Ohio Admin. Code 3745-555-650

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3745-555-650 - Waste handling

[Comment: For dates of non-regulatory government publications, publications of recognized organizations and associations, and test methods referenced in this rule, see rule 3745-500-03 of the Administrative Code titled "Incorporation by reference."]

The owner or operator of a solid waste transfer facility shall do the following:

(A) Ensure equipment necessary for operations is at the transfer facility and is operational.
(B) Not admit waste to any expanded or modified area of the transfer facility until the owner or operator has submitted a construction certification report in accordance with rule 3745-555-500 of the Administrative Code and has received written concurrence from Ohio EPA.
(C) Use scales as the sole means of determining gate receipts. All scales shall be inspected, tested, and approved by the county auditor or city sealer having jurisdiction where the scale is located and shall meet the specifications, tolerances, and regulatory requirements of section 1327.49 of the Revised Code. This paragraph does not apply to the owner or operator of a transfer facility that consists solely of portable containers and where the waste is not placed on a waste handling floor.
(D) Conduct all solid waste storage and handling operations on the waste handling floor, except for the following:
(1) Storage of solid waste in closed containers.
(2) Handling or storage of whole or shredded scrap tires.

[Comment: The owner or operator may be subject to scrap tire registration requirements.]

(3) Handling or storage of dedicated loads of source-separated yard waste. Handling and storage shall not cause or allow the following:
(a) Surface water originating outside the area where the yard waste is handled or stored to come in contact with the yard waste.
(b) Water that has come in contact with yard waste to discharge to surface waters of the state unless authorized pursuant to Chapter 6111. of the Revised Code.
(E) Confine solid waste handling to the smallest practical area.
(F) Transfer all solid wastes arriving at the transfer facility as soon as practicable. All solid wastes arriving at the transfer facility that are not transferred within twelve hours of receipt shall be placed in closed containers or in enclosed buildings, or other means shall be used to prevent water, birds, insects, rodents, and other vectors from reaching the wastes and to prevent the release of leachate. If uncontainerized solid waste remains on the waste handling floor of an enclosed building, the owner or operator shall close the doors of the enclosed building at the end of the day.
(G) Not accept the following at the transfer facility except as specified in this paragraph:
(1) Hazardous waste.
(2) Asbestos-containing waste material.
(3) Liquids, and waste containing liquids which can be readily released under normal climatic conditions, as determined by method 9095 (paint filter liquids test), unless the liquids and waste containing liquids are one of the following:
(a) Source-separated feedstocks, including food scraps containing liquids which are containerized at the transfer facility to prevent the release of liquids.
(b) Used motor oil from residents, where the use or transfer of used motor oil is in accordance with Chapter 3745-279 of the Administrative Code.
(c) Small liquid containers of a size that normally would be found in solid waste from community operations. For the purposes of this rule, solid waste from "community operations" is wastes derived from households (including single and multiple residences, hotels, and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds, and day-use recreation areas.)
(4) Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) waste, as defined in 40 C.F.R., Part 761 (1978), unless otherwise authorized for disposal in a solid waste landfill by 40 C.F.R., Part 761 (1978), Subpart D (storage and disposal).
(5) Low-level radioactive waste, except as authorized by section 3734.027 of the Revised Code.
(6) Technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material (TENORM) prohibited by division (P) of section 3734.02 of the Revised Code.
(7) Any untreated infectious waste, other than those subject to division (B)(1)(a)(ii) of section 3734.021 of the Revised Code. This rule shall not be construed to waive or compromise applicable federal law, including any infectious waste that is subject to the federal packaging and labelling requirements pursuant to the "Hazardous Materials Transportation Act,"49 U.S.C. 5101 (1975).
(8) Scrap tires, unless the scrap tires are being transferred to a scrap tire facility including a scrap tire monofill or a sanitary landfill with a scrap tire monocell.

(9) Lead-acid batteries, unless the lead-acid batteries are accepted from residents and are transferred to a recycling facility in accordance with sections 3734.91 and 3734.911 of the Revised Code.
(10) Dedicated loads of source-separated yard waste, unless one of the following exceptions is met:
(a) The dedicated load of source-separated yard waste is accepted for transfer to a composting facility.
(b) The dedicated load of source-separated yard waste meets one of the following criteria:
(i) The dedicated load of source-separated yard waste is from storm damage or other natural catastrophe and the owner or operator has received written acknowledgement from the solid waste management district of the need for temporary disposal other than at a composting facility.
(ii) The dedicated load of source-separated yard waste was refused acceptance by a composting facility and the load is accompanied by documentation from the composting facility on a form prescribed by the director identifying the vehicle, the vehicle's load, the compost facility which refused acceptance of the vehicle load, the date of refusal, and the printed and signed name of the authorized personnel refusing the load.
(iii) The dedicated load of source-separated yard waste consists of tree trunks and stumps.
(H) If any materials listed in paragraph (G) of this rule are detected in an incoming load, refuse the load unless the material is accepted and managed in accordance with the specified exception.
(I) If any materials listed in paragraph (G) of this rule are found at the transfer facility, remove the material as soon as practicable and properly manage the material unless the material is accepted and managed in accordance with the specified exception.
(J) For loads that are refused pursuant to paragraph (H) of this rule and any materials detected and removed pursuant to paragraph (I) of this rule, note the incident in the log of operations.
(K) Segregate all materials accepted at the transfer facility under an exception listed under paragraph (G) of this rule from other solid wastes awaiting transfer. The owner or operator shall note the types, quantities, and destinations of segregated materials in the log of operations.

Ohio Admin. Code 3745-555-650

Effective: 7/15/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 1/3/2024 and 01/03/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3734.02
Rule Amplifies: 3734.02
Prior Effective Dates: 04/01/2017