Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 4101:10-5-01 - [Effective 4/1/2025] Construction documents(A) Organization of construction documents. Construction documents are to provide required information as prescribed in paragraph (C) of rule 4101:10-4-01 of the Administrative Code and this rule. Information required to determine compliance will be searched first in the document illustrations, schedules, specifications and reports as described in paragraphs (B) to (L) of this rule. To assist in efficient plan review, the construction documents are to be prepared, to the greatest extent possible, in conformity with paragraphs (B) to (L) of this rule, as applicable, based on the requested authorization:(B) Design scope and criteria. (1) Cover sheet. Provide identification of manufacturer, facility of manufacture, unique model identification, evidence of responsibility for the design and, either on the cover sheet or the next sheet, the following information: (a) Design criteria. Identify the conditions at the site of intended use that are necessary for the installation of the industrialized unit. Including but not limited to: (i) Type of industrialized unit and manner of integration.(ii) Site conditions and restriction(s).(iii) Specialty or limited use(s).(iv) Hazardous materials and the quantity of each used or stored.(b) Scope of work. Each portion of the design represented in the construction documents is to be identified in one of three categories of work: (i) Category 1 factory assembled.(ii) Category 2 site assembled.(iii) Category 3 building owner provided.(c) Index. List of all documents included in the submittal and a method of location.(2) Overview of installation. Provide the information necessary to connect the industrialized unit to on-site construction including load path continuation, utility type, size and quantity, egress continuation, alarm and communication system as required and any additional unique requirements necessary to support, supply or connect the industrialized unit.(3) Exception. Specific site address or building owner information related to the intended initial installation is not required.(C) Horizontal sections. (1) Floor plans. Provide configuration layout drawings of all horizontal floor and floor-ceiling systems with all walls and partitions shown including but not limited to full height, partial height, structural and non-structural walls, major openings, and references to other details, sections, elevations, accessibility and matelines. Floor plans are to show all relevant information such as door swings, stairs and ramps, windows, shafts, all portions of the means of egress, plumbing fixtures, built-in fixtures, special equipment, vertical transportation, etc., and be sufficiently dimensioned to describe all relevant space sizes. Spaces are to be identified by appropriate code appellations. The number of occupants to be accommodated in each industrialized unit and in all rooms and spaces of the industrialized unit are to be designated on construction documents;(2) Roof plan. Where exposed to weather, provide a roof plan showing roof outline, overall dimensions, slope of roof, drainage, reference to other details, roof covering materials, penetrations through roof, and roof-mounted equipment;(D) Vertical sections.(1) Exterior elevations. For modules with vertical surfaces exposed to weather, provide exterior elevations showing and identifying major elements, material indications, windows, doors, louvers and all other openings, grade lines, floor lines, the bottom of module, top of foundation, top of wall/module/roof bearing, top of roof, mate lines for intra- and inter-connections, references to other details and vertical dimensions to these elements.(2) Module sections. Vertical dimensions, elevations of the top of structural components and finish floor lines, materials, footings and foundations, reference to other details, ceiling lines, and major mechanical services.(3) Wall sections. Face of wall dimensions to other components, vertical dimensions from foundations to parapet relating all elements to top of structural elements, all connection methods, wall, ceiling, floor, foundation, and roof materials and construction details.(4) Interior elevations. Vertical dimensions to critical elements, references to other details, openings in walls, wall finishes, built-in items, accessibility, and locations of switches, thermostats, and other wall-mounted equipment.(E) Exterior envelope. Where exposed to weather, the exterior envelope described in sufficient detail to determine compliance with this code and the referenced standards. Details are to be provided which describe flashing, intersections with dissimilar materials, corners, end details, control joints, intersections at roof, eaves, or parapets, means of drainage, water-resistive membrane details around openings, location and type of vapor retarders, window and door "U"-values, and insulation location and "R"-values. The supporting documentation is to fully describe the exterior wall system, which was tested, where applicable, as well as the test procedure used.(F) Schedules. Information or tables that describe the room finishes, doors, windows, and door hardware and controls. Wall and floor materials are to be described by cross hatching (with explanatory key), by notation, or by other clearly understandable method.(G) Structure. Provide complete description of the structural system including size and location of all structural elements and the values of live, wind, snow, rain and seismic loads used in the design of the industrialized unit and other data as required to fully describe the structural system. The resultant loads at the points of inter-connection with on-site construction are to be provided.(H) Building services systems. Provide complete description of the building services (plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas and electrical) systems, fire protection systems and medical gas systems that are part of the industrialized unit that may include but is not limited to: (1) Plumbing. (a) Materials and general routing and sizes of all piping, joints and fittings;(b) Location and type of plumbing fixtures and equipment;(c) Plumbing schematics and isometrics;(d) Insulation "R"-values;(2) Mechanical.(a) Materials and general routing and sizes of all ductwork, vents, and louvers;(b) Location and type of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and other mechanical equipment;(c) Insulation "R"-values;(d) Materials and general routing and sizes of all fuel gas piping and valves;(3) Electrical wiring. (a) Location and type of all lighting and controls;(b) Location and type of all power equipment and devices;(c) Type and size of all electrical conductors and overcurrent protection.(4) Fire protection systems.(c) Fire suppression system occupancy hazard classification and required water supply data.(I) Energy conservation. Where energy conservation compliance is demonstrated through a method other than the prescriptive method, provide supporting documentation like energy analysis compliance software reports.(J) Hazardous materials. Where use, storage or production of hazardous materials is intended, provide information regarding the operations; the types, quantities, and arrangement of flammable, combustible, or hazardous materials proposed to be produced, used, dispensed, or stored in the facility; material safety data sheets for hazardous materials produced, used, or stored in the facility; the commodity and arrangement of high piled or rack storage, control areas, etc.(K) Material, component or system reports. Where alternative materials, components, systems or methods of construction are proposed, provide the evaluation reports or other recognized technical analysis information to support compliance with the applicable building code requirements.(L) Panelized units. Where the industrialized unit is a panelized unit, all of the above information is required, as applicable, based on the scope of the requested authorization except floor plans and roofs plans. The elevations and sections required in paragraphs (D)(1) to (D)(4) of this rule are to be provided for the panel in lieu of the volume bounded by the panel. For panelized units, any volumes, spaces or rooms created by their use including but not limited to the means of egress, accessibility, lighting, power, hvac systems, etc. are to be approved by the building official having authority to enforce the applicable building code for the jurisdiction where the industrialized unit is installed. Replaces: 4101:1-1-01
Ohio Admin. Code 4101:10-5-01
Effective: 4/1/2025
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 01/01/2030
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3781.10(A)(1)
Rule Amplifies: 3781.10, 3781.11, 3791.04
Prior Effective Dates: 08/01/2018, 03/01/2024