Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 5120:1-10-18 - Staff training(A) (Important) Jail support staff with occasional contact shall receive training in pertinent agency policies and procedures prior to or in conjunction with assignment to jail duties. Two hours of in-service training each subsequent year of employment addressing specific job assignments and/or jail related issues.
(B) (Important) Correctional officers or staff with routine contact and who are not currently appointed as a peace officer, shall receive training as follows: (1) Training in jail policies and procedures prior to or in within sixty days of assignment to jail duties.(2) During the first year of assignment, they shall receive the jailer basic training consistent with Chapter 109:2-11 of the Administrative Code. Correctional officers that present proof of completion of the "New Employee Orientation" (NEO) training through the Ohio department of rehabilitation and correction satisfy the training requirement in Chapter 109:2-9 of the Administrative Code.(3) Eight hours of in-service training each subsequent year of employment addressing specific job assignments and/or jail related issues. These training hours are in addition to training mandated by other standards.(C) (Important) Currently appointed peace officers working in the jail shall receive training as follows:(1) Training in jail policies and procedures prior to or in conjunction with assignment to jail duties.(2) During the first year of assignment, receive training in inmate rights, civil liability, overview of jail standards, basic security duties, inmate discipline, admission, classification, and release, suicide prevention, and medical/mental health issues.(3) Eight hours of in-service training each subsequent year of employment addressing specific job assignments and/or jail related issues. These training hours are in addition to training mandated by other standards.(D) (Important) Administrators and supervisors shall receive training in addition to the training specified in paragraph (B) or (C) of this rule as follows: (1) Training in jail policies and procedures prior to or in conjunction with assignment to jail duties.(2) During the first year of assignment, an additional forty hours of training specified in paragraph (B) or (C) of this rule, which may include legal aspects of jail management, managerial principles, labor relations, and records/information management.(3) Eight hours of in-service training each subsequent year of employment addressing special issues, skills-enhancement and other assignment related topics.(E) (Important) The jail's policies and procedures shall be available to jail staff, reviewed annually and updated by the jail administrator or designee as needed.Ohio Admin. Code 5120:1-10-18
Effective: 3/22/2021
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 1/4/2021 and 01/15/2026
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 5120.01, 5120.10
Rule Amplifies: 5120.10
Prior Effective Dates: 01/02/1981, 01/01/1983, 06/01/1991, 10/01/1992, 07/01/1994, 09/21/1998, 01/01/2003, 07/01/2005, 02/16/2016