Okla. Admin. Code § 165:10-5-5

Current through Vol. 42, No. 2, October 1, 2024
Section 165:10-5-5 - Application for approval of injection and disposal operations
(a)Application. Each application for the approval of a proposed injection well, disposal well, or commercial disposal well shall be filed with the UIC Department on Form 1015 and shall be verified by a duly authorized representative of the operator.
(b)Application. The application for the approval of an injection or disposal well(s) shall be accompanied by:
(A)Noncommercial disposal well or injection well. A plat showing the location and total depth of the well(s) and each abandoned, producing or drilling well, and dry hole within one-quarter (1/4) mile of the proposed injection well or disposal well for volumes less than 20,000 barrels per day and within one-half (1/2) mile of the proposed injection well or disposal well for volumes equal to or greater than 20,000 barrels per day, and identifying the surface owner of the land on which the injection or disposal well is to be located, and each operator of a producing spacing unit or well within one-half (1/2) mile of each injection or disposal well with a requested injection rate of less than five thousand barrels per day, and each operator of a producing spacing unit or well within one (1) mile of each injection or disposal well with a requested injection rate of five thousand barrels per day or more.
(B)Commercial disposal well. A plat showing the location and total depth of the well(s) and each abandoned, producing or drilling well and dry hole within one-half (1/2) mile of the disposal well, and identifying the surface owner of the land on which the disposal well is to be located, and each operator of a producing spacing unit or well within one (1) mile of each disposal well.
(C)Additional required information. The following information must be submitted in a separate document regarding wells listed on such plats:
(i) Well name and number and API number;
(ii) Current operator of well;
(iii) Well status;
(iv) Total depth of well;
(v) Geologic name of any producing interval in the well and/or any interval used for injection or disposal purposes;
(vi) The diameter of and setting depth for the surface casing, intermediate casing (if set), production casing (if set) and liner (if used) in the well;
(vii) Top of cement obtained from Forms 1002A or 1002C, if specified, or a cement bond log, temperature log or cased hole log, if available, in the outermost string of casing in the well perforating the injection interval to be used by the proposed noncommercial or commercial disposal well or injection well. If such logs are not available, a calculated top of cement will be acceptable;
(viii) The size and amount of casing pulled, if any, and the depths of any plugs set, if any, in any plugged well;
(ix) Identify any well or borehole that penetrates the top of the proposed injection/disposal zone which is mud plugged and/or is configured in a manner that will not prevent the potential movement of fluids from the injection/disposal zone into treatable water strata. The applicant is required to submit the corresponding Form 1003 Plugging Records for such wells identified in this unit. If such Form 1003 Plugging Records are not available, the applicant must provide a corrective action plan to prevent injected/disposed fluids from impacting treatable water strata, which corrective action plan may include, but not be limited to, a written request by the applicant for a technical conference with the Conservation Division; and
(x) Identify any well where the top of cement is behind the long string below any portion of the proposed injection/disposal zone. The applicant is required to submit the corresponding Form 1002A Completion Reports for such wells identified in this unit. If such Form 1002A Completion Reports do not contain enough information to make the foregoing determination, or if Form 1002A Completion Reports are not available, the applicant must provide a corrective action plan to prevent injected/disposed fluids from impacting treatable water strata, which corrective action plan may include, but not be limited to, a written request by the applicant for a technical conference with the Conservation Division.
(2)Completion Report. If the well has been drilled, a copy of the Completion Report (Form 1002A) and any available electric or radioactivity log of the well.
(3)Schematic diagram. A schematic diagram of the well showing:
(A) The total depth or plugback depth of the well.
(B) The depth of the injection or disposal interval indicating both the top and bottom.
(C) The geological name (geological group) of the injection or disposal zone.
(D) The depths of the tops and bottoms of the casing and cement to be used in the well.
(E) The size of the casing and tubing, and the depth of the packer.
