Ohio Admin. Code 4101:1-9-01

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 4101:1-9-01 - Fire protection and life safety systems

Chapter 9 of the International Building Code, 2021 edition, as incorporated by reference and modified in Section 101.1.1 of this code, is further modified as follows:

(A)Modify Section 901.3 to add a sentence at the end of the paragraph that reads as follows:

Termination of fire alarm monitoring services are to be in accordance with Section 901.9 of the International Fire Code.

(B)Replace section 901.5 with the following:
901.5Acceptance tests. Fire protection systems are to be tested in accordance with the requirements of this code, the International Fire Code, and the applicable standards referenced in this code. Required acceptance tests are to be conducted at the expense of the owner or the owner's representative. The building official may require that the acceptance tests be conducted in the presence of a certified building inspector or a certified fire protection system inspector. Test results are to be documented and test records and certificates are to be submitted to the building official and the fire official upon completion. Copies of test records and certificates are also to be maintained at the jobsite and made available to the inspector conducting the fire protection systems final inspections. It is unlawful to occupy portions of a structure until the required fire protection systems within that portion of the structure have been tested, inspected, and approved.
(C)Add new section 901.8 to read as follows:
901.8Welding and brazing. Section 4104.44 of the Revised Code governs the requirements for welding and brazing of metallic building services piping systems referenced by this code.
(D)Modify section 903.2.1.3 to add an exception to condition 1 that reads as follows:


1.1Fire areas used exclusively for religious worship services with fixed seating.
(E)Modify section 903.2.1.3 to add exceptions to condition 2 that read as follows:


2.1Fire areas used primarily for worship with fixed seating.
2.2Fire areas without fixed seating not used for exhibition or display; or
(F)Modify section 903.2.1.3 to add an exception to and at the end of the entire section that reads as follows:

Exception: Areas used exclusively as participant sports areas where the main floor area is located at the same level as the level of exit discharge of the main entrance and exit.

(G)Modify section 903.2.1.4 to add an exception to and at the end of the entire section that reads as follows:

Exception: Areas used exclusively as participant sports areas where the main floor area is located at the same level as the level of exit discharge of the main entrance and exit.

(H)Modify section 903.2.3 to add an additional condition that reads as follows:
4. Throughout every portion of Group E day care facilities - 2 1/2 years or less of age.

Exception: An automatic sprinkler system is not required throughout Group E day care facilities that provide care for more than five but no more than 100 children 2 1/2 years or less of age where the day care facilities are at the level of exit discharge and where every room where care is provided has no fewer than one exterior exit door for which the exit access and exit discharge do not include the traversing of stairs.

(I)Modify section 903.2.6 to add the following phrase at the end of exception #2:

for which the exit access and exit discharge do not require the traversing of stairs.

(J)Modify section 903.2.8 to add an exception that reads as follows:

Exception: Group R-2. An automatic sprinkler system is not required in buildings of Group R-2 permitted to have a single exit per Section 1006.3.4 where:

1. The building is not used as an "SRO" occupancy as defined in Chapter 2, and
2. The exit is constructed as an exterior exit stairway per Section 1027, and
3. The dwelling units egress directly into an exit, and
4. Two-hour fire barriers divide the building into fire areas with a maximum of two dwelling units per floor and not more than six dwelling units per fire area, and
5. All dwelling units in the fire area must have separations as required by Section 708.1 for dwelling units, and
6. The building is limited to a basement and two stories above grade plane, and
7. The building contains no more than four dwelling units per floor and no more than twelve dwelling units per building.
(K)Modify section 903.2.10 condition #3 to read as follows:
3. Deleted.
(L)Modify the first phrase of section 903.3.1.2 to read as follows:
903.3.1.2NFPA 13R sprinkler systems.Automatic sprinkler systems in Group I-1, Condition 1 facilities and Group R occupancies are permitted to be installed throughout in accordance with NFPA 13R where the Group R occupancy meets all of the following conditions:
(M)Modify section 903.3.6 to retain IBC text, including "fire code official".
(N)Replace section 903.3.8.1 with the following:
903.3.8.1Number of sprinklers. Limited area sprinkler systems are not to exceed nineteen sprinklers in any single fire area.
(O)Modify section 903.4 to add exception #9 that reads as follows:
9. Backflow prevention assembly water supply control valves that are locked in the open position.
(P)Modify the exception in section 903.4.1 to read as follows:

Exception: Backflow prevention assembly water supply control valves that are locked in the open position.

