Okla. Admin. Code § 210:15-3-30

Current through Vol. 42, No. 8, January 2, 2025
Section 210:15-3-30 - Standard Five: Language
(a)Statement of the standard. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend texts and communicate effectively.
(b)Standard Five objectives for Pre-Kindergarten. The following objectives apply for students in Pre-Kindergarten:
(1)Reading. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a variety of texts.
(A)Objective 1. Students will hear different sentence structures through conversations, read-alouds, and interactive reading.
(B)Objective 2. Students will hear different parts of speech through conversations, read-alouds, and interactive reading:
(i) concrete objects as persons, places, or things (i.e., nouns).
(ii) words as actions (i.e., verbs).
(iii) color adjectives.
(iv) spatial and time relationships such as up, down, before, and after.
(c)Standard Five objectives for Kindergarten. The following objectives apply for students in Kindergarten:
(1)Reading. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a variety of texts.
(A)Objective 1. Students will recognize simple sentences with prompting.
(B)Objective 2. Students will recognize parts of speech in sentences with prompting:
(i) concrete objects as persons, places, or things (i.e., nouns).
(ii) words as actions (i.e., verbs).
(iii) color and size adjectives.
(iv) the pronoun I.
(v) spatial and time relationships such as up, down, before, and after.
(2)Writing. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to speak and write effectively, demonstrating standard usage when appropriate.
(A)Objective 1. Students will begin to compose simple sentences that begin with a capital letter and end with an end mark.
(B) Objective 2. Students will capitalize their first name and the pronoun I with prompting.
(C)Objective 3. Students will recognize and begin to use periods, question marks, and exclamation points.
(d)Standard Five objectives for Grade 1. The following objectives apply for students in Grade 1:
(1)Reading. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a variety of texts.
(A)Objective 1. Students will recognize simple sentences.
(B)Objective 2. Students will recognize parts of speech in sentences:
(i) nouns as concrete objects (i.e., people, places, and things).
(ii) regular plural nouns.
(iii) present-tense verbs as actions.
(iv) color, size, and number adjectives.
(v) prepositions.
(vi) the pronouns I, me, you, and we.
(vii) the conjunctions and, or, and but.
(viii) the adverbs too and very.
(2)Writing. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to speak and write effectively, demonstrating standard usage when appropriate.
(A)Objective 1. Students will compose simple sentences that conclude with an end mark.
(B)Objective 2. Students will use nouns, verbs, and adjectives to add clarity and variety to their writing.
(C)Objective 3. Students will capitalize the first letter of a sentence, proper names, and months and days of the week.
(D)Objective 4. Students will use periods, question marks, and exclamation points.
(e)Standard Five objectives for Grade 2. The following objectives apply for students in Grade 2:
(1)Reading. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a variety of texts.
(A)Objective 1. Students will recognize simple and compound sentences.
(B)Objective 2. Students will recognize parts of speech in sentences:
(i) common, proper, and irregular plural nouns.
(ii) tenses of verbs (i.e., past, present, future).
(iii) the simple subject and simple predicate of a sentence.
(iv) descriptive adjectives and articles (i.e., a, an, the) as adjectives.
(v) prepositions.
(vi) singular and plural personal pronouns and the nouns they replace.
(vii) the conjunctions and, or, and but.
(viii) -ly adverbs.
(2)Writing. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to speak and write effectively, demonstrating standard usage when appropriate.
(A)Objective 1. Students will compose simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences that begin with a capital letter and conclude with an end mark.
(B)Objective 2. Students will use nouns, verbs, and adjectives to add clarity and variety to their writing.
(C)Objective 3. Students will punctuate initials and capitalize holidays, product names, initials, and months and days of the week.
(D)Objective 4. Students will use periods with declarative and imperative sentences, question marks with interrogative sentences, and exclamation points with exclamatory sentences.
(E) Objective 5. Students will use apostrophes to form simple contractions (e.g., isn't aren't, can't).
(F)Objective 6. Students will use commas in dates (e.g., September 6, 2020).
(G)Objective 7. Students will use a colon to indicate time (e.g., The bell rings at 3:15.).
(f)Standard Five objectives for Grade 3. The following objectives apply for students in Grade 3:
(1)Reading. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a variety of texts.