(4)Proposed zone information. Information showing that injection into the proposed zone will not initiate fractures through the overlying strata which could enable the injection fluid or formation fluid to enter fresh water strata.
(A) When the fluid injection rate is 1,000 barrels per day or less, or equivalent rate for any fraction of twenty-four (24) hours, an overlying strata of at least 200 feet in thickness between the lowest base of fresh water and the top of the proposed interval of injection is considered sufficient evidence of fresh water protection.
(B) When the fluid injection rate is greater than 1,000 barrels per day or equivalent rate for any fraction of twenty-four (24) hours, an overlying strata of at least 500 feet in thickness between the lowest base of fresh water and the top of the proposed interval of injection is considered sufficient evidence of fresh water protection.
(C) When the fluid injection rate is greater than 10,000 barrels per day or equivalent rate for any fraction of twenty-four (24) hours, an overlying strata of at least 3,000 feet in thickness between the lowest base of fresh water and the top of the proposed interval of injection is considered sufficient evidence of fresh water protection.
(D) lf the overlying strata is less than required in (A), (B), or (C) of this paragraph, the Commission may administratively approve injection provided a finding is made that such injection will not initiate fractures through the overlying strata into the fresh water strata. Applicant is required to furnish to the Commission, sworn evidence and data in support of such findings. The Commission, when issuing an order approving fluid injection, shall consider the following:
(i) Maximum injection rate.
(ii) Maximum surface injection pressure.
(iii) lnjection fluid.
(iv) The lithology and rock characteristics of the injection zones and overlying strata.
(5)Proposed operating data:
(A) Daily injection rates and pressures. The maximum permitted surface injection pressure may be the pressure requested in the application or 1/2 psi per foot of depth to the top of the injection/disposal interval, whichever is less, unless the results of a fracture pressure step-rate test support a higher pressure. The Conservation Division may designate areas of interest in which pressures and volumes may be more restrictive. The UIC Department may request that the applicant perform a fracture pressure step-rate test.
(B) Geologic name, depth, and location of injection fluid source.
(C) Qualitative and quantitative analysis of fresh water from two (2) or more fresh water wells within one (1) mile of the proposed injection or disposal well showing location of wells and dates samples were taken, or statement why samples were not submitted. The analysis shall include at a minimum chloride, sodium, and total dissolved solids. Sample collection date(s) must be no more than 12 months prior to the date the application is filed.
(D) Qualitative and quantitative analysis of representative sample of Class II fluids to be injected. The analysis shall include at a minimum chloride, sodium, and total dissolved solids. The legal location of where the sample was obtained and the date the sample was taken must be provided. The sample collection date must be no more than 12 months prior to the date the application is filed.
(c)Application for approval. A copy of the Form 1015 application for approval of injection or disposal of Class II fluids in a well and, where noted, required attachments to Form 1015, except for proofs of publication, fresh water analyses, analyses of representative samples of Class II fluids to be injected, and electric or radioactivity logs, shall be served by the applicant within five (5) business days of the date the application is filed by regular mail or delivered to the following, and applicant must submit an affidavit of mailing or delivery to the UIC Department not later than five (5) business days after the date the application is filed:
(1) The owner of the surface of the land on which the proposed injection or disposal well is to be located;
(2) For a proposed commercial disposal well, to each surface owner and surface lessee of record on each tract of land adjacent and contiguous to the site of the proposed well;
(3) For a proposed injection or noncommercial disposal well with a requested injection rate of less than five thousand (5,000) barrels per day, to each operator of a producing spacing unit or well within one-half (1/2) mile of such proposed well along with required Form 1015 attachments;
(4) For a proposed noncommercial disposal well with a requested injection rate of five thousand (5,000) barrels per day or more, or a commercial disposal well, to each operator of a producing spacing unit or well within two (2) miles of such proposed well along with required Form 1015 attachments;
(5) For a proposed horizontal injection or noncommercial disposal well with a requested injection rate of less than five thousand (5,000) barrels per day, to each operator of a producing spacing unit or well within one-half (1/2) mile of the lateral of such proposed well along with required Form 1015 attachments;
(6) For a proposed noncommercial horizontal disposal well with a requested injection rate of five thousand (5,000) barrels per day or more, or a horizontal commercial disposal well, to each operator of a producing spacing unit or well within two (2) miles of the lateral of such proposed well along with required Form 1015 attachments;
(7) For a proposed injection well with a requested injection rate of five thousand (5,000) barrels per day or more, to each operator of a producing spacing unit or well within one (1) mile of such proposed well along with required Form 1015 attachments; and
(8) For a proposed horizontal injection well with a requested injection rate of five thousand (5,000) barrels per day or more, to each operator of a producing spacing unit or well within one (1) mile of the lateral of such proposed well along with required Form 1015 attachments.
