Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 4731-30-02 - Board metricsAs set forth in this rule, the board shall prepare and publish metrics of the board's operations for each fiscal year.
(A) Licensure and renewal metrics: (1) The total number of licenses issued by the board broken down by license type.(2) The median and/or average number of days to issue a license for all license applications. (3) The number of renewals processed by license type. (B) Investigation metrics: (1) The total number of reports of investigation completed.(2) The total number of subpoenas issued by the investigation section. (C) Enforcement metrics: (1) The total number of cases assigned to the enforcement section.(2) The total number of cases completed by the enforcement section.(3) The total number of subpoenas issued by the enforcement section.(4) The total number of depositions conducted by the enforcement section.(5) The total number of interrogatories generated by the enforcement section. (D) Outreach metrics: (1) The total number of presentations provided by board staff, broken down by topic.(E) Public records request metrics: (1) The total number of public records requests processed by board staff.(2) The median and/or average number of calendar days for public records requests from the date that each public records request was received by the board until the date that the public records request was addressed by way of correspondence and/or the provision of documents relevant to the public records request.(F) Complaint metrics: (1) The total number of complaints received by the board.(2) The total number of complaints closed.(3) The median and/or average number of calendar days from the date that each complaint was received by the board until the date that the complaint was closed.(G) Fiscal metrics: (1) Fiscal year expenditures by major activities.(2) Fiscal year revenue by major activity and license type.(3) The board's travel reimbursements by fiscal year.(H) Hearing metrics: (1) The median and/or average number of calendar days for all cases assigned to the board hearing unit from the date that a written request for hearing is received by the board until a hearing begins.(2) The median and/or average number of calendar days for all cases assigned to the board hearing unit from the date that the hearing has been concluded until a written report and recommendation has been issued from the board hearing unit.(3) The median and/or average number of calendar days for all cases from the date that the written report and recommendation has been issued until the board issues an order disposing of the case.Ohio Admin. Code 4731-30-02
Effective: 9/23/2018
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 4731.05
Rule Amplifies: 4731.05
Prior Effective Dates: 09/06/2014