Ohio Admin. Code 4765-25-01

Current through all regulations passed and filed through September 23, 2024
Section 4765-25-01 - Definitions

[Comment: For dates and availability of material incorporated by reference in this rule see rule 4765-25-02 of the Administrative Code.]

As used in this chapter and Chapters 4765-20 to 4765-24 of the Administrative Code:

(A) "Affiliation" means the department or agency where an Ohio certified firefighter, fire safety inspector, hazard recognition officer, or fire instructor works, in either a paid or volunteer status, using the Ohio certificate. It does not include special events such as festivals or camps, or general employment where a certificate holder may also work.
(B) "Affiliation agreement" means a written agreement between a chartered program and any person that sets forth the roles and responsibilities of the parties, is signed by the individuals with authority to sign contracts, and provides for any of the following:
(1) The use of specified equipment necessary for firefighter, fire safety inspector, hazard recognition officer, or instructor courses;
(2) The use of facilities not owned or leased by the chartered program.

(C) "Armed forces" means the armed forces of the United States, including the army, navy, air force, marine corps, coast guard, or any reserve components of those forces; the national guard of any state; the commissioned corps of the United States public health service; the merchant marine service during wartime; such other service as may be designated by congress; or the Ohio organized militia when engaged in full-time national guard duty for a period of more than thirty days.
(D) "Assistant fire instructor" means an individual who holds a certificate to assist in the instruction of firefighter training courses under the auspices of a fire and emergency services instructor and through a chartered program, issued by the executive director pursuant to section 4765.55 of the Revised Code and Chapter 4765-21 of the Administrative Code.
(E) "Asynchronous learning" means educational activities, discussions, and assignments that engage students in learning at their own pace, on their own time.
(F) "Authorizing official" means any person who owns or maintains responsibility on behalf of an individual, corporation, trust, partnership, or an association for the facilities, equipment, instructors, managers, and other employees of the chartered program.
(G) "Blended learning" means face-to-face class sessions that are accompanied by online (synchronous or asynchronous) materials and activities. A fundamental component of a blended course is that these online materials are not intended to replace face- to-face class time; rather, they are meant to supplement and build upon the content discussed in the classroom. Also known as hybrid learning.
(H) "Certificate of course completion" means the document provided by a chartered program that verifies a student has successfully completed all course requirements, including passing all of the chartered program's written and practical skills examinations for certifications issued pursuant to Chapters 4765-20 and 4765-21 of the Administrative Code.
(I) "Certificate to teach" means a certificate permitting an individual to provide instruction as a fire and emergency services instructor, assistant fire instructor, or live fire instructor, issued by the executive director pursuant to sections 4765.11 and 4765.55 of the Revised Code and Chapters 4765-18 and 4765-21 of the Administrative Code.
(J) "Charter" or "fire charter" means a certificate issued to a training institution to offer firefighter, fire safety inspector, hazard recognition officer, or instructor courses, issued by the executive director pursuant to section 4765.55 of the Revised Code and Chapter 4765-24 of the Administrative Code.
(K) "Chartered program" means any organization or institution that has been issued a charter by the executive director, in accordance with section 4765.55 of the Revised Code and Chapter 4765-24 of the Administrative Code, to offer firefighter, fire safety inspector, hazard recognition officer, or instructor courses.
(L) "Committee" means the firefighter and fire safety inspector training committee of the state board of emergency medical, fire, and transportation services created in sections 4765.04 and 4765.55 of the Revised Code.
(M) "Computer lab" means a cluster of networked computers that are available for students to sit for the written certification examination as set forth in the "Written Testing Agreement."
(N) "Distance learning" means a training course which is taught in real-time and is interactive between the student and the entity offering the course. Distance learning education takes place when an instructor and a student or students are separated by physical distance and utilizes technology often in concert with face-to-face communication to bridge the instructional gap.
(O) "Division" or "DEMS" means the division of emergency medical services within the Ohio department of public safety.
(P) "Drop back" is an option available to a fire safety inspector certificate holder, who may drop back to a hazard recognition officer level of certification during a certification cycle or at the time of renewal.
(Q) "EMS accredited institution" or "accredited institution" means any public agency, private school, educational institution, emergency medical service organization, vocational school, college, university, or hospital within Ohio that holds a certificate of accreditation issued under section 4765.17 of the Revised Code and Chapter 4765-7 of the Administrative Code.
(R) "Emergency vehicle operations course" or "EVOC" is a course consisting of a minimum of sixteen hours that focuses on familiarizing participants with terminology, driving skills, and liability issues that relate to the operation of a fire department vehicle. The course objectives, established by the executive director, have been designed to meet, and shall be consistent with, the general knowledge requirements, general skill requirements, and job performance requirements specified in "NFPA 1002: Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications" and "NFPA 1451: Standard for a Fire and Emergency Service Vehicle Operations Training Program." The course objectives can be found in the "Emergency Vehicle Operations Course Packet." The course is a qualification requirement for Ohio firefighter I and firefighter II certification.
(S) "Evolution" is defined by the national fire protection association as a set of prescribed actions that result in an effective fireground activity or is defined as a planned training sequence intended to develop knowledge, skills, and competency and ensure safety during the training.
(T) "Executive director" means the individual appointed by the director of public safety, pursuant to section 4765.03 of the Revised Code, to serve as the chief executive officer of the state board of emergency medical, fire, and transportation services and as the executive director of the division of emergency medical services.
(U) "Federal emergency management agency" or "FEMA" is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security, initially created by Presidential Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978 and implemented by two Executive Orders on April 1, 1979.
(V) "Fire and Emergency Services Instructor," or "FESI," means an individual who holds a certificate to teach fire, EMS, or other public safety officer courses, for Ohio certification under the auspices of an accredited or chartered institution.
(W) "Fire department instructors conference" or "FDIC" is an annual conference and exhibition organized by the "PennWell" corporation and held in Indiana.