(A)Objective 1. Students will recognize simple and compound sentences.
(B)Objective 2. Students will recognize parts of speech in sentences:
(i) concrete, abstract, and possessive nouns.
(ii) different types of verbs (i.e., action, linking, helping) and their roles in a sentence.
(iii) the complete subject and complete predicate of a sentence.
(iv) possessive adjectives.
(v) prepositional phrases.
(vi) possessive pronouns and the nouns they replace.
(vii) coordinating conjunctions (i.e., for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).
(viii) adverbs of frequency (e.g., always, often, never).
(2)Writing. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to speak and write effectively, demonstrating standard usage when appropriate.
(A)Objective 1. Students will compose simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences, avoiding and correcting fragments.
(B)Objective 2. Students will use nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, and adverbs to add clarity and variety to their writing.
(C)Objective 3. Students will capitalize and punctuate titles of respect, words in titles, and geographical names.
(D)Objective 4. Students will use periods with declarative and imperative sentences, question marks with interrogative sentences, and exclamation points with exclamatory sentences.
(E) Objective 5. Students will use apostrophes to form complex contractions (e.g., should've, won't, y'all) and to show possession.
(F)Objective 6. Students will use commas before a coordinating conjunction and to separate individual words in a series.
(G)Objective 7. Students will use a colon to indicate time.
(H)Objective 8. Students will use quotation marks to indicate dialogue.
(g)Standard Five objectives for Grade 4. The following objectives apply for students in Grade 4:
(1)Reading. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a variety of texts.
(A)Objective 1. Students will recognize simple and compound sentences.
(B)Objective 2. Students will recognize parts of speech in sentences:
(i) irregular possessive nouns (e.g., children's).
(ii) irregular and past participle verbs and verb tense to identify settings, times, and sequences.
(iii) subject and verb agreement.
(iv) comparative and superlative adjectives.
(v) prepositional phrases.
(vi) possessive pronouns and the nouns they replace (i.e., antecedents).
(vii) coordinating conjunctions.
(viii) comparative and superlative adverbs.
(ix) interjections.
(2)Writing. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to speak and write effectively, demonstrating standard usage when appropriate.
(A)Objective 1. Students will compose simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences, avoiding and correcting fragments.
(B)Objective 2. Students will use nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, and adverbs to add clarity and variety to their writing.
(C)Objective 3. Students will recognize and correct errors in subject and verb agreement.
(D)Objective 4. Students will capitalize familial relations, proper adjectives, conventions of letter writing, and the first letter of a quotation.
(E)Objective 5. Students will use periods with declarative and imperative sentences, question marks with interrogative sentences, and exclamation points with exclamatory sentences.
(F)Objective 6. Students will use apostrophes to show possession of singular and plural nouns and recognize and remove apostrophes used to form plurals.
(G)Objective 7. Students will use commas in greetings and closings in letters and emails, to separate individual words in a series, and to indicate dialogue.
(H)Objective 8. Students will use a colon to introduce a list (e.g., Deb only needed three things from the grocery store: milk, eggs, and bread.).
(I)Objective 9. Students will use quotation marks to indicate dialogue, quoted material, and titles of works.
(J)Objective 10. Students will use underlining or italics to indicate titles of works.
(h)Standard Five objectives for Grade 5. The following objectives apply for students in Grade 5:
(1)Reading. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a variety of texts.
(A)Objective 1. Students will recognize simple, compound, and complex (i.e., independent and dependent clauses) sentences.
(B)Objective 2. Students will recognize and explain the impact on meaning of parts of speech in sentences:
(i) nouns.
(ii) verb tense to identify settings, times, sequences, and conditions.
(iii) subject and verb agreement.
(iv) adjectives.
(v) prepositional phrases.
(vi) intensive pronouns and their antecedents.
(vii) coordinating conjunctions.
(viii) adverbs.
(ix) interjections.
(2)Writing. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to speak and write effectively, demonstrating standard usage when appropriate.
(A)Objective 1. Students will compose simple, compound, and complex (i.e., independent and dependent clauses) sentences.
(B)Objective 2. Students will use nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, adverbs, and pronouns to add clarity and variety to their writing.
