Provision for an adequate fire protection service;
A system of fire inspections and testing of equipment at least quarterly;
An annual inspection by local or state fire officials or other qualified person(s);
Availability of fire protection equipment at appropriate locations throughout the CRC.
Within ninety days after the effective date of this rule, specifications for the selection and approval of newly acquired furnishings for living areas indicate the fire safety performance requirements of the material selected. Such materials are subject to careful fire safety evaluation before purchase or use. Neoprene or cotton mattresses treated with boric acid are recommended. Polyurethane is not to be used in any living area.
Ohio Admin. Code 5139-35-10
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 9/27/2024 and 12/12/2029
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 5139.04
Rule Amplifies: 5139.04
Prior Effective Dates: 12/11/1988, 10/30/2014