Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 4731-6-30 - Training certificates(A) A training certificate is mandatory for participation in a training program unless the participant holds a license to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery. The participation in the programs prior to receiving an acknowledgment letter or a training certificate from the board is the unlicensed practice of medicine pursuant to section 4731.34 of the Revised Code.(B) An individual may not begin participation in a training program unless the individual has been issued one of the following: (1) A diploma from an LCME accredited medical school or AOA accredited osteopathic medical school; or(2) An ECFMG certificate or a fifth pathway certificate.(C) Evidence that the applicant for a training certificate has been accepted or appointed to a training program meeting the requirements of division (A)(2) of section 4731.291 of the Revised Code must include a certification from the training program of both of the following:(1) The training program will verify that the applicant has been issued a diploma, ECFMG certificate, or a fifth pathway certificate before permitting the applicant to begin participation in the training program; and (2) The training program will notify the board if a holder of a training certificate has not been issued a diploma, an ECFMG certificate, or a fifth pathway certificate before the start date of the training program.(D) The holder of a training certificate shall immediately notify the board in writing if the holder has not been issued a diploma, an ECFMG certificate, or a fifth pathway certificate before the start date of the training program.(E) Upon the board's receipt of an application for a training certificate, or upon the board's receipt of written notice from an applicant for a license that the applicant intends to participate in a training program, and after verifying that the applicant has paid the appropriate fee, the board may issue to the applicant an acknowledgment letter. Fees are neither refundable nor transferable.(1) Upon receipt of that acknowledgment letter, the applicant may begin participating in the training program that meets the requirements of section 4731.291 of the Revised Code, and this chapter of the Administrative Code, to which the applicant has been appointed while the application is being processed. The acknowledgment letter will serve as proof that the board has received the application and that the applicant is entitled to continue participation in the training program.(2) If an applicant has not received an acknowledgment letter or training certificate from the board within forty-five days after submitting an application, then the applicant shall immediately inform the board and the director of his or her training program in writing.(3) An acknowledgment letter issued under this rule shall authorize participation in a training program for one hundred twenty days, unless prior to that time the board: (a) Issues the certificate; or(b) Issues an order in accordance with Ohio law suspending without a prior hearing the authority to participate; or(c) Accepts a withdrawal of the application;(d) Issues a notice of opportunity for hearing in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, in which case the authority to participate shall continue until the board's issuance of a final order granting or denying the application, or until the end of the training year, whichever comes first; or(e) In the case of an applicant for a license, advises the applicant in writing that a substantial question of a violation of this chapter or the rules adopted under it exists and that investigation is continuing, in which case the authority to participate shall continue until one of the following occur: (i) The board issues a license; or(ii) The board issues a final order in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code; or(iii) The training year ends. Except as provided in this rule, participation in a training program pursuant to an acknowledgment letter cannot be renewed or extended beyond one hundred twenty days.
(F) If at the end of one hundred twenty days following issuance of an acknowledgment letter to an applicant for a training certificate the board has commenced but not yet concluded investigation or inquiry into issues of possible violations of Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code, it shall issue a training certificate to the applicant but shall not be deemed to have waived any issues which would constitute grounds to impose discipline under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code.(G) If the applicant or training certificate holder changes training programs, the board must be notified in writing immediately. A new application need not be completed and a new training certificate will not be issued. The training certificate will continue to be valid until its date of expiration.(H) A person who holds a suspended license to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery is not eligible for a training certificate. Such a person must restore that license in accordance with sections 4731.222 and 4731.281 of the Revised Code before beginning postgraduate training in Ohio. A person whose license to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery has been permanently revoked or permanently denied is ineligible to participate in a training program in Ohio. Replaces: 4731-6-30
Ohio Admin. Code 4731-6-30
Effective: 7/31/2019
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 07/31/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4731.05, 4731.291
Rule Amplifies: 4731.222, 4731.281, 4731.291, 4731.34
Prior Effective Dates: 02/29/1988 (Emer.), 06/06/1988 (Emer.), 11/01/1988 (Emer.), 12/19/1988, 02/10/1989, 08/15/1993, 12/01/1999, 05/05/2000 (Emer.), 09/01/2000, 10/31/2004, 08/31/2017