically suspended by the computer for the appropriate effective date. If the benefit group subsequently reports the necessary information, the worker determines eligibility. If all eligibility factors are met during and after the suspension period, the health benefits are reinstated. The effective date of the reinstatement is the same as the effective date of the suspension so the benefit group has continuous medical coverage. (h)Termination of TMA. The TMA coverage is discontinued any time the benefit group fails to meet the eligibility requirements as shown in this Section. If it becomes necessary to discontinue the TMA coverage for the benefit group or any member of the benefit group, the individual(s) must be advised that he or she may be eligible for health benefits under the SoonerCare program and how to obtain these benefits.(i)Receipt of health benefits after TMA ends. To ensure continued medical coverage a computer generated recertification form is mailed to the benefit group during the third month of TMA for benefits closed due to the receipt of child or spousal support or the 11th month of TMA for benefits closed due to increased earnings. The benefit group must return the form prior to the termination of the TMA benefits. When determined eligible, health benefits continue as SoonerCare, not TMA. If the benefit group fails to return the recertification form, TMA benefits are terminated.Okla. Admin. Code § 317:35-6-64.1
Added at 22 Ok Reg 105, eff 5-1-04 (emergency); Added at 22 Ok Reg 2522, eff 7-11-05; Amended at 27 Ok Reg 711, eff 2-4-10 (emergency); Amended at 27 Ok Reg 1471, eff 6-11-10Amended by Oklahome Register, Volume 33, Issue 23, August 15, 2016, eff. 9/1/2016