Current through Vol. 42, No. 8, January 2, 2025
Section 310:315-3-1 - Plans and specifications(a)Plans and specifications required. Plans and specifications on new or major remodeling of existing public bathing places shall be prepared by and bear the seal of a professional engineer licensed in the State of Oklahoma and submitted to the Department for approval and an approval permit issued prior to construction. (1) Permits for construction of public bathing place facilities are not transferable.(2) No permit to construct a public bathing place facility will be granted unless sufficient information has been presented to the Department to indicate a finding that such facility will be constructed and can be operated in accordance with this chapter and in accordance with good practices of public health and safety.(3) It is unlawful for any person or persons to begin construction, alteration, or modification of any public pool without first having received written approval from the Department.(4) Any changes or additions to the recirculation system, treatment equipment, physical structure, or appurtenances that, in the opinion of the Department, are not equivalent in operating characteristics to those installed in accordance with the plans and related documents approved by the Department will be considered as an alteration or modification of an existing pool.(5) Upon completion of all new construction, approved alterations or modification of an existing pool, the owner shall provide written notification to the Department that the construction and/or equipment installation is ready for final inspection.(6) If construction of a pool (installation of the pool shell) has not commenced within one (1) year from the date of plan approval by the Department, the approval will expire. However, upon request by the owner, the project approval may be extended for a period of six (6) months provided significant changes have not been made in the project plans or have not occurred in local conditions affecting the pool or site, and the plans comply with the standards.(7) Five (5) or more complete sets of plans and specifications, together with an application for permit on forms provided by the Department, signed by the owner, shall be submitted to the Department for review. If approved, all plans and specifications will be stamped, indicating the approval of the Department. One (1) set will be retained in the files of the Department; one (1) set forwarded to the local health department; one (1) set will be sent to the consult engineer; and two (2) sets returned to the owner, (one (1) for the owner's file and the other to be provided the successful bidder for the pool construction).(8) If not approved, one (1) complete set will be retained for record and the remainder will be returned to the applicant with recommendations for necessary changes or modifications for compliance.(9) Plans should be submitted for review at least thirty (30) days prior to advertising for bids or letting a contract for construction of the pool.(b)Minor changes. An owner must submit a scope of work to the Department for proposed changes or additions to existing public bathing places of a minor nature that are not of a sufficient magnitude or scope to involve engineering and the preparation and submission of plans. The scope of work will be reviewed informally by the Department to verify that the proposed changes or additions are in compliance with applicable statutes and rules, and do not necessitate a formal plan review.(c)Structural design not reviewed by the Department. The review of plans and specifications by the Department does not include structural design or structural stability of any section or part of a public bathing place. Certification of adequacy is the responsibility of the design engineer.(d)Information needed. The engineer's report, specifications, or plans shall include all of the minimum design requirements outlined in this chapter; the pool capacity in gallons; estimated bathing load (male and female); capacity of all mechanical equipment; information of water supplies, pressure, etc., together with such other information as is requested throughout this chapter. When mechanical equipment, devices, plumbing fixtures, etc., are specified by use or trade name, catalog numbers, etc., then individual leaflets, catalogs, or other descriptive material shall be furnished. A plot plan is required showing the location of the pool and adjacent buildings, parking areas, sewers, water lines, fences, and contours. The finding location (legal description or street address) shall be shown on the plot plan.(e)New equipment and methods. The policy of the Department with reference to new types of equipment, new design features, etc., will not be to discourage or obstruct progress in design. However, any newly developed equipment, materials, etc., proposed for use in connection with a public bathing place shall have been qualified by trial elsewhere to the satisfaction of the Department before plans and specifications will be approved or a permit issued. This requirement would not necessarily prohibit any occasional experimental or test installation with adequate impartial supervision, wherein a satisfactory written agreement with reference to replacement of equipment, materials, or changes in design is incorporated in the specifications in the event of failure. In the event public funds are involved, then any such agreement shall be backed by a satisfactory guarantee bond, sufficient in amount to provide for the replacement of unsatisfactory materials or equipment plus any and all additional costs occasioned by changes in design or construction, etc., arising from such replacement.(f)Special conditions. Should special conditions exist, or circumstances be such that in the opinion of the engineer certain items listed as minimum design requirements would not be applicable, then such items shall be submitted in writing to the Department and approved prior to preparation of the final plans and specifications, and shall be explained in detail in the engineer's report.(g)Deviations. Deviations from this chapter may be allowed by the Department upon a finding by the Department that the operation, maintenance, safety, and sanitation of the pool will not be adversely affected by the deviation. No deviation will be allowed unless it is noted on the construction permit. No deviation from approved plans and specifications is permissible unless and until an amended permit has been granted.Okla. Admin. Code § 310:315-3-1
Amended at 26 Ok Reg 2003, eff 6-25-09Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 39, Issue 24, September 1, 2022, eff. 9/11/2022