Ohio Admin. Code 4101:1-11-01

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 4101:1-11-01 - Accessibility

Chapter 11 of the International Building Code, 2021 edition, as incorporated by reference and modified in Section 101.1.1 of this code, is further modified as follows:

(A)Replace section 1102.1 with the following:
1102.1Design. Buildings and facilities are to be designed and constructed to be accessible in accordance with this code and ICC A117.1. Any references to ICC A117.1 throughout this code are to be applied with the following amendment:
1. Change the last sentence in Section 603.3 of ICC A117.1, to read:

Where mirrors are located above counters that do not contain lavatories, the bottom edge of the reflecting surface of the mirror is to be 35 inches (890 mm) maximum above the floor.

(B)Add new section 1102.2 to read as follows:
1102.2Existing buildings. Existing buildings are to comply with Chapter 34. Where an existing building is required to comply with the provisions of Chapter 11, any reference to ICC A117.1 is to the edition of ICC A117.1 identified in Chapter 35 of this code.
(C)Modify section 1104.4 Exception #1 as follows:

Add the phrase "per story" after the area limit of 3,000 square feet (278.7m2) in exception #1.

(D)Modify section 1110.1 as follows:

Change the range of sections from "1110.2 through 1110.16" to "1110.2 through 1110.18."

(E)Replace the exceptions to section 1110.2.1.2 to read as follows:

Exception: The following additional fixtures and equipment are permitted in a family or assisted-use toilet room.

1. A urinal.
2. A child-height water closet.
3. A child-height lavatory.
4. Adult and baby changing stations.
5. Other fixtures and equipment that may be required by other provisions of this code.
(F)Add new section 1110.17 as follows:
1110.17Mail receptacles. Where provided, mail receptacles are to be accessible in accordance with Sections 1110.17.1 or 1110.17.2.
1110.17.1Dwelling units and sleeping units. Where mail receptacles are provided for Accessible, Type A or Type B dwelling and sleeping units, accessible mail receptacles are to be provided in accordance with 1110.17.1.1 or 1110.17.1.2.
1110.17.1.1Centralized mail receptacles. Where each individual mail compartment of a centralized mail receptacle is assigned to a specific dwelling unit or sleeping unit, the individual mail compartments are to comply with 1110. or 1110.
1110. without an elevator. In a structure without an elevator, all individual mail compartments assigned to Accessible Units, Type A Units and Type B Units in each location are to be accessible.
1110. with an elevator. In a structure with an elevator, fifty percent of all individual mail compartments in each location are to be accessible. Individual mail compartments assigned to Accessible and Type A units are to be included in the accessible mailboxes.
1110. lockers. All parcel lockers of centralized mail receptacles are to be accessible.
1110.17.1.2Individual house-mounted and curbside mail receptacles. Where an individual house-mounted or curbside mail receptacle serves a dwelling unit or sleeping unit that is required to be an Accessible unit, Type A unit or Type B unit, the mail receptacle are to be accessible.
1110.17.2Other occupancies. Where mail receptacles are provided in occupancies not falling within the purview of Section 1110.17.1, at least 5 percent, but not less than one, of each type in each location, are to be accessible.
(G)Add new section 1110.18 as follows:
1110.18Adult changing stations. Where provided, adult changing stations are to include a changing table that meets the requirements of 1110.18.5 and are to be accessible in accordance with ICC A117.1 and Section 1113. Where adult changing stations are required per Section 1110.18.1, compliance with Sections 1110.18.2 through 1110.18.5 is also required.
1110.18.1Where required. At least one adult changing station is to be provided in all the following locations:
1. In assembly and mercantile occupancies, where family or assisted-use toilet or bathing rooms are required by Section 1110.2.1.

Exception: Where the use is as a nightclub, bar, tavern, dance hall or similar purpose, the adult changing station is to be provided where a family or assisted-use toilet or bathing room is required by Section 1110.2.1 and the occupant load is 450 or greater.

2. In Group B occupancies providing educational facilities for students above the 12th grade, where an aggregate of twelve of more male and female water closets are required to serve the classrooms and lecture halls.
3. In Group E occupancies, where a room or space used for assembly purposes requires an aggregate of six or more male and female water closets for that room or space.
4. In highway rest stops and highway service plazas.
1110.18.2Room. Adult changing stations are to be located in toilet rooms that include only one water closet and only one lavatory. Fixtures located in such rooms are to be included in determining the number of fixtures provided in an occupancy. The occupants are to have access to the required adult changing station at all times that the associated occupancy is occupied.

