Okla. Admin. Code § 210:10-1-13

Current through Vol. 42, No. 1, September 16, 2024
Section 210:10-1-13 - Educational services for children in residential care, treatment, or emergency shelter facilities
(a)Purpose. These policies are for the purpose of establishing standards for the educational services for children placed in facilities which exist for the purpose of providing residential care, treatment (24-hour residential) or emergency shelter care.
(b)Facilities licensing/approval. The facilities should be licensed or approved by the appropriate oversight state agency (i.e., Department of Human Services, Office of Juvenile Affairs, Department of Health, and Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services). Such residential care or treatment facilities as juvenile detention centers, group homes, and emergency youth shelters will be included for these programs.
(c)Residency. Student residency shall be determined by application of 70 O.S. § 1-113:
(1) Children placed in facilities such as an orphanage, eleemosynary (charitable) child care facility, in which a child is placed by the parent or guardian for full time residential care and attend a district school by joint agreement of the district or facility and are not placed in a facility through a state contract, are residents for school purposes of the school district where the facility is located.
(2) Children placed in facilities which are state operated institutions or who are temporarily in state-licensed or operated emergency shelters are residents for school purposes of the school district where the facility is located.
(3) Children placed in a foster home, as defined at 10 O.S. § 402, except a therapeutic foster home or a specialized foster home voluntary placement, by the person or agency having legal custody pursuant to court order or by a state agency having legal custody are residents for school purposes of the school district where the foster home is located. If the foster parent has requested that the residence of the foster child for school purposes be the school district in which the child resided prior to being placed in foster care, or the school district in which the child's previous foster family home is located, the district selected by the foster parent shall be the child's district of residence.
(4) For youth who are placed in juvenile detention facilities, the district of residence for school purposes shall be the school district in which the parents, guardians, or person having legal custody holds legal residence.
(5) When a child does not meet the criteria for residency provided in 70 O.S. § 1-113, subsection A, and is placed in a residential care facility or treatment program or center, including J.D. McCarty Center (63 O.S. § 485.1) , which is out of the child's home and not in the school district in which the child legally resides, the facility or program shall, if the child contends he or she resides in a district other than the district where the facility or program is located, within eleven (11) days of admittance, notify the district in which the out-of-home placement or treatment is located of the admittance.
(d)Contractual agreement for educational services. A contractual agreement for the provision of educational services will be developed and signed by the chief executive officer of each agency or organization, or by the chairman of the governing board or board of directors of each licensed public or private agency, operating or supervision of residential care, treatment, or emergency shelter facilities.
(1) Each individual or entity operating a residential facility or treatment program which requires provision of educational services from the school district, shall notify the local board of education of its anticipated educational needs, prior to location in a school district. No school district shall be required to provide educational services for residents of the facility or participants in the program until at least sixty (60) calendar days have elapsed from the time in which the local board of education was initially notified of the need unless the school district so agrees to provide the educational services sooner.
(2) Pursuant to 10A O.S. § 2-7-305, any state agency letting grants or contracts for residential care or treatment facilities for children shall require , as a condition of grants or contracts, documented assurance of appropriate provision of educational services.
(3) The contractual agreement for educational services shall include the following as a minimum:
(A)Teacher certification requirements . Teachers shall be appropriately certified by the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Pursuant to 70 O.S. § 1210.567, a certified teacher who is qualified to teach in an accredited school district's educational services for a residential care or treatment facility may teach subjects in which the teacher does not hold certification. This shall only be valid upon application of a school district, offering on-site educational services in a residential or treatment facility, and approved by the State Department of Education, only for those purposes. The application for Accreditation or amended application shall serve as the district's application for these purposes. Original copies of the application and teacher certificates shall be on file at the school district administration office and copies maintained at the building site level.
(B)Number of hours taught . The State Department of Education shall authorize, upon application by a school district, an abbreviated day schedule for the education provided for students in a residential care or treatment facility located within the district. The Application for Accreditation or amended application shall serve as the district's application for these purposes. Education services available shall be provided to children/youth no later than the tenth school day of admittance. Exception will be for cause in the interest of the child and documentation by recommendations of the attending licensed psychologists, psychiatrists, or physicians on the residential care or treatment staff.
(C)Adequacy of facilities . The residential care, treatment, or emergency shelter facilities shall provide and maintain areas appropriate for the school district to conduct the educational program pursuant to contractual agreement and shall be responsible for all services and costs associated with such services which are not directly related to education. Relevant safety and health standards shall be followed. Such facilities shall meet the accreditation standards of the State Board of Education for educational services and shall meet other existing standards which apply to facilities of residential care, treatment, or emergency shelter programs.
(D)Educational plans, including plans for transition in to regular school setting . Education plans for students shall describe the appropriate curriculum, instructional time, and setting for each child. The child should receive instruction in an appropriate setting based on the individual educational needs of the child and should progress toward a full school day (six hours) program.