(Q)Modify section 903.4.2 to add an exception that reads as follows:

Exception: Waterflow alarms are not required for limited area sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.8.

(R)Modify section 904.7 as follows:

Delete phrase "and NFPA 16"

(S)Modify section 904.13 as follows:

In item #4, change "NFPA 16" to "NFPA 11"

(T)Modify section 905.3.1 to add exceptions #7 & #8 that reads as follows:
7. Class I manual standpipes are allowed in open parking garages where the highest floor is located not more than 150 feet (45720 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.
8. Class I manual dry standpipes are allowed in open parking garages that are subject to freezing temperatures, provided that the hose connections are located as required for Class II standpipes in accordance with Section 905.5.
(U)Modify section 907.2.9.3 as follows:

Replace the word "operated" with the phrase "owned or operated"

(V)Modify section 907.2.11 to add the following phrase at the end of the section:

"and Section 314.1.2 of the Residential Code of Ohio."

(W)Modify section 907.5.2 to add the following sentence to the end of the section:

Audible and visual alarm notification appliances are to be located and installed in accordance with this section, NFPA 72, Chapter 11, and ICC A117.1.

(X)Replace section 907. to read as follows:
907. R-2. In Group R-2 occupancies required by Section 907 to have a fire alarm system, each story that contains dwelling units and sleeping units is to be provided with the capability to support future visible alarm notification appliances in accordance with ICC A117.1 and be designed and installed to accommodate wired or wireless equipment.
(Y)Modify section 907.6.6.2 to retain IBC text, including "fire code official".
(Z)Replace section 909. to read as follows:
909. filing. A copy of the final report is to be filed with the building official, the fire official, and maintained in an approved location at the building.
(AA)Modify section 911.1.6, item #17 to read as follows:
17. Elevator fire recall switch in accordance with ASME A17.1/CSA B44 as referenced in rule 4101:5-3-01 of the Administrative Code.
(BB)Modify Section 912.1 to add exceptions that read as follows:

Exceptions: Fire department connections are not required for:

1. Limited area sprinkler systems supplied from the domestic water system.
2.Automatic sprinkler systems having less than 20 sprinklers.
(CC)Add new section 913.1.1 that reads as follows:
913.1.1Minimum suction pressure to be maintained. When a fire pump is installed, the "Ohio Environmental Protection Agency" requires the installation of a low pressure cut-off, a low suction throttling valve, or variable speed suction limiting controls to ensure that a minimum of 10 psi is maintained in the suction line while the pump is operating (see rule 3745-95-07 of the Administrative Code).
(DD)Modify section 915.5.1 as follows:

Change the NFPA reference from "720" to "72"

(EE)Modify section 915.5.2 as follows:

Change the NFPA reference from "720" to "72"

(FF)Replace section 916.2 with the following:
916.2Approvals. Approvals are required as set forth in Chapter 1 of this code.

Replaces: 4101:1-9-01

Ohio Admin. Code 4101:1-9-01

Effective: 3/1/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 03/01/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3781.10(A)(1)
Rule Amplifies: 3781.10, 3781.11, 3791.04
Prior Effective Dates: 07/01/1979, 01/01/1981, 07/01/1982, 03/01/1985, 07/01/1985, 03/01/1986, 09/01/1986, 01/01/1989, 01/01/1990, 08/01/1990, 09/01/1992, 02/01/1993, 03/01/1998, 01/01/2002, 01/01/2003, 08/15/2003, 01/01/2004, 03/01/2005, 09/06/2005, 03/01/2006, 07/01/2006, 07/01/2007, 01/01/2009, 11/01/2011, 03/01/2013, 01/01/2016, 11/01/2017, 08/01/2018