Current through Vol. 42, No. 8, January 2, 2025
Section 310:678-3-6 - [Effective until 9/14/2025] OCA investigation procedures for cases involving vulnerable adults(a)Initiation of OCA investigation initiation. OCA within its investigative scope and authority, conducts a prompt and thorough investigation upon receiving a report of maltreatment of a vulnerable adult who is a recipient of home and community based waiver services, State Plan Personal Care (SPPC) services, living choice waiver services, medically fragile waiver services, or a Hissom Class Member, or a resident of the Greer Center. (1) An OCA investigator initiates an investigation when they make face-to-face contact with the vulnerable adult, who is the alleged victim.(2) The OCA investigator initiates the investigation as soon as possible within five calendar days, not to exceed 120 hours from the time of the referral receipt.(3) In the case of an emergency when a priority response is required, an OCA investigator initiates the investigation as soon as possible, but not to exceed 24 hours from the date of case assignment.(4) During an investigation, when the OCA investigator has concerns that the vulnerable adult victim may be engaging in acts of self-neglect or needs involuntary protective services or court intervention, the OCA investigator promptly makes a referral to the OKDHS Adult Protective Services (APS) and coordinates with APS to ensure the vulnerable adult's safety.(b)Joint investigations with law enforcement. Investigations regarding vulnerable adults are conducted jointly with law enforcement when possible.(c)Reportable incident regarding vulnerable adults. The OKDHS vulnerable adult investigations include allegation notification to the local law enforcement agency, per 43A O.S. § 10-105.(d)Investigation notice provided to vulnerable adult's caretaker (VAC), legal guardian, and next of kin.(1) As soon as possible after initiating an investigation of a referral regarding a vulnerable adult, OKDHS provides the alleged victim's caretaker, legal guardian, and next of kin, notice that includes a brief oral summary and a written description of the investigation process, regardless of whether the caretaker, guardian, or next of kin is alleged to be the perpetrator of the abuse, neglect, or exploitation of the vulnerable adult, per 43A O.S. § 10-105.1.(2) When the vulnerable adult retains the capacity to consent to voluntary services and does not want a caretaker or next of kin to receive an investigation notification, OKDHS abides by the vulnerable adult's wishes.(e)Facility or provider administrator responsibility to arrange document production, visits, and interviews. The applicable facility or provider agency administrator or the administrator's designee arranges document production, site visits, and interviews per OCA request. The facility or provider administrator or the administrator's designee who employed the accused VAC at the time of the alleged incident informs the employee of:(1) the OCA investigator's name and phone number;(2) the investigative process described in this Section;(3) the employee's rights and responsibilities relating to the investigation described in (h) of this Section, using the prescribed form or forms approved by OSDH, or a substantially similar provider or agency form, and, a copy of which is provided to the OCA investigator;(4) the allegation made against the VAC without divulging the reporting party's identity or the substance of the evidence; and(5) obtains the signature of the CSW on the forms listed in (3) of this subsection and provides a copy to the OCA investigator.(f)OCA access to victims, employees, clients, facilities, files, and other records.(1) Per 43A O.S. § 10-105, the OKDHS investigation includes:(A) a visit to the home or other place of residence of the person who is the subject of the report;(B) a private interview with the person who is the subject of the report; and(C) consultation with persons who have knowledge of the circumstances.(2) The applicable facility or provider administrator or the administrator's designee arranges for the OCA investigator to have immediate and direct access to any alleged victim in the referral who is still a client of the facility or provider.(3) During an OCA investigation, OKDHS, ODRS, OMDHSAS, providers, and facilities and persons who contract with them, provide OCA access to all employees, clients, facilities, locations, files, and records of any nature that may pertain to the investigation.(4) Denying access may be grounds for a contract termination between OKDHS and the contractor.(g)Discrimination, retaliation, or interference in an OCA investigation prohibited.(1) 21 O.S. § 455 states it is a felony to:(A) willfully prevent or attempt to prevent any person who make an abuse or neglect report, pursuant to 43A O.S. § 10-104 from giving testimony or producing any record document or other object; or(B) threaten physical harm through force or fear, cause or procure physical harm, harass or cause a person to be harassed because of testimony in a civil or criminal trial proceeding or because of making a report of child abuse or neglect.(2) An OKDHS employee who interferes with an OCA investigation may be subject to administrative action. Interference includes, but is not limited to: (A) intimidating, harassing, or threatening a party to the investigation;(B) retaliation against an employee for reporting an allegation; or(C) denying access to clients, employees, facilities, witnesses, records, or evidence.(3) 43A O.S. § 10-104 states no employer shall terminate the employment, prevent or impair the practice or occupation of or impose any other sanction on any employee solely for the reason the employee made or caused to be made a report, or cooperated with an investigation pursuant to the Protective Services for Vulnerable Adults Act, 43A O.S. § 10-101 et seq.