(d)Notice of application. Notice of an application relating to injection, disposal or commercial wells shall be published one time for injection and noncommercial disposal wells and two times for a commercial disposal well in a newspaper of general circulation published in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, and in a newspaper of general circulation published in each county in which land embraced in the application are located. Applicant shall file with the UIC Department proof of publication regarding the notice of application. The notice shall include:
(1) UIC tracking number.
(2) Name and address of applicant.
(3) Location of proposed well to nearest 10 acre tract.
(4) Well name.
(5) The geological name of the injection formation.
(6) The top and bottom of the injection interval.
(7) Maximum injection pressures.
(8) Maximum BID or MCFID injection rate.
(9) The type of well (injection, disposal, commercial)
(10) For a proposed directional or horizontal injection or disposal well, the bottomhole location to the nearest 10 acre tract and the measured depth and true vertical depth.
(e)Written objection. If a written objection to the application is filed within fifteen (15) days after the application is published for injection and noncommercial disposal wells or thirty (30) days after the last publication date for commercial disposal wells, or if hearing is required by the Commission, the application shall be set for hearing and notice thereof shall be given in the same manner as required for the filing of the application on the pollution docket. If no objection is filed and the Commission does not require a hearing, the matter shall be presented administratively to the Manager of Underground Injection Control who may sign the permit.
(f) Surety requirements for commercial disposal well facilities.
(1) Any operator of a commercial disposal well facility shall file with the Surety Department for the Conservation Division an agreement to properly plug the well and reclaim the site upon termination of operations. The agreement shall be on forms available from the Conservation Division and shall be accompanied by surety. The agreement shall provide that if the Commission finds that the operator has failed or refused to comply with Commission rules or take remedial action as required by law and Commission rules, the surety shall pay to the Commission the full amount of the operator's obligation up to the limit of the surety.
(2) The Commission shall establish the amount of surety in the order or permit for the authority to operate a commercial disposal well facility. The amount of surety shall be based on factors such as the depth of the well, dimensions of the facility, and costs of plugging the well, reclamation, monitoring, plugging of monitor wells, any pit closure, trucking of any deleterious substances, remediation and earth work. The amount may be subject to change for good cause. The surety shall be maintained for as long as monitoring is required. The type of surety shall be a corporate surety bond, certificate of deposit, irrevocable commercial letter of credit, or other type of surety approved by order or permit of the Commission. Any type of surety that expires shall be renewed prior to 30 days before the expiration date.
(3) Operators of commercial disposal well facilities authorized prior to the effective date of this subsection must either comply with this subsection or close such facilities within one (1) year of the effective date of this subsection.
(g) In addition to the requirements listed above, the Manager of Underground Injection Control may request the applicant to submit the following information as a prerequisite to approval of the application:
(1) For those wells included in OAC 165:10-5-5(b)(1) which penetrate the top of the injection interval, a tabulation of the wells indicating the following information, if available, from public records:
(A) Dates the wells were drilled.
(B) The present status of the wells.
(C) The identity of any abandoned well which was improperly plugged or remains unplugged.
