Okla. Admin. Code § 252:100-39-42

Current through Vol. 42, No. 1, September 16, 2024
Section 252:100-39-42 - Metal cleaning
(a)Cold cleaning facility.
(1)Equipment requirements. An owner or operator of any cold cleaning unit for metal degreasing which uses a VOC shall:
(A) install a cover or door on the facility that can be easily operated with one hand;
(B) provide an internal drain board that will allow lid closure if practical; if not practical, provide an external drainage facility; and,
(C) attach a permanent, conspicuous label summarizing the operating requirements specified in 252:100-39-42(a)(2) to the facility.
(2)Operating requirements. Owners or operators shall at a minimum:
(A) drain clean parts at least 15 seconds or until dripping ceases before removal;
(B) close degreaser cover when not handling parts in cleaner;
(C) store waste VOC in covered containers;
(D) not dispose or allow disposition of waste VOC in such a manner that more than 20 percent by weight can evaporate into the atmosphere.
(E) use a solid fluid stream, not an atomized spray, when VOC is sprayed.
(3)Requirements for controls. If the vapor pressure of the VOC is greater than 0.6 psi (4.1 kPa) measured at 100°F (38°C) or if VOC is heated to 248°F (120°C), the owner or operator shall apply one or more of the following control devices/techniques.
(A) Freeboard that gives a freeboard ratio greater than or equal to 0.7.
(B) Water cover where the VOC is insoluble in and denser than water or such equivalent.
(C) Another system of equivalent control as approved by the Division Director.
(4)Compliance and recordkeeping. Compliance shall be determined in accordance with EPA guidance document "Control of Volatile Organic Emissions from Solvent Metal Cleaning," 450/2-77-022. Test reports and maintenance and repair records of control equipment shall be maintained by the source for at least two years.
(b)Vapor-type metal degreasing.
(1)Equipment requirements. An owner or operator of any vapor-type metal degreasing unit using A VOC shall ensure that the following requirements are met.
(A) The unit shall have a cover or door that can easily be opened and closed without disturbing the vapor zone.
(B) The unit shall have the following safety switches.
(i) Condenser flow switch and thermostat or equivalent capable of shutting off the sump heat if condenser coolant is not circulating or coolant exceeds VOC manufacturer's recommended level.
(ii) Spray safety switch capable of shutting off spray pumps if the vapor level drops in excess of 4 in. (10 cm).
(C) The unit shall have one or more of the following control devices/techniques.
(i) Freeboard ratio not less than 0.75, i.e., the ratio of the freeboard to the width of the degreaser wherein the term freeboard is defined as the distance from the top of the vapor zone to the top of the degreaser tank.
(ii) Refrigerated chiller, i.e., condenser coils in the upper limit of the vapor zone.
(iii) Enclosed design, i.e., cover or door is opened only when a part is actually entering or exiting the facility.
(iv) A carbon adsorption system with ventilation greater than 50 cfm/ft2 of air/vapor area when cover is open. The system shall exhaust less than 25 ppmv VOC average over one adsorption cycle.
(v) A control system demonstrated to have a control efficiency equal to or greater than any of the systems in 252:100-39-42(b)(1)(C).
(D) A permanent conspicuous label summarizing operating requirements in 252:100-39-42(b)(2) shall be attached to the unit.
(2)Operating requirements. An owner or operator of a vapor type metal degreasing unit using VOC shall ensure that the following requirements are met.
(A) As a minimum operators shall:
(i) keep the cover closed at all times except when degreasing parts;
(ii) rack parts to allow full drainage;
(iii) move parts in and out of the degreaser at less than 11 ft/min (3.4 m/min);
(iv) degrease the workload in the vapor zone at least 30 seconds or until condensation ceases;
(v) tip out any pools of VOC on the cleaned parts before removal;
(vi) allow parts to dry within the degreaser for at least 15 seconds or until visually dry;
(vii) assure that VOC leaks are immediately repaired or the degreaser is shut down; and,
(viii) store waste VOC only in closed containers.
(B) As a minimum operators shall not:
(i) degrease porous or absorbent materials, such as cloth, leather, wood or rope;
(ii) allow workloads to occupy more than half of the degreaser's open top area;
