Ohio Admin. Code 5120-9-52

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 5120-9-52 - Initial classification of inmates
(A) The director shall designate one or more institutions as centers for the reception and classification of inmates received by the department.
(B) Classification shall include assigning the inmate to appropriate security and supervision levels, as well as determining programming needs to assist in the reentry of the inmate into the community. The director or designee shall establish standard admission procedures.
(C) The reception centers shall forward copies of all recommendations, reports, evaluations and other relevant information on an inmate to the bureau of classification. After a review of the available records the bureau of classification shall designate a security level of 1, 2, 3, 4 or E and assign the inmate to an appropriate institution. Factors to be considered in designating an inmate's initial security level and institution assignment shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) Nature or seriousness of the offense for which the inmate was committed;
(2) Length of sentence for which the inmate was committed;
(3) Medical and mental health status;
(4) Previous experience while on parole, furlough, probation, post release control, administrative release or while under any other form of correctional supervision.
(5) Nature of prior criminal conduct as shown by the official record;
(6) Age of inmate;
(7) Potential for escape;
(8) Potential of danger to the inmate, other inmates, staff, or the community through the inmate's actions or actions of others;
(9) Availability of housing, work, and programming at the various institutions;
(10) The physical facilities of an institution;
(11) Any other relevant information contained in the reports.
(D) The bureau of classification will, within the limits of the available resources, attempt to assign the inmate to an institution most compatible with his security and programming needs. The bureau shall forward a copy of the inmate's designated security level and institution assignment to the reception center. The reception center shall notify the inmate and advise the inmate that they may request in writing to the chief of the bureau of classification reconsideration of their security level and/or institution assignment. Such request shall be on a form designated for that purpose and state in detail the reasons supporting the request.
(E) During the period an inmate is incarcerated at a reception center, the inmate shall be given a temporary security level of level 3R, which will remain in effect until the bureau of classification makes the security level and institution assignment and the appropriate transfer has been completed.
(F) The inmate's initial security level and institution assignment are subject to change either while the inmate is at the reception center or at the assigned institution, whenever additional documentation or information becomes available that would impact such assignments. Absent the receipt of any new information that would impact the inmate's initial assignment, security level and institution assignment shall not be modified except pursuant to rules 5120-9-21 and 5120-9-53 of the Administrative Code.
(G) Inmates may be assigned to an institution of a higher security level than the security level of the inmate due to program or institutional requirements. However, the security status of the institution to which the inmate is assigned shall not, alone, determine the security level of the inmate.
(H) All reports, documents, and materials completed during the reception and initial classification process shall become a permanent part of the inmate's files.

Ohio Admin. Code 5120-9-52

Effective: 1/9/2020
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 1/7/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 5120.01
Rule Amplifies: 5120.11, 5120.16
Prior Effective Dates: 11/10/1975, 01/01/1983, 07/18/1983, 09/04/1984, 05/08/2006