(C)Objective 3. Students will recognize and correct the following: run-ons, errors in subject and verb agreement, inappropriate shifts in verb tense, and inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person.
(D)Objective 4. Students will write using correct capitalization mechanics.
(E)Objective 5. Students will write using correct end mark mechanics.
(F) Objective 6. Students will use the correct forms of it's/its, you're/your, and they're/there/their.
(G)Objective 7. Students will use commas to separate individual words in a series, to indicate dialogue, and to separate the independent and dependent clauses in a complex sentence.
(H)Objective 8. Students will use a colon to introduce a list.
(I)Objective 9. Students will use quotation marks to indicate dialogue, quoted material, and titles of works.
(J)Objective 10. Students will use underlining or italics to indicate titles of works.
(K)Objective 11. Students will use a semicolon to punctuate compound sentences.
(i)Standard Five objectives for Grade 6. The following objectives apply for students in Grade 6:
(1)Reading. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a variety of texts.
(A)Objective 1. Students will recognize simple, compound, and complex sentences.
(B)Objective 2. Students will recognize and explain the impact on meaning of parts of speech in sentences:
(i) nouns.
(ii) verb tense to signify various times, sequences, conditions, and states.
(iii) subject and verb agreement.
(iv) adjectives.
(v) prepositional phrases.
(vi) reflexive pronouns and their antecedents.
(vii) singular they/them/their.
(viii) subordinating conjunctions.
(ix) adverbs.
(x) interjections.
(2)Writing. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to speak and write effectively, demonstrating standard usage when appropriate.
(A)Objective 1. Students will write compose simple, compound, and complex sentences to add clarity and variety in their writing.
(B)Objective 2. Students will add clarity and variety to their writing with nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, adverbs, and pronouns.
(C)Objective 3. Students will recognize and correct the following: run-ons, errors in subject and verb agreement, inappropriate shifts in verb tense, and inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person.
(D)Objective 4. Students will write using correct capitalization mechanics.
(E)Objective 5. Students will write using correct end mark mechanics.
(F)Objective 6. Students will write using correct apostrophe mechanics.
(G)Objective 7. Students will use commas to separate an introductory element from the rest of the sentence and to indicate direct address (e.g., Where are you, Sam?).
(H) Objective 8. Students will use a colon to introduce a quotation from a source (e.g., According to National Geographic, meerkat homes are quite comfortable: "Each burrow is an extensive tunnel-and-room system that remains cool even under the broiling African sun.").
(I)Objective 9. Students will use quotation marks to indicate dialogue, quoted material, and titles of works.
(J)Objective 10. Students will use underlining or italics to indicate titles of works.
(K)Objective 11. Students will use a semicolon to punctuate compound sentences.
(j)Standard Five objectives for Grade 7. The following objectives apply for students in Grade 7:
(1)Reading. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a variety of texts.
(A)Objective 1. Students will recognize simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences and explain their effects.
(B)Objective 2. Students will recognize and explain the impact on meaning of parts of speech in sentences:
(i) nouns.
(ii) gerunds.
(iii) subject and verb agreement.
(iv) cumulative and coordinate adjectives.
(v) demonstrative pronouns.
(vi) vague pronouns (i.e., ones with unclear or ambiguous antecedents).
(vii) singular they/them/their.
(viii) correlative conjunctions.
(ix) adverbs.
(x) interjections.
(2)Writing. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to speak and write effectively, demonstrating standard usage when appropriate.
(A)Objective 1. Students will compose simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences to add clarity and variety in their writing.
(B)Objective 2. Students will add clarity and variety to their writing with nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, adverbs, and pronouns.
(C)Objective 3. Students will recognize and correct the following: run-ons, errors in subject and verb agreement, inappropriate shifts in verb tense, and vague pronouns (i.e., ones with unclear or ambiguous antecedents).
(D)Objective 4. Students will write using correct capitalization mechanics.
(E)Objective 5. Students will write using correct end mark mechanics.
(F)Objective 6. Students will write using correct apostrophe mechanics.
(G)Objective 7. Students will use commas to separate words or phrases in a series.
(H)Objective 8. Students will use a colon to introduce a quotation from a source.
