Section 4781-12-09 - Streets; walkways; auto parking(A) Each manufactured home lot in each manufactured home park constructed on or after December 16, 1951, but prior to January 1, 1961, shall abut on a street that has a clear unobstructed width of not less than twenty feet.(B) Each manufactured home lot in each manufactured home park or section thereof constructed on or after December 31, 1960, but prior to July 1, 1971, shall abut on a street within the manufactured home park that has a clear unobstructed width of not less than twenty-five feet exclusive of walkway.(C) Each manufactured home lot in each manufactured home park or section thereof constructed on or after June 30, 1971, shall abut on a paved street within the manufactured home park that is designed and constructed in accordance with the following: (1) All entrance and exit "two-way" streets shall have a minimum width of thirty-five feet exclusive of any median strip. One-way entrance or exit streets shall have a minimum width of twenty feet;(2) All collector, minor, or cul-de-sac streets may have a minimum width of twenty feet and parking is not permitted;(3) The manufactured home park operator may permit parking on both sides of streets having a minimum width of thirty feet;(4) The operator may permit parking on both sides of streets having a minimum width of twenty-eight feet that have been designated as "one-way";(5) The operator may permit parking on one side of "two-way" streets having a minimum width of twenty-eight feet;(6) The operator may permit parking on one side of streets having a minimum width of twenty feet that have been designated as "one-way";(7) All materials and construction methods used in street, walkway, and parking construction shall comply with the 2016 "Construction and Material Specifications" manual published by the Ohio department of transportation;(8) If flexible paving is used, it shall consist of a minimum of three inches of asphalt concrete placed on top of not less than six inches of properly prepared aggregate base. If rigid pavement is used, it shall consist of a minimum of five inches of plain Portland cement concrete having a minimum rating of three thousand pounds per square inch. Alternate pavements approved by the division having a strength equal to either of the above may be permitted for installation and use. The subgrade in either case shall be well drained, well compacted, and smoothly graded; and(9) The operator shall provide an area or areas throughout the manufactured home park for visitor parking if the streets having a minimum width of twenty feet are designated as "two-way."(D) No manufactured home lot constructed on or after January 1, 1961, shall have direct accessway for vehicles to a public thoroughfare. Those manufactured home lots constructed on or after June 1, 1979, which are adjacent to a public thoroughfare, shall be separated from the thoroughfare by either a natural or artificial barrier.(E) The street system in a manufactured home park shall be directly connected to a public thoroughfare.(F) Each manufactured home lot in each manufactured home park or section thereof constructed on or after June 30, 1971, shall be provided with paved on-lot parking space for two automobiles. Paving shall be done either in accordance with paragraph (J) of this rule or with a minimum of two inches of asphalt concrete placed on top of not less than six inches of aggregate base.(G) Each manufactured home lot in each manufactured home park or section thereof constructed on or after June 30, 1971, shall be provided with a walkway paved in accordance with paragraph (J) of this rule and having a minimum width of two feet leading from the manufactured home door to the adjacent street, any main walkway, or parking area.(H) Except as provided in paragraph (I) of this rule, each manufactured home park or portion thereof constructed after November 13, 1992, shall have a main walkway paved in accordance with paragraph (J) of this rule on at least one side of each of the manufactured home park streets. The walkway shall be parallel to the street and shall be at least three feet in width. This paragraph does not apply to cul-de-sac streets unless the cul-de-sac street is a main entrance or exit street to the manufactured home park.(I) Notwithstanding paragraph (H) of this rule, a manufactured home park constructed on or after September 6, 1998 may be constructed without a walkway paved in accordance with paragraphs (H) and (J) of this rule, provided that the residential zoning classification in the political subdivision with jurisdiction does not require a paved walkway in all property zoned single family residential. This paragraph also applies to expansion of existing manufactured home parks, except that new walkways are not required if walkways do not currently exist. Any paved walkway either required by this rule, or provided within a manufactured home park, irrespective of whether the walkway is not required by this rule, shall be constructed in accordance with paragraphs (H) and (J) of this rule.(J) For purposes of paragraphs (F) to (I) of this rule, paving shall be done with a minimum of four inches of plain Portland concrete having a minimum rating of three thousand pounds per square inch.(K) All manufactured home park streets shall be maintained in a safe, passable condition at all times.Ohio Admin. Code 4781-12-09
Effective: 1/20/2020
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 8/27/2019 and 01/20/2025
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4781.26
Rule Amplifies: 4781.26
Prior Effective Dates: 07/01/1971, 06/01/1979, 09/03/1983, 11/13/1992, 03/21/1998, 09/06/1998, 11/07/2005, 12/01/2012