Note: The above exception is made to cover such cases as a threeway valve installed under two safety relief valves, each of which has the required rate of discharge and is so installed as to allow either of the safety valves to be closed off, but does not allow both safety valves to be closed off at the same time. Another exception to this may be where two separate relief valves are installed with individual shut-off valves. In this case, the two shut-off valve stems shall be mechanically interconnected in a manner which will allow full required flow of one safety relief valve at all times. Still another exception is a safety relief valve manifold which allows one valve of two, three, four or more to be closed off and the remaining valve or valves will provide not less than the rate of discharge shown on the manifold nameplate.
Ohio Admin. Code 901:5-3-09
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 905.40
Rule Amplifies: 905.40
Prior Effective Dates: 11/18/1978