(2) A list of the following information, if available, to the applicant:
(A) The shut-in bottom hole formation pressure in psi; or the stabilized shut-in surface pressure and fluid level in the proposed injection well.
(B) The permeability of the proposed injection zone expressed in millidarcies.
(C) The porosity of the proposed injection zone expressed as a percentage of pore volume.
(D) Documentation of the methods used to arrive at the data requested above.
(h) Authorization of an injection well or a disposal well or a commercial disposal well will expire and become null and void if no well completion report (Form 1002A) is filed or if no mechanical integrity test is performed pursuant to OAC 165:10-5-6 within sixty (60) days from the date of completion or conversion of the well.
(i) In addition to the well construction requirements as set out in 165:10-3-1, commercial disposal wells shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) At a minimum, the well shall be constructed with a wellhead, surface casing, production casing, tubing, and packer.
(2) The surface casing shall be set and cemented at least fifty (50) feet below the base of the treatable water bearing zone. The production casing will not be allowed to also serve as the surface casing.
(3) The production casing must be set and cemented through the injection zone with the cement circulated behind the casing to a height at least two hundred fifty (250) feet above the disposal zone. A cement bond log showing quality and placement of the cement must be furnished to and acceptable to the Conservation Division before any perforating of the production casing takes places. The Conservation Division shall notify the operator by electronic mail as to whether the cement bond log is acceptable. Information regarding the proposed perforations shall be supplied to the Conservation Division with the cement bond log. The Manager of Underground Injection Control may approve the Arbuckle Formation for open hole completion.
(4) The annulus between the tubing and the casing must be open from the surface to the packer to allow for pressure testing and monitoring of the injection tubing and packer and the annulus filled with a packer fluid that protects against corrosion.
(5) The packer must be set at least within seventy-five (75) feet of the top of the perforations.
(6) Adequate gauges shall be installed on each annulus to allow proper monitoring of the disposal operation.
(7) Tubing must be internally coated or lined to prevent corrosion from injected fluids. PVC, Plastic Coated, Stainless Steel or Fiberglass will qualify.
(8) The packer must be either internally coated or stainless steel.
(9) Commercial disposal wells authorized with a positive injection pressure must be equipped with a down hole shut-off device with a seal divider installed between the packer and the tubing. A Stainless Steel Profile Nipple and an "ON-OFF" Tool will qualify under this Section.
(j) No Commercial disposal well will be permitted whose injection pressure approaches or exceeds the demonstrated frac gradient of the injection zones(s).
(k) The geologic injection intervals authorized by the order or permit which are not perforated during the initial or subsequent completion of the disposal well will not expire until the disposal well is plugged, or the authority to inject is terminated or vacated.
(l) In the event the Commission has evidence that an applicant for a commercial disposal well may not possess a satisfactory compliance history with Commission rules, the Director of the Conservation Division may seek an order of the Commission, issued after application, notice, and hearing, determining whether the applicant should be authorized to operate such commercial disposal well.

Okla. Admin. Code § 165:10-5-5

Amended at 11 Ok Reg 3691, eff 7-11-94 ; Amended at 23 Ok Reg 2229, eff 7-1-06 ; Amended at 26 Ok Reg 2498, eff 7-11-09 ; Amended at 26 Ok Reg 2498, eff 7-11-09 ; Amended at 27 Ok Reg 2128, eff 7-11-10 ; Amended at 29 Ok Reg 950, eff 7-1-12 ; Amended at 30 Ok Reg 1041, eff 7-1-13

Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 31, Issue 24, September 2, 2014, eff. 9/12/2014
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 32, Issue 23, August 17, 2015, eff. 8/27/2015.
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 34, Issue 24, September 1, 2017, eff. 9/11/2017
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 36, Issue 21, July 15, 2019, eff. 8/1/2019
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 37, Issue 24, September 1, 2020, eff. 10/1/2020
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 39, Issue 24, September 1, 2022, eff. 10/1/2022
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 40, Issue 24, September 1, 2023, eff. 10/1/2023