Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 4101:1-13-01 - Energy efficiencyChapter 13 of the International Building Code, 2021 edition, as incorporated by reference, is further modified as follows:
(A)Replace section 1301.1.1 with the following:1301.1.1Criteria. Buildings are to be designed and constructed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the "International Energy Conservation Code" or the requirements of "ASHRAE 90.1" listed in Chapter 35 of this code except as modified in Sections 1301.2 and 1301.3.(B)Add new section 1301.2 that reads as follows:1301.2Modifications to the International Energy Conservation Code. The following changes are made to the International Energy Conservation Code: Residential Provisions
1.Section R403.3.7 is to read: " Building cavities (Mandatory). Building framing cavities are not to be used as supply ducts."Commercial Provisions
1. Add a new paragraph at the end of Section C402.1 General that reads: "Compliance with ACI/TMS 122.1 is permitted for mitigating the effects of thermal bridges in concrete or masonry assemblies."2.Section C405.11 Automatic Receptacle Control: Delete section and subsections.3. Section C405.12 Energy Monitoring: Delete section and subsections.4.Chapter 6 Referenced Standards: Add promulgating agencies American Concrete Institute (ACI), 38800 Country Club Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331 and The Masonry Society (TMS), 105 South Sunset Street, Suite Q, Longmont, CO 80501 and Referenced standard ACI-TMS Code 122.1-21 titled Thermal Bridge Mitigation for Buildings having Concrete and Masonry Walls and Masonry Veneer- Code Requirements and Commentary.(C)Add new section 1301.3 that reads as follows:1301.3Modifications to ASHRAE 90.1. The following changes are made to the ASHRAE 90.1: 1.Section Space Conditioning Categories: Add a new exception 2 to read as follows: "Building and portions of buildings used for industrial or manufacturing purposes that are not cooled and where the energy use of the industrial or manufacturing processes exceeds 80 percent of the total energy use of the building may be considered as a semiheated space for the purposes of thermal envelope requirements."
2. Add new Section 5.2.3 Thermal bridging mitigation that reads as follows:" Compliance with ACI/TMS 122.1 is permitted for mitigating the effects of thermal bridges in concrete or masonry assemblies."3.Section 8.4.2 Automatic Receptacle Control: Delete section.4.Section 8.4.3 Electrical Energy Monitoring: Delete section and subsections.5.Section 12 Normative References: Add promulgating agencies American Concrete Institute (ACI), 38800 Country Club Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331 and The Masonry Society (TMS), 105 South Sunset Street, Suite Q, Longmont, CO 80501 and Normative reference ACI-TMS Code 122.1-21 titled Thermal Bridge Mitigation for Buildings having Concrete and Masonry Walls and Masonry Veneer- Code Requirements and Commentary.Replaces: 4101:1-13-01
Ohio Admin. Code 4101:1-13-01
Effective: 3/1/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 03/01/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3781.10(A)(1)
Rule Amplifies: 3781.10, 3781.11, 3791.04
Prior Effective Dates: 09/06/2005, 07/01/2007, 11/01/2011, 07/01/2014, 01/01/2017, 11/01/2017