(X) "Fire-rescue international" is the annual conference and exposition of the "International Association of Fire Chiefs" or "IAFC."
(Y) "Fire chief" is a certified firefighter who has been designated as the head of a fire department or "private firefighting brigade."
(Z) "Fire Code Academy" is a training organization that offers professional level training, consulting, and continuing education in the fields of modern fire science, fire protection, fire prevention, code enforcement, and emergency response.
(AA) "Fire safety inspector" or "FSI" means an individual certified by the executive director pursuant to section 4765.55 of the Revised Code and Chapter 4765-20 of the Administrative Code to perform fire safety inspector duties as set forth in Chapter 3737. of the Revised Code.

(BB) "Firefighter" means an individual who holds a certificate as a volunteer firefighter, firefighter I, or firefighter II, issued by the executive director pursuant to section 4765.55 of the Revised Code and Chapter 4765-20 of the Administrative Code.
(CC) "Good reputation" or "good standing" means:
(1) An individual is not the subject of an investigation or disciplinary action by any federal, state, or local government agency or has not been denied a license or certificate or had a license or certificate restricted, suspended, or revoked by any public agency or licensing agency; or
(2) An entity, organization, or institution that is in compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations as applicable to its operations, or is not currently under investigation by any agency of the federal, state, or local government, or has not been denied any necessary licenses or certificates, or had such licenses or certificates restricted, suspended, or revoked.
(DD) "Hazard recognition officer" or "HRO" means an individual certified by the executive director pursuant to section 4765.55 of the Revised Code and Chapter 4765-20 of the Administrative Code to perform fire and life safety inspection duties. A hazard recognition officer certificate does not meet the requirements as set forth in Chapter 3737. of the Revised Code, and therefore, a hazard recognition officer certificate holder shall not be granted authority afforded a fire safety inspector certificate holder, including the authority to issue citations or notice of violations.
(EE) "Hazardous materials awareness and operations course" is a course consisting of a minimum of twenty-four hours that is approved by the chartered program and is consistent with the requirements of "NFPA 470" or "NFPA 1072" related to the minimum requirements in terms of professional core competencies for hazardous materials awareness and operations.
(FF) "Hybrid learning" see blended learning.
(GG) "Immediately dangerous to life or health" or "IDLH" means any condition that would pose an immediate or delayed threat to life, cause irreversible adverse health effects, or interfere with an individual's ability to escape unaided from a hazardous environment.
(HH) "Instructional methods examination" means the certification examination developed by the division and approved by the executive director that covers teaching systems, as set forth in Chapters 4765-18 and 4765-21 of the Administrative Code. This examination may also be known as the "Fire and Emergency Services Instructor I examination" and/or "Fire and Emergency Services Instructor II examination."
(II) "Instructor" means an individual who holds a certificate to teach as a fire and emergency services instructor, live fire instructor, or assistant fire instructor, issued by the executive director pursuant to section 4765.55 of the Revised Code and Chapters 4765-18 and 4765-21 of the Administrative Code.
(JJ) "Instructor trainer" means a fire and emergency services instructor that has been appointed by an accredited or chartered program's authorizing official or program director to teach fire and emergency services instructor courses under the auspices of an accredited or chartered institution.
(KK) "International fire service accreditation congress" or "IFSAC" accredits organizations that use the NFPA's professional qualification standards and operates a certification registry.
(LL) "International fire service training association" or "IFSTA" is an association that identifies areas of need for training materials and fosters the development and validation of training materials for the fire service and related areas.
(MM) "Job performance requirements" or "JPRs" describe a specific job task, listing the items necessary to complete the task successfully, and define measurable or observable outcomes and evaluation areas for the specific task.
(NN) "Knowledge examination" means the written portion of the initial, reciprocity, and reinstatement examinations, as set forth in Chapter 4765-20 and Chapter 4765-21 of the Administrative Code.
(OO) "Lead instructor" means an individual who holds a certificate to teach as a fire and emergency services instructor, or live fire instructor, and is delegated by the program director to be in charge of designated classroom or practical skills portions of a fire training course.
(PP) "Live fire instructor" means an individual who holds a certificate to teach live fire training, a certificate to teach as a fire and emergency services instructor I or II, and a provider certificate as a firefighter II as per the requirements listed in NFPA 1041 Chapter 7, under the auspices of a chartered fire training program, issued by the executive director pursuant to section 4765.55 of the Revised Code and Chapter 4765-21 of the Administrative Code.