(I)Objective 9. Students will use quotation marks to indicate dialogue, quoted material, and titles of works.
(J)Objective 10. Students will use underlining or italics to indicate titles of works, thoughts in narratives, and words in a foreign language.
(K)Objective 11. Students will use a semicolon to punctuate compound and compound-complex sentences.
(k)Standard Five objectives for Grade 8. The following objectives apply for students in Grade 8:
(1)Reading. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a variety of texts.
(A)Objective 1. Students will recognize active and passive voice and dangling modifiers in sentences.
(B)Objective 2. Students will recognize and explain the impact on meaning of parts of speech in sentences:
(i) nouns.
(ii) verbals (i.e., gerunds, participles, infinitives).
(iii) cumulative and coordinate adjectives.
(iv) vague pronouns.
(v) singular they/them/their.
(vi) coordinating, subordinating, and correlative conjunctions.
(vii) adverbs.
(viii) interjections.
(2)Writing. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to speak and write effectively, demonstrating standard usage when appropriate.
(A)Objective 1. Students will compose simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences to add clarity and variety in their writing.
(B)Objective 2. Students will create clarity and/or add variety to their writing with nouns, verbs, verbals, adjectives, prepositions, adverbs, pronouns, and conjunctions.
(C)Objective 3. Students will recognize and correct the following: misplaced and dangling modifiers, vague pronouns, and second person point of view in formal writing.
(D)Objective 4. Students will write using correct capitalization mechanics.
(E)Objective 5. Students will write using correct end mark mechanics.
(F)Objective 6. Students will write using correct apostrophe mechanics.
(G)Objective 7. Students will use commas to separate coordinate adjectives (e.g., a fascinating, enjoyable movie).
(H)Objective 8. Students will use a colon to introduce a quotation from a source.
(I)Objective 9. Students will write using correct quotation marks mechanics.
(J)Objective 10. Students will use underlining or italics to indicate titles of works, thoughts in narratives, and words in a foreign language.
(K)Objective 11. Students will use a semicolon to punctuate compound and compound-complex sentences.
(l)Standard Five objectives for Grade 9 - English I. The following objectives apply for students in Grade 9 - English I:
(1)Reading. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a variety of texts.
(A)Objective 1. Students will examine the function of parallel structures, various types of phrases, and clauses to convey specific meanings.
(B)Objective 2. Students will recognize the use of active and passive voice.
(2)Writing. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to speak and write effectively, demonstrating standard usage when appropriate.
(A)Objective 1. Students will use or revise for active/passive voice and parallel structure in words and phrases for effect.
(B)Objective 2. Students will add clarity, variety, and/or style to their writing and presentations with parts of speech and various types of phrases and clauses.
(C)Objective 3. Students will recognize and correct misplaced and dangling modifiers.
(D)Objective 4. Students will write using correct capitalization mechanics.
(E)Objective 5. Students will write using correct end mark mechanics.
(F)Objective 6. Students will write using correct apostrophe mechanics.
(G)Objective 7. Students will use commas to set of simple parenthetical elements.
(H)Objective 8. Students will use a colon to reveal information (e.g., The prince searched the castle high and low for his most prized possession: his guitar.).
(I)Objective 9. Students will use an ellipsis to indicate omission from quoted material and brackets to indicate an addition or clarification to quoted material.
(J)Objective 10. Students will write using correct italics mechanics.
(K)Objective 11. Students will write using correct semicolon mechanics.
(m)Standard Five objectives for Grade 10 - English II. The following objectives apply for students in Grade 10 - English II:
(1)Reading. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a variety of texts.
(A)Objective 1. Students will recognize and analyze the effect of parallel structure, active and passive voice, and various types of phrases and clauses to convey specific meanings.
(B)Objective 2. Students will recognize noun, verb, adjectival, and adverbial phrases and explain their effects in particular sentences.
(2)Writing. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to speak and write effectively, demonstrating standard usage when appropriate.
(A)Objective 1. Students will use or revise for active/passive voice and parallel structure in words, phrases, and/or clauses for effect.
(B)Objective 2. Students will add clarity, variety, and/or style to their writing and presentations with parts of speech and various types of phrases and clauses.
