Ohio Admin. Code 4723-5-01

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 4723-5-01 - Definitions

For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:

(A) "Administrator of the program" or "program administrator" means the registered nurse who is administratively responsible for a program.
(B) "Advanced standing" means credit granted for prior nursing courses or transfer credit, according to the policy required by paragraph (A)(3) of rule 4723-5-12 of the Administrative Code.
(C) "Accelerated program" means a program or program track that accepts applicants with a non-nursing baccalaureate or higher degree, and that provides a pre-license nursing education program curriculum that meets the requirements of rule 4723-5-13 of the Administrative Code, except that the program spans a minimum of fifty-two weeks of clinical courses.
(D) "Associate program administrator" means a registered nurse who meets the requirements set forth in rule 4723-5-10 of the Administrative Code for a registered nursing education program or rule 4723-5-11 of the Adminstrative Code for a practical nursing education program.
(E) "Change of control" means transfer of the authority to manage, direct, or supervise a program from a controlling agency to another entity, including, but not limited to, the power, directly or indirectly, to direct the management or policies of a program or to vote fifty per cent or more of any class of voting interest in an entity that is the controlling agency.
(F) "Clinical course" means a nursing course that includes clinical experience.
(G) "Clinical experience" means an activity planned to meet course objectives or outcomes and to provide a nursing student with the opportunity to practice cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills in the supervised delivery of nursing care to an individual or group of individuals who require nursing care.
(H) "Compliance" means a program meets and maintains the requirements set forth in this chapter.
(I) "Conceptual framework" means the key concepts and basic themes drawn from the program's philosophy that form the basis for the curriculum.
(J) "Conditional approval" means the initial approval status granted to a proposed program that meets and maintains the requirements of this chapter. Conditional approval authorizes implementation of the program and is required prior to the final acceptance of a student into the program.
(K) "Controlling agency" means the entity that grants credentials upon completion of a program and under which a program is organized and administered.
(L) "Course objectives or outcomes" means the cognitive, psychomotor, or affective knowledge and skills to be learned by the nursing student upon completion of a course.
(M) "Current, valid license" and "current, valid licensure" mean, for the period from February 1, 2008 to February 1, 2016, an individual holds a license issued under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code that is not inactive, suspended, revoked, or currently subject to any restrictions, and for which the individual continues to meet all of the requirements for issuance.
(N) "Current, valid license" and "current, valid licensure" mean an individual holds a license to practice nursing issued under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code that is not inactive, suspended, revoked, subject to restrictions, or subject to a consent agreement or board order with remaining terms or conditions that the individual has not satisfied, and for which the individual continues to meet all of the requirements for issuance.
(O) "Curriculum" means all theory components, clinical components, and laboratory experiences that must be successfully completed for admission to licensure examinations.
(P) "Faculty" means a registered nurse who meets the faculty requirements set forth in rule 4723-5-10 of the Administrative Code for a registered nursing education program or rule 4723-5-11 of the Administrative Code for a practical nursing education program. Faculty:
(1) Plan and teach all courses containing nursing objectives, or direct the teaching of those courses provided by teaching assistants;
(2) Report to the program administrator or associate administrator; and
(3) Contribute to the evaluation and implementation of, or changes in program curriculum.
(Q) "Full approval" means the approval status granted to a program that meets and maintains the requirements of this chapter. Full approval may be granted for a five-year period to:
(1) A program with conditional approval after completion of the program by the first class who entered the program immediately after conditional approval was granted, provided the program meets and maintains the requirements of this chapter;
(2) A program with full approval demonstrating that the requirements of this chapter continue to be met and maintained; or
(3) A program with provisional approval if the board determines that the program is meeting and maintaining the requirements of this chapter and if the established time period for provisional approval has expired.
(R) "High fidelity" means experiences using full scale computerized patient simulators, virtual reality or standardized patients that are extremely realistic and provide a high level of interactivity and realism for the learner.
(S) "Jurisdiction" means any state, territory, or political subdivision of the United States of America in which a board or legal approving authority regulates nurse licensure and nursing practice and maintains membership in the national council of state boards of nursing.