(h)Rights and responsibilities of accused VAC. The rights and responsibilities of the accused VAC during an OCA investigation are outlined in this subsection.(1)Rights. During the investigation process, an accused VAC has the right to: (A) be advised of the nature of each allegation made against him or her;(B) be advised by OCA of the investigative process involving caretaker maltreatment.(C) be interviewed by the OCA investigator and allowed to give his or her position regarding the allegation;(D) be advised by the OCA investigator of the substance of the evidence against him or her, but not the reporting party's identity;(E) submit or supplement a written statement relating to the allegations;(F) seek advice from other parties concerning a his or her rights and responsibilities in OCA investigations, including the right to seek counsel;(G) decline to answer any question when he or she reasonably believes the answer to the question may incriminate him or her in a criminal prosecution; and(H) be notified in writing by his or her employer of the investigation's outcome when the investigation involves a VAC.(2)Responsibilities. During the investigative process, the accused VAC has the responsibility to:(A) prepare written statements and reports relevant to the investigation, upon request;(B) be available for interviews and accommodate the OCA investigator with scheduling interviews;(C) refrain from action that interferes with the investigation including any action that intimidates, threatens, or harasses any person who has or may provide information relating to the allegation; and(D) provide pertinent information and respond fully and truthfully to questions.(i)VAC address and email. During the investigative process the accused VAC provides OCA with a current mailing address and email address, if applicable. (1) It is the responsibility of the accused VAC to promptly notify OCA of any changes in mailing address or email address.(2) OKDHS sends all subsequent communications concerning the investigation and administrative actions to the last known mailing address or email address as applicable, as provided by the accused VAC.(3) OKDHS may serve notice of investigative findings as provided in this Section and administrative actions per OAC 310:678-3-10 to the last known mailing address or email address as applicable as provided by the accused VAC.(4) Failure to notify OCA of any changes in mailing address or email address may result in placement of the accused VAC in the Community Services Worker Registry.(j)Educational employees. This subsection applies to an educational employee who is either a witness or the accused VAC in an OCA investigation.(1) The facility or provider agency administrator where the incident took place notifies the school principal of the nature of the allegation and the assigned OCA investigator's name.(2) OCA investigates educational employees who meet the caretaker definition, per this subsection.(k)Contractor's employees. This subsection applies to an employee of a provider or facility contractor when the employee is an accused VAC in an OCA investigation.(1) The facility or provider administrator where the incident took place notifies the contractor chief administrative officer of the nature of the allegation against the contractor's employee and the assigned OCA investigator's name.(2) The contractor chief administrative officer is responsible for notifying the contract employee of the reason for the investigative review, advising the employee of his or her rights and responsibilities related to the OCA investigation, and arranging for the employee's appearance at an investigative interview. This requirement is for notification purposes and to coordinate with the investigative process. The facility or provider administrator where the alleged incident took place is responsible for client protection.(l)Document collection and review. The OCA investigator gathers and reviews relevant documents including, but not limited to:(1) incident reports and other written reports, accounts, and statements prepared during the preliminary assessment;(3) photographs, videos, or both;(4) facility or provider logs;(5) activity and tracking documents;(6) the vulnerable adult's Individual Plan (IP); and(7) all relevant OKDHS DDS documents and forms.(m)Investigative interviews. When there is an alleged injury, the OCA investigator or other appropriate person observes, notes, and documents apparent injuries and obtains pertinent medical documentation, including photographic evidence. Interviews are conducted in private. No person other than the OCA investigator and the person interviewed is allowed to attend an interview except for a person necessary to facilitate communication. An attorney or other representative of the interviewee attends an interview only as a silent observer with OSDH's prior permission.(n)Interview protocols. The OCA investigator conducts a separate private interview with each alleged victim, available witnesses to the alleged maltreatment, and persons who are allegedly directly or indirectly involved in the allegation, persons with knowledge of relevant information, and each accused VAC. At the time of the interview of the accused VAC, if the OCA investigator determines that a signed Address Information Notice Form, has not previously been provided to OCA, the investigator obtains it from the accused VAC. If the interview is being conducted in a manner other than in-person, the investigator reads the Address Information Notice Form to the accused VAC and: (1) obtains verbal acknowledgement of understanding from the accused VAC;(2) records the information on the Address Information Notice Form as provided by the accused VAC; and(3) obtains consent to sign the Address Information Notice Form on behalf of the accused VAC.