Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 4729:3-2-02 - Criminal records checks(A) An applicant seeking an initial registration, including as registration by reciprocity, as a pharmacy technician trainee, registered pharmacy technician or certified pharmacy technician must first submit fingerprint impressions to the Ohio bureau of criminal identification and investigation (BCI&I) for a criminal records check.(B) Pursuant to section 4776.02 of the Revised Code, the criminal records check performed by BCI&I shall consist of both a BCI&I criminal records check and a federal bureau of investigation (FBI) criminal records check. BCI&I shall send the results of the BCI&I and FBI criminal records checks directly to the state board of pharmacy.(C) The state board of pharmacy requires that the criminal records check be based on electronic fingerprint impressions that are submitted directly to BCI&I from a WebCheck provider agency or ink impressions. The state board of pharmacy may accept the results of a criminal records check based on ink impressions only in the following circumstances: (1) Readable electronic fingerprint impressions cannot be obtained or are rejected by either BCI&I or FBI;(2) The applicant is from out-of-state; or(3) The applicant's home address is seventy-five miles or more from the nearest WebCheck location. (D)Results will only be considered valid if the fingerprint impressions were obtained within twenty-four months of the date the application is received by the board. Ohio Admin. Code 4729:3-2-02
Effective: 4/1/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 4/27/2021 and 04/01/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4729.26, 4729.94
Rule Amplifies: 4729.90, 4729.96, 4729.95, 4729.94, 4729.93, 4729.921, 4729.92, 4729.91, 4729.901
Prior Effective Dates: 11/20/2017