(T) "Laboratory experience" means an activity planned to meet course objectives or outcomes and to provide a nursing student with the opportunity to practice cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills in the performance of nursing activities or tasks in a simulated clinical environment, which may include the opportunity to practice nursing skills through the reproduction of life-like health care experiences using computerized models and simulator programs.
(U) "Life span" means conception to death.
(V) "Low fidelity" means experiences such as case studies, role-playing, using partial task trainers or static mannequins to immerse students in a clinical situation or practice of a specific skill.
(W) "Mid or moderate fidelity" means experiences that are more technologically sophisticated, such as computer-based self-directed learning systems simulations in which the participant relies on a two-dimensional focused experience to problem solve, perform a skill, and make decisions, or which use mannequins that are more realistic than static low- fidelity ones and have breath sounds, heart sounds and/or pulses.
(X) "Observational experience" means faculty assigned learning experiences during which a student observes the delivery of care to patients, but does not participate in providing nursing care.
(Y) "Organizing theme" means the concepts drawn from one or more theorists that provide a description as to how the concepts serve as a basis for curriculum development.
(Z) "Patient simulation" means the replication of a real world patient in situ through accurate representations of patient cues and stimuli that a student is to observe, analyze, interact, and respond to with right nursing judgments and actions. The replication may be provided through the use or combination of low fidelity, mid or moderate fidelity, or high fidelity experiences.
(AA) "Pharmacotherapeutics" means knowledge and intervention related to the administration of medications and includes, but is not limited to, drug actions and interactions, indications for and usage of the drug, contraindications, dosage, route of administration, side effects of the drug, and nursing implications.
(BB) "Philosophy" means beliefs about the nature of the individual, society or community, nursing, health, teaching, and learning.
(CC) "Practical nursing education program" means a nursing education program that leads to initial licensure as a licensed practical nurse.
(DD) "Preceptor" means a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse who meets the requirements of this chapter, who provides supervision of a nursing student's clinical experience at the clinical agency in which the preceptor is employed, to no more than two students at any one time, and who implements the clinical education plan at the direction of a faculty member responsible for the course in which the student is enrolled.
(EE) "Program" means an approved nursing education program leading to initial licensure to practice as a nurse that issues a program completion letter to the board.
(FF) "Program objectives or outcomes" means the cognitive, psychomotor, or affective knowledge and skills to be learned by a nursing student upon completion of a program.
(GG) "Provisional approval" means the approval status granted in accordance with this chapter to a program that was previously granted full approval, but fails to meet and maintain the requirements of this chapter. Provisional approval is granted for a specific time period.
(HH) "Registered nursing education program" means a professional nursing education program that leads to initial licensure as a registered nurse.
(II) "Representative of the board" means an employee of the board or an individual designated by the board to act on the board's behalf.
(JJ) "Resume" means a resume, curriculum vitae, or any other record that summarizes an individual's education and nursing related employment history, including the locations of educational institutions and employers, dates of graduation, months and years of employment, and description of job functions performed.
(KK) "Structured setting" means a setting in which direction and supervision are readily available; written policies and procedures are in place; and information, material, and human resources are easily accessed.
(LL) "Supervision of a nursing student in a clinical setting" means that a faculty member, teaching assistant, or preceptor is immediately available to the nursing student at all times to provide guidance and review of the student's performance.
(MM) "Survey report" means any report, or any summary of such a report, prepared by a representative of the board that contains information from an on-site review of a program or proposed program.
(NN) "Survey visit" means an on-site review of a program or proposed program by a representative of the board to determine whether the program meets and maintains the requirements of this chapter for nursing education programs.
(OO) "Teaching assistant" means a person employed to assist and work at the direction of a faculty member providing instruction in the classroom, laboratory, or in a clinical setting in which nursing care is delivered to an individual or group of individuals, and who meets the qualifications set forth in this chapter.
(PP) "Teaching strategy" means a system of instructional processes designed to meet course objectives or outcomes.

Ohio Admin. Code 4723-5-01

Effective: 2/1/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/14/2021 and 10/16/2026
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4723.07
Rule Amplifies: 4723.06
Prior Effective Dates: 02/01/1996, 02/01/2002, 02/01/2003, 02/01/2007, 02/01/2008, 02/01/2012, 02/01/2016, 04/01/2017