(o)Recording investigation interviews. OCA interviews are audio-recorded. To maintain information confidentiality provided in an interview, the interviewee and anyone in attendance is not permitted to record the interview. Interview recordings remain with the OCA investigative file.(p)"Plan for Immediate Safety" means the plan for actions taken to immediately control any significant and clearly observable condition that is present and is endangering or threatening to endanger a vulnerable adult.(q)Allegation presentation for witnesses later identified as accused VACs. During an investigation, when a witness is identified as a potential accused VAC, the OCA investigator interviews the witness again to inform the witness that he or she is a potential accused VAC. At the time, the witness is informed of the substance of the evidence and provided an opportunity to respond. The OCA investigator informs the facility or provider agency administrator of the new allegation and of the potential additional accused VAC. The OCA investigator advises the accused VAC of the substance of the new information and provides an opportunity to present a response.(r)Interpreter services for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing or have limited English proficiency. When OCA interviews a person who is deaf or hard of hearing or who has limited English proficiency, OCA provides interpreter services by an independent and qualified interpreter.(s)Areas of concern (AOC) notification. During the investigation, the assigned OCA investigator emails or phones the applicable facility or provider administrator or the administrator's designee and informs him or her of AOCs. When the investigation is completed, all identified AOCs are provided in writing to the facility or agency provider administrator.(t)The written investigative report. After completing the information-gathering portion of the investigative process, the OCA investigator prepares a written investigative report containing: (1) the referral allegation investigated, including date, time, and location of the alleged incident, the date the allegation was reported to OCA, and the assigned OCA case number;(2) a statement of any physical injuries the alleged victim sustained;(3) information regarding involved law enforcement entities;(4) a recommendation for the district attorney to consider further investigation;(5) the applicable definition of caretaker misconduct or the type of maltreatment at issue, such as abuse, neglect, verbal abuse, exploitation, or caretaker misconduct;(6) the findings, per (x) of this Section;(7) a list of the involved parties, titles, and roles in the matter, if they were interviewed and, when they were interviewed, whether the interviews were face-to-face by phone, or virtual;(8) the name, address, and phone numbers of any interpreter employed during the investigation;(9) an explanation of the basis for the findings;(10) a summary of relevant information obtained during each interview conducted during the investigation;(11) a list of relevant documents and records reviewed during the investigation;(12) a list of attachments to the report provided upon request; and(13) an explanation for any delays in meeting the time requirements for completing the investigation report contained in this Section.(u)OCA investigation findings regarding a vulnerable adult. The OCA investigation of a report of vulnerable adult maltreatment of a vulnerable adult results in a written report with findings within 60-calendar days from the referral date.(v)Identification of the responsible VAC. When the evidence gathered during the investigation is sufficient to substantiate vulnerable adult maltreatment but the person responsible for the maltreatment cannot be identified, the substantiated finding is made on an unknown VAC. The facility or provider administration may be named as responsible VAC when the policies, procedures, or practices the administration adopted are the primary factor resulting in individual client maltreatment of individual clients.(w)Notice of maltreatment findings to a vulnerable adult.(1) After the OCA investigation is complete a findings letter is provided to the:(B) legal guardian and next of kin; and(C) facility or provider administrator.(2) When a facility or provider administrator is named as an accused VAC, a findings letter is provided to the facility's or provider's chair of the board of directors, or to the director of the state agency operating the facility, as applicable.(x)Appeal process for substantiated maltreatment findings. The appeal process is provided for accused VACs who disagree with a substantiated maltreatment finding, per OAC 310:678-3-10.(y)Dissemination of OCA investigation reports involving VACs not subject to the CSW Registry.(1) Except as provided in (4) of this subsection and consistent with 43A O.S. § 10-110, a summary of the final OCA investigation report involving a vulnerable adult is sent to the administrator of an affected facility or provider agency. The summary is provided within five (5) business days of the investigation's closure. The administrator is responsible for notifying the accused VAC and the vulnerable adult's legal guardian or next of kin of the OCA finding.(2) When the referral alleges maltreatment, a copy of the report is sent to the applicable district attorney.(3) A copy of the report is also sent to the DDS State Office administrator, ODRS director, or ODMHSAS director, as applicable.(4) When a facility or provider administrator is named as an accused VAC in the allegation, the OCA forwards a summary of the investigative report to the facility or provider agency chair of the board of directors or to the director of the state agency operating the facility.