(C)Objective 3. Students will demonstrate their use of Standard American English (i.e., grammar, mechanics, and usage) in writing, presentations, and/or multimodal literacies to convey specific meanings and ideas, intentionally departing from standard usage to achieve a specific effect.
(D)Objective 4. Students will write using correct capitalization mechanics.
(E)Objective 5. Students will write using correct end mark mechanics.
(F)Objective 6. Students will write using correct apostrophe mechanics.
(G)Objective 7. Students will write using comma mechanics.
(H)Objective 8. Students will use a colon to reveal information.
(I)Objective 9. Students will use an ellipsis to indicate omission from quoted material and brackets to indicate an addition or clarification to quoted material.
(J)Objective 10. Students will write using correct italics mechanics.
(K)Objective 11. Students will write using correct semicolon mechanics.
(n)Standard Five objectives for Grade 11 - English III. The following objectives apply for students in Grade 11 - English III:
(1)Reading. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a variety of texts.
(A)Objective 1. Students will apply their knowledge of syntax (e.g., parallel structure, active and passive voice, and phrases/clauses) to analyze and evaluate a variety of texts, understanding that usage and convention change over time.
(B)Objective 2. Students will recognize noun, verb, adjectival, and adverbial phrases and explain their effect in particular sentences.
(2)Writing. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to speak and write effectively, demonstrating standard usage when appropriate.
(A)Objective 1. Students will add clarity, variety, and/or style to their writing and presentations with parts of speech and various types of phrases and clauses, intentionally breaking the rules for effect when appropriate.
(B)Objective 2. Students will demonstrate command of Standard American English (i.e., grammar, mechanics, and usage) in writing, presentations, and/or multimodal literacies to convey specific meanings and ideas, intentionally departing from standard usage to achieve a specific effect.
(C)Objective 3. Students will write using correct capitalization mechanics.
(D)Objective 4. Students will write using correct end mark mechanics.
(E)Objective 5. Students will write using correct apostrophe mechanics.
(F)Objective 6. Students will write using correct comma mechanics.
(G)Objective 7. Students will use a colon or dash to reveal information in a sentence.
(H)Objective 8. Students will use an ellipsis to indicate omission from quoted material and brackets to indicate an addition or clarification to quoted material.
(I)Objective 9. Students will write using correct italics mechanics.
(J)Objective 10. Students will write using correct semicolon mechanics.
(o)Standard Five objectives for Grade 12 - English IV. The following objectives apply for students in Grade 12 - English IV:
(1)Reading. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a variety of texts.
(A)Objective 1. Students will apply their knowledge of syntax (e.g., parallel structure, active and passive voice, and phrases/clauses) to analyze and evaluate a variety of texts, understanding that usage and convention change over time.
(B)Objective 2. Students will recognize noun, verb, adjectival, and adverbial phrases and explain their effect in particular sentences.
(2)Writing. Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to speak and write effectively, demonstrating standard usage when appropriate.
(A)Objective 1. Students will add clarity, variety, and/or style to their writing and presentations with parts of speech and various types of phrases and clauses, intentionally breaking the rules for effect when appropriate.
(B)Objective 2. Students will demonstrate command of Standard American English (i.e., grammar, mechanics, and usage) in writing, presentations, and/or multimodal literacies to convey specific meanings and ideas, intentionally departing from standard usage to create an effect.
(C)Objective 3. Students will write using correct capitalization mechanics.
(D)Objective 4. Students will write using correct end mark mechanics.
(E)Objective 5. Students will write using correct apostrophe mechanics.
(F)Objective 6. Students will write using correct comma mechanics.
(G)Objective 7. Students will use a colon or dash to reveal information in a sentence.
(H)Objective 8. Students will use an ellipsis to indicate omission from quoted material and brackets to indicate an addition or clarification to quoted material.
(I)Objective 9. Students will write using correct italics mechanics.
(J)Objective 10. Students will write using correct semicolon mechanics.

Okla. Admin. Code § 210:15-3-30

Adopted by Oklahoma Register, Volume 33, Issue 24, September 1, 2016, eff. 9/11/2016
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 38, Issue 24, September 1, 2021, eff. 9/11/2021