Ohio Admin. Code 5101:4-9-06

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 5101:4-9-06 - SNAP E & T disenrollment

Once an individual has been enrolled in the supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) employment and training (E & T) program, they may only be disenrolled in accordance with the provisions of this rule. This rule describes when a SNAP E & T enrolled participant may be disenrolled from the SNAP E & T program and the process a SNAP E & T case manager is to follow when disenrolling a SNAP E & T enrolled participant from the SNAP E & T program.

(A) Under what circumstances may an E & T case manager disenroll a SNAP E & T enrolled participant from SNAP E & T?

A case manager may disenroll an individual when:

(1) The SNAP E & T enrolled participant informs the E & T case manager that SNAP E & T services are no longer needed. This includes when the enrolled participant has:
(a) Obtained unsubsidized employment;
(b) Achieved all employment, educational and/or training goals;
(c) Become ineligible for SNAP due to an increase in earned income and not receiving job retention services in accordance with rule 5101:4-9-07.5 of the Administrative Code;
(d) Exhausted job retention services provided in accordance with rule 5101:4-9-07.5 of the Administrative Code; or
(e) Enrolled in a program under Title 1 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Pub. L. No. 113-128, (07/2014); a program under section 236 of the Trade Act of 1974, 19 U.S.C. 2296, (06/2015); or a program of employment and training for veterans operated by the department of labor or the department of veterans affairs.
(2) The E & T enrolled participant can no longer be served with E & T services. This includes when the enrolled participant cannot be assigned due to:
(a) The lack of a provider of a suitable E & T component or activity (this includes reaching provider capacity);
(b) Funding limitations by the county agency;
(c) Institutionalization or incarceration of the E & T enrolled participant;
(d) The enrolled participant is not suitable for assignment to a SNAP E & T component;
(e) The E & T enrolled participant is deceased;
(f) The E & T enrolled participant has moved out of the county;
(g) Military enlistment or deployment of the E & T enrolled participant; or
(h) Loss of SNAP eligibility due to an increase in unearned income or for any reason other than fraud or non-compliance and not receiving job retention services in accordance with rule 5101:4-9-07.5 of the Administrative Code.
(3) The E & T enrolled participant is not making progress in the SNAP E & T program. This includes when the enrolled participant has:
(a) Voluntarily withdrawn from SNAP E & T;
(b) Not engaged in SNAP E & T for at least two consecutive months;
(c) Been determined to not be making satisfactory progress in the E & T program in accordance with rule 5101:4-9-05 of the Administrative Code; or
(d) Loss of SNAP eligibility due to fraud or non-compliance.
(B) What are the SNAP E & T case manager's responsibilities when disenrolling a SNAP E & T enrolled participant?
(1) The SNAP E & T case manager is to document the disenrollment in the Ohio benefits integrated eligibility system, including ensuring that all supportive services and assignments have been end-dated.
(2) There is no loss of SNAP eligibility or change in benefit amount due to disenrollment from SNAP E & T and the decision is not an adverse action subject to rule 5101:6-2-04 of the Administrative Code. However, within ten days of determining that the SNAP E & T enrolled participant is to be disenrolled, the SNAP E & T case manager is to inform the SNAP E & T enrolled participant of the reason for the disenrollment and the date it takes effect by any reasonable means (letter, phone call, email, etc.).

Ohio Admin. Code 5101:4-9-06

Effective: 10/1/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/01/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 5101.54
Rule Amplifies: 5101.54