(5) A copy of the OCA report is sent to OSDH when the investigation involves a day treatment program.(6) When the accused VAC is an OKDHS employee, the relevant state office administrator provides the accused VAC with a letter summarizing the allegation and stating the OCA finding.(7) When there is a substantiated finding of client maltreatment by a licensed nurse, a copy of the OCA report is submitted to the Oklahoma State Board of Nursing.(8) When appropriate in cases involving a vulnerable adult, a copy of the OCA report is sent to any state agency with concurrent jurisdiction over persons or issues identified in the investigation. This includes but is not limited to, OSDH and any appropriate state licensure or certification board, agency, or registry and includes sending OSDH a copy of any report when at least one of the accused VACs is a certified nurse aide.(9) When there is substantiated maltreatment by a guardian, a copy of the OCA investigation report is submitted to the applicable guardianship court.(10) OCA distributes the investigation report by mail, fax, or email while maintaining confidentiality of materials.(z)Dissemination of investigation reports involving Hissom Class Members (HCMs) and VACs subject to the CSW Registry.(1) All OCA investigations involving a substantiated finding against a CSW or Medicaid personal care assistant employed by a Medicaid personal care services provider, are processed for the CSW Registry.(2) A copy of the investigative report is sent to the district attorney in the county where the suspected maltreatment occurred, per 43A O.S. § 10-104.(3) OCA sends an investigation summary to the facility or provider administrator within five business days of the investigation's closure. Nothing in this subsection will be construed as an OCA determination that the subject of the investigation report may be placed on the CSW Registry.(4) The investigation report is sent to the OKDHS DDS director or designee, the Community Living, Aging, and Protective Services director or designee, or the OHCA director or designee, as applicable.(5) OCA notifies the vulnerable adult's accused caretaker and legal guardian or next of kin of the investigation finding. When the vulnerable adult is an HCM, the HCM's assigned OCA advocate notifies the HCM and the HCM's guardian or close family member of the investigation finding.(6) When an investigation involves a vulnerable adult with a legal guardian, a copy of the completed investigation report must be filed with the court the guardian is accountable to, per 43A O.S. § 10-105.(aa)Confidentiality of OCA investigative reports. Persons receiving copies of OCA investigative reports or summaries regarding a vulnerable adult are bound by the confidentiality provisions of 43A O.S. § 10-110. (1) All investigative records OKDHS receives that are created by other local or state agencies, including law enforcement agencies, are obtained directly from those local or state entities.(2) Person seeking redacted identifying information, per 43A O.S. § 10-110, contained in the OCA investigative report, in any summary or other information contained in any other reports, records, or working papers used or developed in the investigation, must obtain a court order authorizing the information's release of such information. (A) All reports, records, working papers, and all information contained therein remain confidential after the OKDHS release; and(B) it is unlawful and a misdemeanor for any person to furnish any record or disclose any information contained therein for any unauthorized purpose.(bb)Substantiated findings involving Greer. OCA investigation report findings involving vulnerable adult maltreatment at Greer are considered final when the report does not contain a substantiated finding. In cases with a substantiated finding, the report is final upon completion of the review process, per 310:678-3-9. When OKDHS DDS staff receives a copy of a final OCA investigative report or notice that a review, per OAC 310:678-3-10, is concluded, within 30 calendar days, the applicable director notifies OSDH in writing of: (1) the personnel action taken or to be taken with regard to each accused VAC name in the report;(2) the corrective action taken or to be taken regarding AOCs notice in the report; and(3) whether, for each worker found to have engaged in maltreatment, there were prior OCA or facility confirmations of the worker's maltreatment of a vulnerable adult. If such confirmations exist, the basis for each such finding, and the personnel action taken in response.(cc)Findings involving an HCM. This subsection applies to the administrator of a provider that employed, or contracted with a contractor that employed, an accused VAC named in an OCA investigation report. The DDS director or the director's designee notifies OSDH in writing: (1) when personnel action was or will be taken with regard to each accused VAC named in the report; and(2) of corrective action taken or to be taken regarding AOCs noted in the report.(dd)Ten-day staffing. Ten days after the investigation is initiated, the provider has the right to request an investigative status update. The provider makes the request to the assigned OCA Investigator's programs manager or programs supervisor. The ten-day staffing includes the provider administrator, the programs manager or programs supervisor and the OCA investigator. OCA provides an update as to the progress and there is an information exchange between the provider and OCA to identify any ongoing safety issue to barriers to concluding the investigation.Okla. Admin. Code § 310:678-3-6
Adopted by Oklahoma Register, Volume 42, Issue 7, December 16, 2024, eff. 11/1/2024, exp. 9/14/2025 (Emergency)