Exception: Adult changing stations are permitted to be located in family or assisted-use toilet rooms required in Section 1110.2.1.

1110.18.3Prohibited location. The accessible route to an accessible adult changing station is prohibited to include travel through security checkpoints.
1110.18.4Travel distance. The adult changing stations station is to be located on an accessible route such that a person is no more than two stories above or below the story with the adult changing station and the path of travel to such facility is less than 2000 feet.
1110.18.5Adult changing table safety features. Adult changing tables are to include the following safety features:
1. A retractable safety rail in accordance with Section 1113.4.4,
2. A changing surface that is durable, non-absorbent and resistant to corrosion, and
3. Designed to support a weight of not less than 400 lbs. (182 kg) applied to any point on the changing surface.
(H)Replace section 1111.1 with the following:
1111.1Scope. Recreational facilities located within a building that is within the scope of this code are to comply with this section. Provisions of the federal law, contained in Chapters 2 and 10 of the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, may apply to the design of recreational facilities that are outside the scope of this code.
(I)Add a note and exceptions at the end of section 1111.4.8.2 to read as follows:

Note: Coordination is to be performed for amusement rides regulated by the Ohio department of agriculture to determine whether the ride provides at least one wheelchair space, amusement ride seat designed for transfer, or transfer device.


1. Amusement rides that are controlled or operated by the rider are not required to comply with this section.
2. Amusement rides designed primarily for children, where children are assisted on and off the ride by an adult, are not required to comply with this section.
3. Amusement rides that do not provide seats that are built-in or mechanically fastened are not required to comply with this section.
(J)Replace section 1111.4.8.3 with the following:
1111.4.8.3Minimum number. Deleted.
(K)Add new section 1111.4.16 to read as follows:
1111.4.16Golf Facilities. Buildings and amenities serving a golf course, such as parking areas, golf cart rental stations, toilet rooms, clubhouses and other structures are to be accessible and be located on an accessible route.
1111.4.16.1Golf Courses. Golf course elements directly associated with practicing and playing the golf course such as the tee grounds, tee boxes, putting greens, golf cart paths, practice putting greens, practice teeing grounds, and teeing stations at driving ranges are not regulated by this code.
(L)Add new section 1112.1.1 to read as follows:
1112.1.1Signs to designate accessible parking spaces and passenger loading zones.Accessible parking spaces, van- accessible spaces and passenger loading zones required by section 1106 to be reserved for individuals with disabilities, are to be provided with a sign mounted on a fixed or movable post or otherwise affixed in a vertical position so that the sign is clearly visible to the driver of a vehicle when parked in such a location. A notice is to be affixed to this sign or posted adjacent to it that states the amount of the fine established by section 4511.99 of the Revised Code for the offense of parking a vehicle in this location if it is not legally entitled to do so.

Note: The fine established by section 4511.99 of the Revised Code is to be not less than two hundred fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars.

(M)Add new section 1113 to read as follows:


