Section 3745-54-54 - Amendment of contingency plan(A) The contingency plan shall be reviewed, and immediately amended if necessary, whenever any of the following: (1) The facility's Ohio hazardous waste permit is modified.(2) The contingency plan fails in an emergency.(3) The facility changes - in design, construction, operation, maintenance, or other circumstances - in a way that materially increases the potential for fires, explosions, or releases of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents, or changes the response necessary in an emergency.(4) The list of emergency coordinators changes.(5) The list of emergency equipment changes.(6) Required by the director.(B) A change in the list of facility emergency coordinators or equipment in the contingency plan constitutes a minor modification to the facility's Ohio hazardous waste permit to which the contingency plan is a condition.Ohio Admin. Code 3745-54-54
Effective: 9/29/2021
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 6/7/2021 and 06/05/2026
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3734.12
Rule Amplifies: 3734.12
Prior Effective Dates: 04/15/1981, 01/07/1983, 10/31/2015