Ohio Admin. Code 3745-580-504

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3745-580-504 - Mobilization and demobilization notification of a mobile scrap tire recovery facility
(A) Mobilization. Prior to conducting activities at a new project site, the operator of the mobile scrap tire recovery facility shall do the following:
(1) Not later than fourteen days prior to mobilizing, send written notification of intent via certified mail or any other form of mail accompanied by a receipt to the following entities:
(a) The fire department having responsibility for providing fire control services where the mobile scrap tire recovery facility will mobilize that includes a copy of the fire contingency plan as specified in paragraph (A)(4) of this rule.
(b) The board of health for the county to which the mobile scrap tire recovery facility will mobilize.
(c) The appropriate Ohio EPA district office for the county to which the mobile scrap tire recovery facility will mobilize.
(2) Ensure the written notification specified in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule contains, at a minimum, the following information:
(a) The name, business address, and registration number of the mobile scrap tire recovery facility.
(b) A contact name, email address, and telephone number for the mobile scrap tire recovery facility.
(c) The location or address to which the mobile scrap tire recovery facility is mobilizing.
(d) The project start date and the estimated duration of the project.
(e) A brief description of the proposed operations and project site, including but not limited to the number of tires involved in the project.
(f) A brief description of equipment that will be used for the project.
(3) In addition to the notification specified in paragraphs (A)(1) and (A)(2) of this rule, for each mobilization of a mobile scrap tire recovery facility, send the following information to the appropriate Ohio EPA district office not later than fourteen days prior to mobilizing:
(a) Certification that the owner or operator of the mobile scrap tire recovery facility will locate the outside scrap tire handling area or scrap tire storage areas to meet the setbacks detailed in paragraph (B) of rule 3745-580-510 of the Administrative Code.
(b) An estimate of the pre-existing scrap tires or processed scrap tires on the project site in PTE using the conversion factors in rule 3745-580-09 of the Administrative Code.
(4) Additional Information. For each project site to which the mobile scrap tire recovery facility will mobilize, add the following project site specific information to the fire contingency plan specified in rule 3745-580-501 of the Administrative Code:
(a) A list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers for the following:
(i) Local police and fire departments.
(ii) The board of health.
(iii) The local solid waste management district.
(iv) The Ohio EPA office of emergency response.
(v) The appropriate Ohio EPA district office.
(vi) Any local contractors and emergency response teams.
(b) A copy of written agreements with the local police and fire departments, contractors, and local emergency response teams to coordinate emergency services in the event of a fire at the mobile scrap tire recovery facility.
(B) Demobilization. The operator shall submit a demobilization notice not later than fourteen days after leaving from a project site to the entities listed in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule and that contains the following information:
(1) The name, business address, and registration number of the mobile scrap tire recovery facility.
(2) A contact name, email address, and telephone number for the mobile scrap tire recovery facility.
(3) The location or address from which the mobile scrap tire recovery facility completed operations.
(4) The project completion date.
(5) A brief description of the completed operations, including number of tires processed, if any scrap tires or product was left at the project site, and any remedial actions performed (i.e., solid or hazardous waste disposal, fire residual removal, grading or seeding, etc.).

Replaces: 3745-27-67

Ohio Admin. Code 3745-580-504

Effective: 6/30/2023
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 06/30/2028
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3734.02, 3734.73
Rule Amplifies: 3734.02, 3734.12, 3734.73, 3734.78
Prior Effective Dates: 03/01/1996, 03/29/2002, 07/01/2004, 11/01/2007