1113.1General. Adult changing stations are to be on an accessible route and are to comply with Section 1113.2 through 1113.4. See Section 1110.18 for additional requirements applicable to required adult changing stations.
1113.2Installation location. Required adult changing stations are to be installed in accordance with Section 1113.2.1. Non-required adult changing stations are to be installed in accordance with Section 1113.2.1, 1113.2.2 or 1113.2.3 based on the proposed location of the adult changing station.
1113.2.1.Single user or family or assisted-use toilet or bathing room. Where adult changing stations are provided in a toilet room with only one water closet and one lavatory, or in a family or assisted-use toilet or bathing room, the room is to have all of the following components:
1. A dispenser for soap complying with Section 308 of ICC A117.1.
2. A hand towel dispenser or hand dryer complying with Table 603.6 of ICC A117.1.
3. A coat hook located in close proximity to the changing surface.
4. A waste receptacle.
5. Signage indicating "Adult Changing Station" provided at the entrance to the room and complying with the visual character requirements in Section 703.2 of ICC A117.1.
6. Signage indicating the weight capacity and instructions for operation of the changing station within the room.
1113.2.2Multi-user toilet or bathing room. Where adult changing stations are provided in a multi-user toilet or bathing room, the adult changing station is to be located in a compartment that includes all of the following components:
1. Privacy provided by walls, curtains or partitions enclosing the compartment.
2. A turning space complying with Section 304 of ICC A117.1.
3. A lavatory complying with Section 606 of ICC A117.1.
4. A dispenser for soap complying with Section 308 of ICC A117.1.
5. A hand towel dispenser or hand dryer complying with Table 603.6 of ICC A117.1.
6. A coat hook in close proximity to the changing surface.
7. A waste receptacle.
8. Signage indicating "Adult Changing Station" provided at the entrance to the room and complying with the visual character requirements in Section 703.2 of ICC A117.1.
9. Signage indicating the weight capacity and instructions for operation of the changing station within the compartment.
1113.2.3Room or space other than a toilet room or bathing room. Where adult changing stations are provided in a room or space other than a toilet or bathing room and including, but not limited to, nurses' work areas, therapist work areas, or special education classrooms, the adult changing station is to be located in a compartment or room that includes all of the following components:
1. Privacy provided by walls, curtains or partitions.
2. A turning space complying with Section 304 of ICC A117.1.
3. A lavatory complying with Section 606 of ICC A117.1 or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispenser.
4. Where a lavatory is provided in the compartment or room, provide a dispenser for soap.
5. Where a lavatory is provided in the compartment or room, provide a hand towel dispenser or hand dryer complying with Table 603.6 of ICC A117.1.
6. A waste receptacle.
7. Signage indicating the weight capacity and instructions for operation of the changing station within the room.
1113.2.4Directional signage to adult changing stations. The locations of the adult changing stations are to be identified on any directional graphic of the facility used to orient the public visitor.
1113.3Room clearances. An adult changing station and its supporting structure is not permitted to obstruct the required clear floor spaces and clearances at accessible elements, maneuvering clearances at doors, or the wheelchair turning spaces.
1113.4Changing surface. A changing surface is to be provided and is to comply with Section 1113.4.
1113.4.1Size. The changing surface is to be 70 inches (1778mm) minimum in length and 30 inches (762mm) minimum in width.
1113.4.2Height adjustability. The changing surface height is to be adjustable at variable heights from 17 inches (432mm) minimum to 38 inches (965mm) maximum above the floor as measured to the top of the changing surface.

Exception: Where the adult changing station is not required, a fixed height changing surface is permitted and is to be mounted with the top of the changing surface 19 inches (483mm) minimum and 23 inches (584 mm) maximum above the floor.

1113.4.3Clearances. Clearances complying with Sections 1113.4.3.1 and 1113.4.3.2 are to be provided adjacent to the changing surface, measured when the surface is in the operational position.
1113.4.3.1Side clearance. A side clearance measuring 36-inch (914mm) wide, minimum, is to be provided along the entire length of at least one long side of the changing surface.

Exception: In the raised position, the side rail is permitted to overlap the side clearance.

1113.4.3.2End clearance. An end clearance measuring 36-inch (914mm) wide, minimum, is to be provided along the entire length of at least one short side of the changing surface. The end clearance is to extend the depth of the changing surface and the side clearance.


1. A 24-inch (610 mm) wide minimum end clearance is permitted where a clear floor space complying with Section 305.3 of ICC A117.1 is provided within the room beyond the clearances for the changing surface.
2. Where installed in locations specified in Section 1113.2.3, end clearances complying with Section 1113.4.3.2 is not required.
1113.4.4Side rail. Side rails are to comply with Sections 1113.4.4.1 and 1113.4.4.2.
1113.4.4.1Size and location. Side rails are to be a minimum of 2/3 of the length of the changing surface and are to be centered +/- 3 inch (75 mm) along the long open sides of the changing surface.
1113.4.4.2Rail positioning. Side rails are to be capable of being raised and lowered. The side rail is to be fixed in place when in the raised position. The top of the side rail is to extend 5 inches (127mm) minimum above the top of the changing surface.

Replaces: 4101:1-11-01

Ohio Admin. Code 4101:1-11-01

Effective: 3/1/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 03/01/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3781.10(A)(1), 3781.111
Rule Amplifies: 3781.10, 3781.11, 3781.111, 3791.04
Prior Effective Dates: 07/01/1979, 01/01/1980, 01/01/1981, 10/01/1981, 07/01/1982, 01/01/1983, 03/01/1985, 07/01/1985, 03/01/1986, 01/01/1989, 09/01/1992, 02/01/1993, 07/01/1995, 03/01/1998, 01/01/2002, 08/15/2003, 03/01/2005, 09/06/2005, 07/01/2007, 11/01/2007, 01/01/2009, 11/01/2011, 03/15/2012, 03/01/2013, 07/01/2014, 11/01/2017