(iii) spray above the vapor level;
(iv) allow greater than 20 percent of the VOC waste (by weight) to evaporate into the atmospherewhen disposing of the waste or transferring the waste to another party;
(v) allow exhaust ventilation to exceed 65 cfm/ft2 (20 m3/min/m2) of degreaser open area, unless necessary to meet OSHA requirements.
(vi) use ventilation fans near the degreaser opening; or,
(vii) allow water to be visually detectable in VOC exiting the water separator.
(3)Compliance and recordkeeping. Compliance shall be determined in accordance with EPA document 450/2-77-022 and all test and maintenance records shall be retained by the source for at least two years.
(c)Conveyorized degreasing unit.
(1)Operating requirements. An owner or operator of a conveyorized degreasing unit using VOC shall ensure that the following requirements are met.
(A) Exhaust ventilation shall not exceed 65 cfm/ft2 (20 m3/min/m2) of degreaser opening, unless necessary to meet OSHA requirements.
(B) Work place fans shall not be used near the degreaser opening.
(C) Carry-out emissions shall be minimized by:
(i) racking parts for best drainage; and,
(ii) maintaining vertical conveyor speed at less than 11 ft/min (3.4 m/min).
(D) Evaporation of waste VOC into the atmosphere shall not be greater than 20 percent of the waste (by weight) when disposing of the waste or transferring the waste to another party.
(E) Waste VOC shall be stored only in covered containers.
(F) VOC leaks must be repaired immediately, or the degreaser must be shut down.
(G) Water shall not be visibly detectable in the VOC exiting the water separator.
(H) A permanent conspicuous label summarizing the operating requirements listed in 252:100-39-42(b) and 252:100-39-42(c) shall be attached to the unit.
(2)Control requirements. In addition to the requirements in 252:100-39-42(c)(1), any unit that has an air/vapor interface of more than 21.5 ft2 (2.0 m2) shall be subject to the following control requirements.
(A)Major control devices. The degreaser must be controlled by either:
(i) a refrigerated chiller;
(ii) a carbon adsorption system that exhausts less than 25 ppmv of VOC averaged over a complete adsorption cycle and has ventilation equal to or greater than 50 cfm/ft2 (15 m3/min/m2) of air/vapor area (when down-time covers are open); or,
(iii) a system demonstrated to have control efficiency equivalent to or better than either of the above.
(B)Carryover prevention. Either a drying tunnel, or another means such as rotating (tumbling) basket, sufficient to prevent cleaned parts from carrying out VOC liquid or vapor subject to space limitations must be installed.
(C)Safety switches. The following safety switches must be installed and be operational.
(i) Condenser flow switch and thermostat that shuts off sump heat if coolant is either not circulating or too warm.
(ii) Spray safety switch that shuts off spray pump or conveyor if the vapor level drops excessively, e.g. more than 4 in (10 cm).
(iii) Vapor level control thermostat that shuts off sump heat when vapor level rises too high.
(D)Minimized openings. Entrances and exits shall silhouette work loads so that the average clearance between parts and the edge of the degreaser opening is either less than 4 in. (10 cm) or less that 10 percent of the width of the opening.
(E)Covers. Down-time covers must be placed over entrances and exits of conveyorized degreasers immediately after the conveyor and exhaust are shutdown and removed just before they are started up.
(3)Compliance and recordkeeping. Compliance shall be determined in accordance with EPA document 450/2-77-022. All test and maintenance records shall be retained by the source for at least two years.
(d)Alternative control methods. As an alternative to the requirements of 252:100-39-42(a) through 252:100-39-42(c) and subject to EPA approval, an operator may request the approval by the Division Director of other methods of control. The applicant must demonstrate that the proposed method will prevent at least 80 percent of the emissions from each source from being emitted to the atmosphere, as determined by the appropriate test methods selected from EPA Methods I through 4, 18, 25, 25A and 25B.

Okla. Admin. Code § 252:100-39-42

Added at 11 Ok Reg 977, eff 1-14-94 (emergency); Added at 11 Ok Reg 2031, eff 5-26-94; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 1774, eff 6-11-99