Okla. Admin. Code § 310:605-13-2

Current through Vol. 41, No. 24, September 3, 2024
Section 310:605-13-2 - Additional Services

Adult day care centers shall provide the following as indicated by the center's program goals and the individual needs of the participants served:

(1)Health Monitoring.
(A) The health, functional, and psychosocial status of each participant shall be observed for significant changes and documented in the participant's record at least monthly by the designated professional staff. Each family and/or physician shall be notified of such changes.
(B) The staff shall arrange for contacts with health professionals as needed by each participant.
(C) There shall be proper administration of medications as prescribed by the physician.
(D) Written policies and procedures shall be developed and implemented for participants self-medication administration and staff medication administration.
(A) Participants shall be encouraged to retain and administer their own medications while attending the adult day care program.
(B) When a participant has been determined to be unable to be responsible for his medication, the following procedures shall be followed:
(i) The medication shall be retained in a safe, secure, locked area for storing medications or drugs until prescribed time.
(ii) Medications maintained by the center shall be retained in containers in which they were dispensed from the pharmacy. The containers shall be labeled with the participant's full name, the name and strength of the medication, and the dosage and administration instructions.
(iii) Medications may not be administered without an order from a physician.
(iv) Physician's phone orders may be taken only by a licensed nurse.
(v) The phone orders shall be signed and dated by the physician within three (3) working days after giving the phone order. Orders by facsimile are acceptable as original signatures.
(vi) Phone orders shall be written into the participant's record and date noted by the licensed nurse who received them.
(vii) Orders regarding medications and treatments shall be in effect as indicated by the physician for a specified number of days.
(viii) Changes in health status, including reaction to medication and/or treatments, shall be communicated immediately to the participant's physician by the licensed nurse. If the facility is unable to contact the participant's personal physician, emergency medical procedure shall be followed.
(ix) All medications shall be packaged and labeled in accordance with professional pharmacy standards, state and federal drug laws and regulations, and the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). Labeling shall include cautionary instructions, as well as expiration date, when applicable, and name of medication specified by the physician.
(x) Over the counter drugs for individual participants shall be labeled with at least the participant's name.
(xi) Schedule II drugs shall be kept in a locked box.
(xii) Medications requiring refrigeration shall be kept refrigerated in a locked refrigerator or in a locked box within the refrigerator or in a refrigerator within a locked room.
(xiii) The temperature range of the medication refrigerator shall be 36o F. (2o C) to 48o F. (8o C).
(xiv) No food shall be stored with refrigerated medication except for food used for medication and administration.
(xv) The administration and storage medication system shall be reviewed by a licensed nurse not less than every three (3) months.
(xvi) A written medication administration record shall be maintained for medications administered.
(xvii) Documentation of medications administered shall be done within one hour after administration of medication.
(xviii) Records of all Schedule II drugs shall be maintained.
(3)Specialized services.
(A) A planned program of activities shall be available to all participants in accordance to participant's plan of care.
(B) The following services which are designed to improve or maintain participant's independent functional ability may be arranged and secured through qualified community resources: physical therapy, occupational therapy, recreational therapy, and speech therapy.
(4)Transportation. The following requirements must be met if transportation is provided by the adult day care center to ensure the health and safety of the participants:
(A) The number of participants allowed in a car, station wagon, van, bus, or whatever the type of transportation used shall not exceed the number for which the vehicle is designed. Each person transported must have a seat.
(B) There shall be provisions made to accommodate participants who use assistive devices for ambulation.
(C) Participants shall be offered an opportunity to have a rest stop when being transported for more than one hour.
(D) The center shall be sufficiently staffed to ensure the safety of participants being transported by facility vehicles.
(E) The provider shall conform to all state laws regarding regulations, drivers, vehicles, and insurance.
(F) The center shall maintain the vehicle in good repair.

Okla. Admin. Code § 310:605-13-2

Added at 8 Ok Reg 2983, eff 5-28-91 (emergency); Added at 9 Ok Reg 1989, eff 6-11-92; Amended at 11 Ok Reg 901, eff 12-17-93 (emergency); Amended at 11 Ok Reg 2635, eff 6-25-94; Amended at 20 Ok Reg 1182, eff 5-27-03