(4) The State Department of Education shall provide a sample contract with standard or uniform provisions for use by school districts which provide education to students in such facilities or programs. Provision in the contract shall be designed to ensure an appropriate education to which a student is entitled in the most cost-efficient manner to the responsible school district and shall allow for local flexibility in funding and education arrangements. The cost for related services, therapies, treatments, or support services for eligible students shall be the responsibility of the facility unless otherwise agreed by the contractual parties or as otherwise specified in the IEP. Otherwise valid obligations to provide or pay for such services, such as Medicaid, shall remain in effect for children who are eligible from sources other than the school district.
(e)Educational plans for residential care, treatment facilities, or emergency shelter facilities.
(1) Each child/youth shall have his/her educational needs reviewed within five school days by a team of professionals to determine the educational needs of the student and to develop an educational plan which is consistent with state and federal laws and regulations. The education plan shall work toward integration of the student into the receiving school district.
(2) The professional team for the educational plan shall include a teacher or an appropriately qualified educator representative and be under the direction of personnel of the school district. A procedure must exist to permit team members to communicate their recommendations and other relevant information to the facility staff on a regular basis.
(3) The educational plan shall be periodically reviewed and adjustments by the professional team made to ensure that the child is receiving appropriate educational opportunities at all times.
(4) The educational plan shall describe the appropriate curriculum, instructional time, and setting for the child/youth. The child should receive instruction in an appropriate educational setting based on individual educational needs and should progress toward a full school day (six hours) program. The student's current grade level and/or ability should be considered.
(5) The educational plan shall be implemented within ten days of enrollment.
(6) The educational plans and educational services shall be provided under the supervision of a school district administrator.
(7) The educational plan and individual student records for the educational services shall be maintained by the school district with proper protections for disclosure, including a procedure for expeditious exchange of education records to properly authorized persons, in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, and other relevant state and federal laws.
(8) The educational plan shall be implemented in accordance with any procedural safeguards for eligible children with disabilities who require Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The eligible student's school district of residence shall be notified immediately by the providing district upon finding that the eligible student requires special education and related services and notified as to the time, date and location of meetings for the purpose of planning the student's IEP and subsequent reviews. The facility may have a representative present at the IEP conference to advise the IEP team of any concerns or information the facility has to offer regarding the eligible student's educational needs and eligibility for related services. The facility and the providing district shall coordinate with the eligible student's school district of residence as necessary for the development of the IEP.
(9) Teachers shall be assigned for provision of educational services in accordance with the appropriate class size and teacher/student ratio.
(10) The facility shall provide assistance in severe, disruptive situations and will provide supervision of out-of-classroom suspension, time-out, and detention during school and, when requested by the assigned education personnel, will intervene in matters of discipline, unless otherwise agreed to in the contract.
(f)State licensed or operated emergency shelters. The local school district is not required to enter into a contract with a residential care, treatment, or emergency shelter unless it is state licensed or state operated.
(g)Education to Students in Jail.
(1) Each school district in the state with a city, county, or state jail within the district's boundaries shall designate an employee or employees of the school district who will be responsible for overseeing the educational services to eligible juveniles identified by the facility. While incarcerated in a jail, the student shall be considered a resident of the school district where the jail is located.
(2) Once an employee is designated by the school district that person shall immediately contact the individual in charge of the operation of the jail or jails within the boundaries of the school district and provide them with information regarding the requirements of this rule.
(3) When a school district receives notification of the need for educational services from a facility incarcerating a juvenile, the school district shall provide the juvenile with an appropriate education plan designed for the possible reintegration of the student into school, which must include the core subjects. The education plan contemplated by this rule corresponds to the education plan referenced in the Oklahoma School Laws at 70 O.S. § 24-101.3(D) for students suspended from school. A copy of the education plan developed by the school district shall be provided to the facility and to the juvenile and a copy shall be kept on file by the school district. For purposes of this rule the core units shall consist of English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Art units required by the State Board of Education.
(4) The education plan shall set out the procedure the school district and the facility will utilize for the provision of educational services to the juvenile and will address academic credit for work satisfactorily completed. These procedures and requirements apply to facilities which do not have in place, on the effective date of this rule, a plan for educational services of incarcerated juveniles.
(5) The provisions of residency law at 70 O.S. § 1-113 addressing responsibility for educational services to juveniles in facilities located within the boundaries of the school district prevail over the requirements set forth in this rule.
(h)Accreditation standards monitoring. The educational program of each school district providing educational services for students placed in a facility located in the school district shall be monitored by the State Department of Education. The department shall determine if the educational program is in compliance with State Board of Education regulations. The recommended accreditation status shall be reported to the State Board of Education.

Okla. Admin. Code § 210:10-1-13

Amended at 15 Ok Reg 3529, eff 6-15-98 (emergency); Amended at 16 Ok Reg 1746, eff 6-11-99; Amended at 24 Ok Reg 575, eff 12-21-06 (emergency); Amended at 24 Ok Reg 1213, eff 5-25-07
Amended by Oklahome Register, Volume 33, Issue 23, August 15, 2016, eff. 8/25/2016