(QQ) "Live fire instructor-in-charge" means an individual who holds a certificate to teach live fire training, a certificate to teach as a fire and emergency services instructor II, and a provider certificate as a firefighter II as per the requirements listed in NFPA 1041 Chapter 8, under the auspices of a chartered fire training program, issued by the executive director pursuant to section 4765.55 of the Revised Code and Chapter 4765-21 of the Administrative Code.
(RR) "National domestic preparedness consortium" or "NDPC" provides training to emergency responders throughout the United States and its territories under a cooperative agreement among the U.S. department of homeland security, the federal emergency management agency, and other partners.
(SS) "National fire academy" is operated and governed by the United States fire administration as part of the U.S. department of homeland security from a campus in Maryland.
(TT) "National fire protection association" or "NFPA" is an international nonprofit organization which sets the nationally accepted standards for research, training, and education for all aspects of firefighting and the fire service.
(UU) "National institute for occupational safety and health" or "NIOSH" is the United States federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related injury and illness.
(VV) "Offsite location" means a location where the majority of didactic training for a course is conducted, if not at the fixed geographic location where the chartered program is operated.
(WW) "Online education" means a computer based, self-paced (asynchronous) learning environment that takes place on the internet at the student's convenience.
(XX) "Personal alert safety system" or "PASS" is a device that issues an alarm signaling that a firefighter needs assistance.
(YY) "Personal protective equipment" or "PPE" consists of a full ensemble of protective clothing, plus a "self-contained breathing apparatus" or "SCBA" and a "personal alert safety system" or "PASS" device.
(ZZ) "Practical skills evaluator" means a fire and emergency services instructor that has successfully completed the "Practical Skills Evaluator Training Course" under the auspices of the chartered program.
(AAA) "Practical skills evaluator refresher training" is a program, approved by the executive director, developed using form "EMS 1260" and conducted through the chartered programs on an annual basis, designed to ensure the skills evaluators are conducting evaluations safely according to the current standards as determined by the division.
(BBB) "Practical skills examination" means the practical skills portion of the initial, reciprocity, and reinstatement examinations, as set forth in Chapter 4765-20, Chapter 4765-21, and Chapter 4765-24 of the Administrative Code.
(CCC) "Private firefighting brigade" is any organized group of employees having fire- fighting response duties, such as emergency brigades, emergency response teams, fire teams, and plant emergency organizations.
(DDD) "ProBoard" or "national board on fire service professional qualifications" accredits organizations that use the NFPA's professional qualification standards and operates a certification registry.
(EEE) "Probation" means a formal rebuke of a chartered institution for violations of the Ohio Revised Code or Ohio Administrative Code, while permitting the chartered institution to continue to operate, though the chartered institution may be subject to increased monitoring or sanctioned more severely if further violations are substantiated during the specified period.
(FFF) "Program director" means the authorizing official or that person designated by the authorizing official of an accredited or chartered program to oversee the administration and operation of a fire charter.
(GGG) "Public Safety Officer" means any individual serving a public agency in an official capacity, with or without compensation, as a law enforcement officer, firefighter, rescue squad member, or emergency medical services (EMS) provider.
(HHH) "Reinstatement" is the process by which a holder of a firefighter certificate, fire safety inspector certificate, hazard recognition officer certificate, instructor certificate, or a charter, issued by the executive director may regain a certificate or charter that has expired, was voluntarily surrendered, or has been revoked.
(III) "Restrict" means to preclude a certificate holder from engaging in a particular conduct or activity, to impose conditions on the manner in which such conduct or activity may be performed, or to require the certificate holder to abide by specific conditions in order to continue functioning under the holder's certificate.
(JJJ) "Revocation" means the loss of a certificate issued under section 4765.55 of the Revised Code for at least one year from the date on which the executive director's order revoking the certificate was journalized.
(KKK) "Self-contained breathing apparatus" or "SCBA" means a device worn by rescue workers, firefighters, and others to provide breathable air in an "Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health" (IDLH) atmosphere.
(LLL) "Skills coordinator" means an individual designated by the program director to be in charge of the administration, set up, and supervision of practical skills examinations.
(MMM) "Synchronous learning" means real-time learning in which participants interact at the same time and in the same space, such as virtual meetings and chats.
(NNN) "Veteran" means any person who has completed service in the armed forces, including the national guard of any state, or a reserve component of the armed forces, who has been discharged under honorable conditions from the armed forces or who has been transferred to the reserve with evidence of satisfactory service.

Ohio Admin. Code 4765-25-01

Effective: 7/7/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/26/2023 and 10/01/2028
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4765.55
Rule Amplifies: 4765.55
Prior Effective Dates: 01/01/2018, 04/01/2019